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VIP rank 12: Awards not working on main toon while on all alts all awards working fine?!?

vule5321vule5321 Member Posts: 1 Arc User

I play only 1 main toon and use all others toons/alts only for leadership and invocation rounds.

Now, I have purchased VIP rank12 as soon as it came out 2-3 days ago and for some reason not all VIP awards are working properly on that main toon I play, while on all other alts all "feats" are working just fine.

Sofar I have been able to see following VIP "feats" as working on main toon:
- Claiming daily lockbox key
- WB discount 25%
- posting fee in AH is 0
- 15% bonus RAD on daily quests
- immunity to injury
- 10% Salvage bonus

Following VIP "feats" aren't working on main toon:
- claiming daily reward box (scrolls and dungeon keys)
- invocation not working from anywhere
- moonstone mask teleport
- summon post
- summon bank
- summon salvage

As already said, this problem is only on main toon. On all other toons all VIP feats are working just fine.

Sofar I have asked around and heard that few people had some general VIP award issues and needed to switch toons, or 1 friend even had to wait some time until all started working. But nobody had situation that 1 toon is bugged while all others are working fine. Does anyone have this problem or heard about it?

Tried contacting the support but they were naturally absolutely unhelpful...


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    cloudius1978cloudius1978 Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    I purchased VIP 12 too and the benefits seem to work fine thus far across my toons.
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    oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    So....what happens when you try to summon a signpost, etc. Error, nothing, the button won't click..? If you want help, you need to add some important details.

    I have rank 12 and while I haven't tried everything on all characters, everything I have tried has worked perfectly.
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    kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    Also, have you tried exiting the game and logging back in?
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    ianelianel Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I have 6 month VIP which I just bought today and having same issue. Details and Quick Recap below.

    1. My "main" character bought the VIP.
    2. After my main character bought the VIP I went to the Inventory Tab for VIP.
    3. I saw the Character Claim "Claim" button radiating and was enabled.
    4. I saw the Account Claim "Claim" button radiating and was enabled.
    5. I clicked the Account Claim and did receive that bag and it was removed from the VIP claim tab as expected.
    6. I then clicked the Character Claim button. It did mouse button down the button and made the "tick" sound effect. However, nothing occurred; the button still radiated and was enabled showing the available Character Bag icon, like you have not claimed it.
    7. I then went to the VIP modal where the 7 VIP buttons are. The big "Claim" at the top and the 3 buttons on left, 3 buttons are right.
    8. Since I have 6 month VIP the Moonstone Mask Port, Mailbox, Signpost are all enabled and the 3 on the right are disabled as expected.
    9. I clicked on Moonstone Mask Port, Mailbox, Signpost. Same as claiming Character Claim button for bag; the button will mouse button down, it makes the "tick" sound effect but does nothing.
    10. I then went to another character via "Change Character".
    11. I was able to claim the Character Claim bag.
    12. I was able to use Moonstone Mask Port, Mailbox, Signpost.
    13. I then went to another character via "Change Character".
    14. I was able to claim the Character Claim bag.
    15. I was able to use Moonstone Mask Port, Mailbox, Signpost.

    My "main" character (the character that bought the VIP and first opened the Account Claim bag) did not have anything else work (Character Claim, Moonstone Mask Port, Mailbox, Signpost). However, 2 other characters which did NOT claim the Account Claim bag could Character Claim, Moonstone Mask Port, Mailbox, Signpost.

    I was a beta tester and Founder and did have issues getting Found Pack when game released but it was resolved (took some time as I recall, like a month maybe and never did figure out how to get the Founder title to work in the forums...lol) but I'm sure this will also be resolved.

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    erethizon1erethizon1 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    Just bought VIP myself and it is a little disappointing that I can't claim the daily reward, but at least I am only rank 1 so I am just missing out on some identification scrolls. Hopefully they get this fixed quickly.
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    henry404henry404 Member Posts: 690 Arc User
    Somewhere in the notes it mentions that after buying the VIP thing you need to switch toons and back again to get some of the things to work. I assume that is only the very first time. I can't check because I'm not a VIP and I can't get the game to run since the mod launched so I'm hoping they can fix the graphics thing soon...
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    There seem to be some issues with VIP glitching out when trying to claim the daily reward with a full backpack.

    My husband has one character affected in a similar manner to the description in the first post. It's like the VIP interface is disabled. He hadn't cleaned her up after the last time he opened leadership boxes and then forgot about it.
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    erethizon1erethizon1 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    I wasn't completely full at the time (had something like 3 spots open when I tried to collect it for the first time). Not sure if that is enough to prevent it from working right (assuming that is really the problem).
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    drartwhodentdrartwhodent Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 301 Arc User
    I am rank 6 VIP (so far) and I have one out of 16 characters unable to summon the mailbox or invoke anywhere also.
    Luckily it is not my main.
    I always have open bag space on all characters so that is not what caused it.
    I have put in a support ticket also so I guess we will just have to wait and see if / when they fix this.
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    captainfry420xcaptainfry420x Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 27 Arc User
    I also am having this problem. Currently rank 4 VIP. On my main I am only able to get my daily enchanted key, but am not able claim my scrolls & dungeon keys, call my signpost, or teleport to the Moonstone Mask. As above, the buttons are lit up and clickable, simply not responding when clicked, and all abilities are working on my alts, whom I don't really play.
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    heberussheberuss Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Same here.

    Rank 12 and only alts have all benefits.

    Someone found a way?
    Peace and Love
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    plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,292 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    What is considered as "main" in this context?
    Since I assume this has nothing to the real main character (the one you play most), I assume "main" means the one who bought the VIP. I also have VIP 12 but I did not use my real main character to purchase. I use the character who got the 15% off coupon to purchase. One character bought VIP 6 and another character also bought VIP 6. I did not have the mentioned problem. That is: all my character work for VIP benefit (as far as I know).

    I am not saying there is no bug. I think this needs to be clarified so that dev can understand the exact situation when they read this.
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    heberussheberuss Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    The problem is in char which bought the 2x 6 months vip.
    Peace and Love
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    drartwhodentdrartwhodent Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 301 Arc User
    In my parlance, my 'main' is the character I play, all the rest I consider 'alts'.
    I don't remember which character actually made my 6 month VIP purchase, it may indeed have been my one alt character that can't invoke anywhere or summon the mailbox.
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    erethizon1erethizon1 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    In my case my "main" is the one and only character I have. Thus for me, absolutely none of my characters are getting the benefits of the daily reward (and I have no intention of making a second character so this will remain the case until they fix it). I am very glad I only purchased one month of VIP and I definitely won't be purchasing another unless they fix it. I will also be upset if I end up being denied my 300 identification scrolls as that was a huge part of my motivation for purchasing VIP. I didn't even have a coupon so I paid full price for my VIP but I am definitely not getting the full benefits.

    I have not filed a ticket yet (I know they are aware of the problem and assume they will fix us all at once) but probably will do so either once they fix it or when my month is up (if it still is not fixed). All they have to do to make me happy is grant me the scrolls I have missed out on. If I go the entire month without getting my daily reward but they simply grant me 300 identification scrolls (or enough AD to buy them) I will be satisfied. I know bugs happen, but I do not appreciate having to pay to be affected by them. I would have simply not purchased VIP had I know it wasn't going to work.
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    suxip01111suxip01111 Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    I've been planning to buy a few months of VIP ever since I heard about it, but while this bug exists I just can't bring myself to do it.
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    captainfry420xcaptainfry420x Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 27 Arc User
    When I say "main" I mean the character I actively play, who is also the character who bought the first four ranks of VIP and the first character I created back in 2013.

    Today as a test, I purchased bought a fifth VIP rank on an alt. Even after rebooting and logging in again, this did not solve the problem for my main character. I can still only claim my account rewards, but cannot teleport to the Moonstone Mask or call my signpost using my main character, while all my alts can do both.
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    heberussheberuss Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Patch Notes posted but dont mention correction of this bug.
    Peace and Love
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    asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer
    I just wanted to let you all know that we are still actively investigating this issue. Graalx3 mentioned the investigation in this post in the bug forums earlier this week.
    graalx3 wrote: »
    We are looking into this issue. Could you make sure that there is an empty slot available in your inventory when you try to claim your daily reward. This has solved the issue for some people.

    We are aware that in many cases this problem persists regardless of inventory space and are working on identifying the underlying cause. Unfortunately tomorrow's patch will not resolve this issue, but we are working to have it resolved as soon as possible.
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    captainfry420xcaptainfry420x Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 27 Arc User
    I have dozens of inventory slots available. The issue persists; I am unable to teleport to the Moonstone Mask, summon a signpost, mailbox, or salvage anvil, and cannot claim my per character daily rewards. All of my alts can do all of these things.

    It is good to at least hear that developers are aware of the issue, I hope this is resolved soon.
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    erethizon1erethizon1 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    asterdahl wrote: »
    I just wanted to let you all know that we are still actively investigating this issue. Graalx3 mentioned the investigation in this post in the bug forums earlier this week.
    graalx3 wrote: »
    We are looking into this issue. Could you make sure that there is an empty slot available in your inventory when you try to claim your daily reward. This has solved the issue for some people.

    We are aware that in many cases this problem persists regardless of inventory space and are working on identifying the underlying cause. Unfortunately tomorrow's patch will not resolve this issue, but we are working to have it resolved as soon as possible.

    I hope there will be a way to acquire the rewards we miss out on. I am currently waiting to file a ticket until either the bug is fixed or my month of VIP expires so I will know exactly how many identification scrolls I missed out on. I definitely won't be buying another month of VIP until it is fixed (and if it isn't fixed before my month expires I may never know when it gets fixed since I won't be able to check that it works in game and it doesn't appear to be a particularly popular topic to discuss on the forums).
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    captainfry420xcaptainfry420x Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 27 Arc User
    Tested and confirmed, completing a respec solved the issue. Purchased and clicked to respec, didn't even spend one power point and all my VIP powers are now working. It would be nice to be reimbursed the 300 zen, but I recognize that is highly unlikely.

    Thanks to sylveri0n for the tip!
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    erethizon1erethizon1 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    Tested and confirmed, completing a respec solved the issue. Purchased and clicked to respec, didn't even spend one power point and all my VIP powers are now working. It would be nice to be reimbursed the 300 zen, but I recognize that is highly unlikely.

    Thanks to sylveri0n for the tip!

    Well, it sounds like they have a temporary fix in that they can give all of us that are affected by the bug a free respec token. It's not a particularly good fix (I would prefer they actually fix the problem), but I don't have much hope for it as they still have not bothered to fix the bug that prevents people from spending their points once they reach level 70, but instead decided it would be better to force people to waste their free respec fixing the bug.
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    graalx3graalx3 Member Posts: 232
    From today's patch notes:
    There is now an option in the power window to apply a free respec when one or more of the characters powers are not in a good state. This would manifest as powers not being purchasable or VIP powers not being usable.

    This IS the fix to the problem. Basically your character's internal power trees were screwed up by something. The VIP powers weren't being added to your internal power tree because your tree was not in a good state. The only way to fix it is to rebuild your power tree from scratch which is what a re-spec does.

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    coliercolier Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 119 Arc User
    My Wife and I bought VIP to Rank 5 - 3 days ago....Both of us have an issue on our 3rd character. We can claim all our daily Items on all but the 3rd character. We have tried exiting the game completely and login back in with no luck, the 3rd character in line can not collect them. We also tried changing zones to several different maps with no luck. we also tried login our accounts on different computers with no luck. For 3 days we have 1 character each that can not claim the daily rewards. Both are level 70...

    Please advise if you also have this issue
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    darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    Did you read the dev posts just above yours that stated you need to respec your character if it has this problem?
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    regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,044 Arc User
    It also stated, that there was a free respec issued?
    May be some players did not receive that free respec?

    A few players have reported, that they're not getting a free respec from the support anymore, although they have the problem with the power tree...
    Perhaps it might be possible to issue another free respec with one of the next patches, to resolve that problem?
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