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Indy's Team Player Tank Build

indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User

Greets arc forum. I'm Indy, the link to my build above has become the unofficial tanking standard on xbox one. Feel free to ask any questions on how or why my build works.
B) LGPG Leader B)
Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
xeV Indy - PS4 - TR
Nde - XB1 - HR
GT: its indy time
PSN: itsindytime
Twitch: indygoinlive
The Kanye West of Neverwinter


  • dukesirashidukesirashi Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Greetings and welcome to the forum! I have a ton of questions for you as I completely modeled my build off of yours. It is nowhere near complete but I am really enjoying it. I look forward to the conversation. 16+gs gf

    I put a link to your build in another thread previously.
    Post edited by dukesirashi on
  • djionicsxb1djionicsxb1 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    With 22k GS id expect you to be a good tank, but to say you are "my build above has become the unofficial tanking standard on xbox one" is a bit big headed. Things will be changing very soon with mod 6 on XB1 anyway. Not everyone wants to be put into a mould. Also as I have stated in another post, your guide isnt the best, it might be a good place to aim for but I would say building ANY charachter takes time so letting people know what order you would build your tank IE get defence to x deflect to y then HP to a and power to b then as you build them up try to get this that and the other up as you go along.

    Also many OP players/groups now dont always want a NON-DPS player other than a cleric as they feel its faster for them to run without a tank. Also place like Tiamat has parts to it where if there is 5+ tanks in one instance (ie 5+ tanks with lowish GS and not being able to do DPS) will not help if they DO NOT know what there doing (ie buffing/debuffing).

    I am a hybrid and find it suites my game play, but I always switch and mix and match my powers to suite the situation. IE AoE attacks or singular attacks or buffs/debuffs etc etc.

    Sometimes its not about the guide its about knowing the mechanics of your class/powers/skills that make a player more than someone whos just got a very high GS due to buying there way to the top and dont understand (which I have also seen and not saying thats you).

    But least your guide is an option that people can look at and learn from for there own builds. Will keep an eye out for your new guide when mod 6 hits ;)
  • berzerkerlurkerberzerkerlurker Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Indy's guide is a great start for a solid tactician pve build. For group play/buffbot it's great. However, it's painful to play solo with this spec. Unfortunately, neverwinter punishes the support classes that use hybrid approaches. This game is in dire need of a dual spec option. It would make the experience far more enjoyable for those that like to mix it up. But back to my point. Understanding the general game mechanics is more meaningful than just sticking to any build. I would take a tact tank over a healer anytime. When played well you fly through content. Who doesn't love using dailies like a 4th encounter? But to be honest, all this theorycrafting is askewed by the fact that most people are way over geared for the current content anyway. Let's see what happens with the mega mod drop in September.
  • indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    With 22k GS id expect you to be a good tank, but to say you are "my build above has become the unofficial tanking standard on xbox one" is a bit big headed. Things will be changing very soon with mod 6 on XB1 anyway. Not everyone wants to be put into a mould. Also as I have stated in another post, your guide isnt the best, it might be a good place to aim for but I would say building ANY charachter takes time so letting people know what order you would build your tank IE get defence to x deflect to y then HP to a and power to b then as you build them up try to get this that and the other up as you go along.

    Also many OP players/groups now dont always want a NON-DPS player other than a cleric as they feel its faster for them to run without a tank. Also place like Tiamat has parts to it where if there is 5+ tanks in one instance (ie 5+ tanks with lowish GS and not being able to do DPS) will not help if they DO NOT know what there doing (ie buffing/debuffing).

    I am a hybrid and find it suites my game play, but I always switch and mix and match my powers to suite the situation. IE AoE attacks or singular attacks or buffs/debuffs etc etc.

    Sometimes its not about the guide its about knowing the mechanics of your class/powers/skills that make a player more than someone whos just got a very high GS due to buying there way to the top and dont understand (which I have also seen and not saying thats you).

    But least your guide is an option that people can look at and learn from for there own builds. Will keep an eye out for your new guide when mod 6 hits ;)
    With 22k GS id expect you to be a good tank, but to say you are "my build above has become the unofficial tanking standard on xbox one" is a bit big headed. Things will be changing very soon with mod 6 on XB1 anyway. Not everyone wants to be put into a mould. Also as I have stated in another post, your guide isnt the best, it might be a good place to aim for but I would say building ANY charachter takes time so letting people know what order you would build your tank IE get defence to x deflect to y then HP to a and power to b then as you build them up try to get this that and the other up as you go along.

    Also many OP players/groups now dont always want a NON-DPS player other than a cleric as they feel its faster for them to run without a tank. Also place like Tiamat has parts to it where if there is 5+ tanks in one instance (ie 5+ tanks with lowish GS and not being able to do DPS) will not help if they DO NOT know what there doing (ie buffing/debuffing).

    I am a hybrid and find it suites my game play, but I always switch and mix and match my powers to suite the situation. IE AoE attacks or singular attacks or buffs/debuffs etc etc.

    Sometimes its not about the guide its about knowing the mechanics of your class/powers/skills that make a player more than someone whos just got a very high GS due to buying there way to the top and dont understand (which I have also seen and not saying thats you).

    But least your guide is an option that people can look at and learn from for there own builds. Will keep an eye out for your new guide when mod 6 hits ;)

    Theres a few things you stumbled on here, my gs has no relevance on how well my build plays. I frequently get compliments on how much my build helped the 12-15k players who did struggle in elol with keeping their team and themselves alive.

    Also my guide is broke down into progressions for players to see how i made it to 22k, thats why i know its as effectvie at 12k as it is at 22k. Its about the mechanics at work not the gear.

    Id also invite you to find a 4 dps team doing full elol clears in 6 minutes as we do with a 4 dps set up and 1 tank. The key is the cleric should dps when the tank in the group runs my build. This makes up for the lack of my dps and also supplements my buffs with their own, making the 3 remaining real dps hit harder than they ever could in any other scenario.

    Now idk who u are or wherever you posted saying my build isnt best but that was never the issue, my build is merely the most commonly used build on xb1 as far as iv seen and you're the first person iv seen whos attemping to say its inferior so i invite you to link your build and explain to me why its better if you must.
    B) LGPG Leader B)
    Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
    xeV Indy - PS4 - TR
    Nde - XB1 - HR
    GT: its indy time
    PSN: itsindytime
    Twitch: indygoinlive
    The Kanye West of Neverwinter
  • indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    Greetings and welcome to the forum! I have a ton of questions for you as I completely modeled my build off of yours. It is nowhere near complete but I am really enjoying it. I look forward to the conversation. 16+gs gf

    I put a link to your build in another thread previously.

    Ask away, il do my best to keep checking on this thread, or catch me on twitch most evenings.
    B) LGPG Leader B)
    Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
    xeV Indy - PS4 - TR
    Nde - XB1 - HR
    GT: its indy time
    PSN: itsindytime
    Twitch: indygoinlive
    The Kanye West of Neverwinter
  • djionicsxb1djionicsxb1 Member Posts: 75 Arc User

    Firstly I didnt say anywhere that your build is inferior to ANY other build.

    Secondly I clearly stated that your build is great if your a 19/20k GS (as of time of the guide from what I can see) but someone with a LOW GS will find it hard to match one or 2 of your stats. Therefore as I stated, any guide that helps a player understand what stats he should be aiming for in an order before moving on to other area of there build etc etc.

    Thirdly as someone else has clearly stated your build is great, but ONLY for group play/buffbot because its painful to play solo.

    As for saying you can do this that and the other in a group this fast is great, but thats a guild run with players you know, most probably all well over 17k+ GS and on comms aswell. So no matter how you want to cut the mustard its not that hard after you have run anything with the same group a few times etc etc.

    So lets look at your GF (I will take from your guide where it is 22k GS)

    So im a new GF and im following your guide, I see your stats, but where do I start. Let me think ok ill get my defence up first seeing as that my main job.

    So slowly get to about 6k like your but with a 12/13k GS that means I have ONE part of my char the same as you and what do I have left. WELL according to your stats if i take away 4k power the 400 odd crit, the 1.4k Arm pen and the 3.8K recovery you have from the 22k you have equals the following:

    22k - 4k - 400 - 1.4k - 3.8k = 22k - 9.6k = 12.4k

    Ok the above is going happen anything like that but its just trying to show you that a guide saying how you go up as you get more artifacts etc etc.

    Example "My build is for XYZ build and I am now 22k GS, but when I started off I went for these 2 sets of armour to start me off with XYZ bonus's and then aimed to get my defence upto 4k (tip you should be able to get that easily from armour rings and artifacts so dont use enchants). Then ONCE you have roughly the 4k start stacking more power when you can because even if you cant do damage you need a reasonable amount to be able to keep the threat.........

    As you can see I am not saying there isnt anything wrong with your build, people in your guild and people you have spoken to may have said "WOW, I like your GS/build for tank", but it doesnt make it the "unofficial" standard for XB1 tanks in anyway. Many tanks have other builds and play in different circumstances etc etc (IE they like to be able to PVE on there own even with a low GS). So at the end of the day any player with ANY char with a 20k+ GS is going to look good with there stats, but it doesnt mean its the right way or the best way. It suits you and your situation within the game so I am happy for you.

    I dont have a very active guild (tbh its dead), I dont want to be a tank that HAS to find a group just to do there dailys because it takes to long or its near on impossible because I cant do hardly any DPS due to my GS/build (ie all defence and hardly any power/arm pen).

    Thats why as I have stated before, I made the mistake of jumping head first into this game, didnt care about my feat/powers/paragon armour etc etc until I finally got to ghost stories one day on my own when I was about 9-12k GS (I cant remember tbh), and I couldnt solo it. I then went and read up and decided what type of tank I wanted to be and then evolved that into what I see as an ALL round tank. I can buff, I can hold threat, I can do a fair bit of dps but I can STILL tank with the best of them. BUT ALL of my build has taken me time in trying things and learning what tanks can and cant do in different situations (IE the mechanics of the tank aka powers and best combo for those situations). I am a hybrid, I am 17.5k GS (timeless 4 piece) but I could change to a 2 of 2 to get best GS or I could even put my full set of draconic templar and go above 18k GS, but then my stats dont suite me and my style of play and would mean I would have to re-work all my stats. But theres no point when mod 6 is just around the corner and new stuff for all is to be had and most people will be respecing there char very soon after im for sure.

  • indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    Fair enough, but id like to point out that what you keep saying revolves around being able to solo. The build is called "Team Player" for a reason, and for any tank trying to strictly tank and make his team as strong and resilient as possible, i dont think theres any other option.

    As for a stat breakdown, i listed multiples but not in an "order of priority," they are seperated into periods where your current gear and weapons (be it t2/cn or drac temp and 2 artifact weps) will reflect how you can shift your stats to fit the goals i laid out. Also i have lists of armor, enchants, jewelry, and companions that are all relevant from the second you hit 60. No one should be trying to reach my stats as a goal because i pushed some stats to extremes and let others slide to make room. Example: my build's target hp is 50, but i currently run 65k, thats 4k gs right there. I have 1500 more defence than my guide reccomends, so sure i could shave off a cool 5.5k gs no sweat. Also i have 3800 recovery which is overkill, my armor pen is capped. Basically my gear level makes the idea of a build moot if you can reach every softcap without trying, so i obviously tweaked my own personal build for my own amusement. But the facts remain that the build i outlined for others to use has pretty clear guidelines along side the gear i used to achieve the stats.

    And being a week one player who solo'd all his dailies, with the same turtle of a build, i would never build my char around solo situations in an mmorpg where my goal is to be in a group and running dungeons. If solo play in a dead guild is your bag, more power to ya. I lead a guild and have an endless pool of players to run 4 dps lostmauths with. And before you say their gear is a factor, i got my name out there in the community by writing my tank build and solo Qing while streaming to prove it works. The best test is doing elol with 4 13k dps. It will be slow but they wont die and slowly people will realize that healing DCs are obsolete (until mod6)
    B) LGPG Leader B)
    Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
    xeV Indy - PS4 - TR
    Nde - XB1 - HR
    GT: its indy time
    PSN: itsindytime
    Twitch: indygoinlive
    The Kanye West of Neverwinter
  • djionicsxb1djionicsxb1 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    As I have said many time its all a matter of taste, and circumstances within the game. Yours being almost always in a group and with a cleric. I dont deny you have pugged etc etc before. But I have watched you trying to be cocky for example in PVP without any tenacity and without your cleric you got wrecked once you was controlled and 1 v 1 you would die.

    My build is a hybrid and yes I still die in pvp when its a group etc etc, but 1 v 1 I can put up a good fight (as I have ok tenacity but not maxed). And I have more kills than deaths and I 90%+ pug everything I do be it PVP or dungeons. So I am very versatile, there no time consuming when I am solo in PvE and I enjoy my build.

    We are sitting here talking about a build that you will find is outdated come mod 6 which is very soon upon us. Yes you will get a great head start with your enchants and even your artifacts that will allow you get a jump again on many players. But I havent spent a penny (dime) on this game, learnt the hard way, found a niche build that suits my style. I understand the mechanics of the game and I am able to switch powers as I see fit (have all 81 unlocked, ie everything is on 3).

    The guide you give is great and many will follow or use it as a template (for now). But the bit that annoys me is that you were being big headed with the way you started saying you are the "unoffical" tanking standard on XB1. Yes you maybe for a tactician build, and yes it may seem to be the most viable in your circumstance.

    All in all its about people learning how to build and where possible keep there character rounded (from my point of view) unless the circumstances within your playing allows you to be a glass canon, a brickwall, dps cleric, a healing scourage warlock etc etc.

    MOD 6 will change many things from what I have read, so we will see where you are after that, I know I have many things I will be trying and adapting to. Example 60% arm pen needed for top end players for end game. Huge health pools for GF. But from what I can understand get things wrong and even with what we have now we can (an most prob will be) 1 shot killed by end game.
  • berzerkerlurkerberzerkerlurker Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Shots fired! Lol. I am not offended by Indy's cocksuredness, he has certainly earned the right to be a little cocky with all the work and/or game economy savvy he accomplished to be so well geared. His theorycraftery has been a boon to a few top level GF's in my guild for sure. But can I ask what is the conflict here? Indy declares he has the defacto team play build based on anecdotal observation (which I agree with btw). Djionic finds his hyperbole arrogant and misleading, I guess? Furthermore, I think Djionic beleives in a more balanced approach for more versitility. Let's put aside egos for a sec and try to make this discussion as helpful as possible to all the GF's out there that look to these forums for insight and guidance. Builds and the game meta will be in constant flux, it is the nature of most mmo's. What knowledge can you guys share that transcends this? I think there are many ways to play the GF. There are comprises though. Tanky tanks do no damage. DPS builds are not competitive with pure dps classes and not as tanky. Switching between the two is costly and hybrids make concessions. This seems to be by cryptic's design. There are plenty of resources out there that breakdown the virtues and synergies behind all stats and paragon paths and feat trees. Let's help others figure out what role will suit their own predilictions. I have a steady group to play with so I find Indy's approach the most suitable for my GF. But his gearscore is beyond what I'm willing to spend, be it real world money or Trade House prestidigitation. So basically I'm fuct when I have to run dailies solo. With that said, it's my choice to make the comprise to just be the best team player I can be. If that's to hard a pill to swallow for some, take the more balanced hybrid approach and rock it. Just remember, when your toon is geared at a parallel level to the content difficulty the hybrid approach might not be as effective as a more specialized build. Don't be fooled by the game meta now when we're mostly over geared for the content. That's all going to change soon. Enjoy the wall of text, haha.
  • djionicsxb1djionicsxb1 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    What I am trying or even tried to say is,

    Not everyone is in the same boat as Indy,

    Being in a great guild who always want to take a LOW gearscore tank with them whos learning the ropes compared to a 22k GS player (be it a tank or not they either going to do a stink load of damage/heals/tanking etc etc where as a low GS player is possibly going to be looked over. So again its other people choice if they want to take UBER OP player or a lower GS player (any class tbh).

    (Indys build was IMO shown to be a little harder to play and keep up with mobs when they went to the WoD and dropped there GS down to about 14.5k GS where they had to soulforge and start kiting the enemy for survival. So if thats the case how would that low GS fair in a NON-Cleric group then ?

    Pugging it with a low GS see above and just add even more kicks at this stage in the game due to many well over GS players. (It will happen for low GS atm due to people wishing to speed run etc etc).

    Doing dallies then become part of your MUST do when say your main friends and guildies arent there to stop you getting kicked or helping you through the higher end dungeons. So as I clearly saw and has been stated this build isnt for the SOLO PvE without it being very time consuming vs other builds.

    So from these points of views that I have seen and even been part of, Indy is in a lucky situation, HIGH GS, guild leader with a very active guild etc etc. But that doesnt mean its the best build. Its a GOOD tacticion build that gets better as you go up in GS from the looks of it.

    So all in all it is ONE of many many builds out there and it is upto players to decide how they want to spend there time and who they have available that IMO make you choose a build that suits your individual circumstances.

    Putting all your eggs into one basket is imo not the best way to go. So find the style of play that suits you ask around for build ideas, get to know your class and then you can see how diverse it can actually be.

    I enjoy being able to do PVP where I am not just a NODE hugger or a cleric hugger. I like to get on play/do dallies straight from the bat without having to wait for XYZ to come on or start shouting need a group. Pugging is just as fun if not more rewarding (from a satisfactional point of view). Using the game mechanics to the best of your knowledge and making it work for you means your be happier playing that char and will give it more longevity. Copying someones build because you been told its the best to find out it dosent suite your style of play etc etc, equals a respect or building/playing on other characters that appeal more to you.

    So once Indy gets off there high horse that there build is the best and everyone should bow down to them and follow there build becuase that the way it should be done as a GF then I may feel that this post and facts that I have been trying to get through to them will have paid off.

    I dont admit to having all the answers but I know my GF spec works for me. I know I can do things in a lot of ways which still makes me very competitive in not just one are of being a GF giving me a varied and more interesting game due to looking at what I want to do. Tweaking my powers/armour for that situation and then just enjoying it.

  • berzerkerlurkerberzerkerlurker Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Djionsic, I agree with you. There is more than one way to build out a GF. You have put thought and time playing your way and, by you're word, it works for you. This is a good thing, now share your method so others can see if it can work for them. As the saying goes...high tide raises all boats. I'm not interested in ego tripping on the forums and I believe sharing our experience with the community can make everyone better at what they like or want to do with their characters. The first thing anyone should do when picking any class is figure out how they want to play at a basic level. Then they should look at figuring out builds that support what they want to do. That's the easy part. Next comes figuring out the gear situation. That can be daunting. Not just what gear will help you hit your target stats, the refining nightmare we're all familiar with. Point blank, Cryptic f'ed up with the xbox version by releasing mods out of turn. It really sent the economy out of whack. Greater marks of union going for 300k on the trade house? Rediculous. They hover around 40k on the PC. They're a weekly drop in mod 2 or 3 I've read. We haven't had access and it's impacted progression in the worst way. I don't resent any "wallet warriors" for doing their thing, that's none of my business. I'll be damned before I make that kind of real money investment. But for most folks that the only way to get they're enchants and artifacts refined without playing 8 hours a day grinding the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out PK/elol/sot...or getting slick with Trade House maneuvers. And again I stress the importance of just playing your roll well. Skillful play has no substitute and I've definitely played with 18k+ jokers with little understanding of their toons and they just sucked.
    Share your thoughts.
  • djionicsxb1djionicsxb1 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    Would gladly share if things werent going to change (ie mod 6), but I will be trying to make the same build work as a hybrid tank but I have started doing my research and have some idea's to look into, and most probably some respec's will be needed. But give me a week or 2 after it has dropped to get the rough shape (and be level 70). Then I will understand more and such.
  • indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    Thanks berzerker for atleast understanding that the build is purpose built, also glad to hear your guild tanks are having success with it. And also thank you both for pointing out a few things about why i am at 22k. The guild didn't make me, i made the guild. Only due to Tsukani though and your right im really lucky to have such a huge pool of players who gravitated towards us but, as anyone who knew me early on knew me as a strict soloer, and being a soloer i was trying to improve my chances of killing bosses with any 4 people i stumbled upon. Theres alot more to this like that i was solo Qing and making 500k- 1mil per night on the old Q system, and with some luck i could Q into 8 or more lostmauth final bosses per hour which lead to all the money which... You get it. So this whole build was based as a solo build but not for soloing dailies (litterally the worst part of any mmo). It was for solo Qing. And ofcourse with mod6 around the corner il consider keeping this build alive, since im optimistic the nerfed version of mod6 will allow for a more diverse tanking scene. But for now il leave the build and leave the updates intact for the possibility that a new generation of PS4 players needing a sense of direction.
    B) LGPG Leader B)
    Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
    xeV Indy - PS4 - TR
    Nde - XB1 - HR
    GT: its indy time
    PSN: itsindytime
    Twitch: indygoinlive
    The Kanye West of Neverwinter
  • dukesirashidukesirashi Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I put this here because I based my build on Indy's, it works well for me and I am really enjoying playing it. As a new player I appreciate that Indy took the time to put out an updated detailed GF build for newer players like me to reference. That being said, there are obviously lots of other very experienced/knowledgeable GF on this thread and I hope to gets lots of advice.

    So, I have pretty much shut down playing my 16.4 gs GF until mod 6 hits as I am leveling a couple more characters and I dont know what to do with my GF besides collecting RP and AD. I am also trying to collect Linus but without a good entry time (I hear there are good times) for Tiamat I lose more often than I win. Any ideas what is the best bet for improving my GF in anticipation of mod 6 or overall?

    I am a SM tactician build using full templar kit. Gemmed pants and gambeson. Lathanders cloak and con belt both blue. Pvp ring of warding and ancient necromacer I think. I have yet to max everything out but I dont know what to spend AD on to get the best bang for the buck so to speak. I dont buy zen with real money and I would like to keep it that way or spend as little as possible. All I have bought with zen so far is a ioun stone and a bag. I currently only have about 250K AD saved up but I have rAD enough to save more for a while if needed.

    As I grind everything, I have decent handle on how to play all areas now and I like the build I have as I can tank/buff for group play without any issues (except for the occasional loot and boot kick) and I can solo everything else easily in this mod. It takes a little time to kill stuff but I am ok with that as I run about 25 seconds or so to kill the larger mobs (with the green archers) in WOD.

    I run purple ioun stone and blue ravenskull/waters/orb (continuing to level these with stones/runes). I have the golden dragon set with maxed purple sword and blue shield (continuing to level the shield with junk greens) but I am not leveling them more since it seems to be a waste with the new mod coming. I run mostly level 7 radiants in all defense, level 7 silvers in all offense slots, minimum dragon hoard in all utility. I run lesser plaguefire and lesser sourforge. I have a full grim tactician kit for PVP. I need enchantments for PVP weapons and armor but I am waiting for the new mod to see what is best.

    I am in a relatively inactive guild so I usually do pugs for everything. I mostly run with bull charge, anvil and KV for pvp unless somebody complains about KV lag. I run ITF, ET and LS for all PVE unless someone complains that I am NOT using KV. I use mostly VM and FR for dailies with mostly tide and cleave as at wills. I swap out FR for PVP as it doesnt seem to do much for me there. I use shield talent and steel defense as actives as I have tried guarded assault and I cant seem to make it work well. Oh and I use ITC, ET and iron warrior for Tiamat. All of these powers seem to work best for me with my build and playstyle and I rarely die unless the party I am playing with wipes. Then I often get kicked while I am still fighting by myself as I guess people want another DPS or something. I always find that odd. Maybe it is a problem with me or maybe they get impaitent waiting for me to die. :smile:

    Some of these may be a little higher now but not by much: Power=3174, crit=834, Armor pen=1644, recovery=3057, Ap gain=150, defense=4869, deflect=1906, regen=1032, life steal=443, HP 43K.

    I use a man at arms, shield maiden, renegade illusionist, apprentice healer and ioun stone of allure all with purple items and mostly 7s in runes and stones.

    21 str, 25 con, 19 dex, 13 in the rest.

    Any advice you can give based on your experience would be greatly appreciated. And thanks in advance. :smile:
    Post edited by dukesirashi on
  • xrollxtidexxrollxtidex Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    Any ideas what is the best bet for improving my GF in anticipation of mod 6 or overall?

    Any advice you can give based on your experience would be greatly appreciated. And thanks in advance. :smile:

    Negation, negation.. NEGATION.

    1 Perfect Negation +
    200 shards of Negation +
    10 Greater Marks of Potency +
    1 Greater Mark of Power +
    1 Greater Mark of Union +
    1 Greater Mark of Stability +
    1 Mark of Power +
    1 Mark of Union +
    1 Mark of Stability +
    2 coa wards


    Roll Tide : Guardian Fighter
  • dukesirashidukesirashi Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    Wow, I didn't even know that was a thing. Thanks!
  • rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Rofl at your Guild

    Tanked ELoL with a few of ppl streaming from ur guild

    I was 13k and got compliments on my tanking

    Mentioned i was protector and suddenly, they didn't like my tanking. Becuz i didnt run your build.Despite me statistically packing more damage boosts for them from your build and keepin everyone alive multiple runs.

    Tried your setup jumped up 3k gs, became squishy and lost debuffs. Gave it a week and switched back

    Pro tip: @Companions-You get more beneficial stats from rare icons for tanks than you can from any purple icons i have yet to find(even nightmare) plus you can get def or off enchants in rare
    Post edited by rockstargfu on
  • indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    @xrollxtidex that negation breakdown is very helpful Ty a lot.

    @rockstargfu im glad u believe my guild's actions or preferences have anything to do with me personally. But since you wanted to mention it, go ahead and outline how a protector GF "statistically" provides more team buffs than a tactician tank with tacticial mastery increasing daily generation, which is obviously a dps increase for the whole team.

    (I really hope u say knight captain set lmao)

    And the point of my build is to be a bit squishier to get hit harder to get bigger AP rewards. Iv outlined this in my guide already.

    Also just for laughs, mind explaining how switching a capstone and 2 skills in tactician (one that increases fray's value, and the other that gives iron tide a debuff component) gives you 3k GS from your protector build?
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  • rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    Dont recall pointing you out, just that members of your guild have done such actions.

    Key difference in my build is protector boosting shield regen so i may evade wasting my passive on shield talent (might still toggle it on on my lazy days)
    It buffs it enough to hold out with standard tanking pratices like ET and ToI

    I opt for enhanced mark and my off hand provides -5% DR reduction to enemies (thats 5% dmg bonus )

    I also run DT set so dbl that.

    Also to sum up Kaelacs mitigation guide. lowering % DR of enemies loweres required RI teamates need to get full debuff magnitudes. Excess transfer over to solid dmg bonus.

    Also both theses effects effect enemies, so current end game content being ungrouped all allies grouped or not (or under pve RI cap benefit greatly cough cough 10k GS)

    Never said my GS was directly correlated with your build, but 2 2 set bonuses did boost my GS

    Speaking of your GS boosting methods, and "pretty much reaching the end game GS cap" . You are attempting to reach 4k Recovery, heres another pro tip. 3K- 4K nets 2% recharge and AP gain. So you want that for 1000 "GS" you can replace 1 or 2 companions (dragon,dog,priest) with Imp (2% recharge) or flame sprite (2% AP). Any loss in defences can be recouped in switching your companions icon to blue . And seen you wanted crit so your recoveries over 3k you and can transfer the excess to crit if you feel like it.

    Any more tips i might have to start charging
    Post edited by rockstargfu on
  • indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Enhanced mark isnt exclusive to protectors, nor is the buff from the artifact offhand, nor the DT set which every tank should have adapted to, so besides having a bit more stamina to keep your guard up, im not seeing how a protector build provides more dps for a team than martial mastery would with an increased # of total dailies generated. I choose Shield talent for the same reason you dont, laziness.

    And you did say my set up, thus why i asked where 3k gs came from but from what iv seen at most people gained 1k wth 2set and 1.5k going to DT, but i guess that all depends on where you started from.

    While it could have been useful to remove recovery and drop it from 4k to 3k to lose 2% AP gain, id also lose RSI, and yes i wanted to gain crit as i said at the end of my last update but it was for soft caps, not for the focal point ot my build so i never ended up doing it. 2% faster fray or a daily coming back 1-2 seconds faster than ended up outweighing the few times my atwills or ET would crit in s pve scenario since i was never really dealing any dps, and obviously the main let down that deflects and reflects cant crit. And had i changed one or 2 of my companions id lose stats thst were gained from defense slots which would be like throwing real defensive stats away for my arbitrary overflow stats that have a much smaller impact on the overall build.
    B) LGPG Leader B)
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  • rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    Its called synergy Indy, im able to effectively dump shield talent with no repercussions and gain a 100% uptime 5% dmg booster

    Just ignore the the gs, i flipped enchants and everything

    And i gave you options for the RSI and AP, you run shield talent you can drop the pseudo drag, for 1 or the other. And i gave options to recover defence stats via icon, if you replace 1 of those gs fluff companions. 1000pts vs. 0-300
  • indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Having a legendary mainhand for iron tide, i have dropped shield talent many times, but i always go back, but so far your 5% gain by allowing yourself to run EM is the equivalent to my 5% damage bonus on fray, and then their still martial mastery which would lean team buffing and dps increases in my builds favor.

    The companions would only make up for 500 gs worth of stats each and this is again if i wanted to lose defensive stats that im gaining from active bonuses in favor of RSI and AP gain, between my ioun stone which is active, 2 1200 hp pets, a blacksmith, and a sketal dog (my only bit of Lifesteal i could work in). None of them give stats which id give up for anything offensive or recovery related, also iv never used a psudodragon nor do i even own one, its just listed in my build for tanks with stamina issues. Now the Icon im not sure what you're talkin about specifically where a blue would give more stats than an epic, but i assume you're talking about the dragon ioun stone. Mine currently has an infernal icon which has... I think crit recovery and regen, but i haven't looked at it in a long time now, so maybe you're right and there are better options for that.
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  • rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    Welcome to mod 6!
  • fluffy6977fluffy6977 Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    Played with your build prior to Mod6, went back to Protector with a few points in Tactician for mod6. Decent enough build, it is solely focused on AP generation though which I feel like lost many of the tankier and buffier aspects for everything else. Having said that, definitely showed me the advantage of Fighters Recovery, will be gemming for Action Point gain to help that out.

    Are you planning on updating after running some of the new content?

  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    Have you any thoughts on Mod 7 @indylol
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  • indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    Ehh, GF tanking works but not well enough to where id consider specing and building towards it. Especially since we wouldn't have much of a role in pvp either. On the upside armor pen changes have increased our dps again... Oh and elven battle has been fixed... Thats about it.
    B) LGPG Leader B)
    Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
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    The Kanye West of Neverwinter
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