Is there a way to specify somewhere that when the game starts it auto configure some settings, in the way of entering the commands on an .ini file or something alike? e.g. /combatlog 1 for the log generated and writting always...
Thanks in advance
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btw, I only want to include the combatlog "autostart" and some minor command at the game startup,
I would expect there to be a whole bunch of command-line switches for forcing gfx modes and setting various game options.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Thanks for your response, but after running the log several days doing Tiamats and Dragon runs on Stronghold the log only reaches 70Mb or so... I doubt any software could have performance issues by writing logs... this is just an output and the game has nothing to check inside this clean text file so I'm sure it won't cause problems excecpt for the size of the log could reach after some months of usage, where cleaning the log should be take as a maintenance task of the PC.
Any help with the ini file or any other suggested method would be appreciated
...classic example: WinXP.
Extremely stable for like 90 days of nonstop running, then crashed into oblivion due to logfile exceeding a certain size.
@suicidalgodot: Dude, that's not comparable. If you know what you're talking about, and it seems so, you know that OS logging and the combat log, are not the same thing BTW thanks your the constructive feedback
@jimmyhar: thanks for the idea! Did you already tried tweaking the startup through the reg? Any tip?
Thanks all for the answers, hope this thread can be constructive and for further use
/bind numpad4 "combatlog 1"
/bind numpad5 "combatlog 0"