You basically get more benefits the more you activate it, cause your level doesn't decrease, it keeps raising no matter if you do not activate it for one month, if i got it right. So i can convert these 500k AD now, get rank 1, then if i feel like it, convert another 500k AD 2 months from now and get all the rank 1 benefits+ rank 2 benefits.
Sure thing, going for a first activation at least, is worth it.
Not quite. It says that if you run out of VIP time and activate it again later, you'll remain on your last rank. So, if you buy a 30 day package now and let it expire for a day and spend another 1k zen on it, you'll be at your old R1, not R2. Your statement is only true as long as you keep paying up on time every month.
Hmmm! That is what it said:
It is important to note that VIP rank and points never decreases. If you have 500 VIP points (rank 5) when the timer expires, and you purchase a standard VIP Pack containing 100 points, you’ll progress to rank 6 (600 points).
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
dragoness10Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 780Arc User
Oh for goodness sakes. Pony up 10 bucks. You get 30 keys. That same $10 gets you 10 keys right now.
You can still get Zen via the AD/ Zen exchange. Some people mistakenly think that if there's no consistant listing of Zen for sale then there's never any Zen.
The Zen just goes through so fast it doesn't even blip on the exchange.
Also, just two weeks ago there was a LOT of Zen consistantly listed for over a day for as low as 495 AD per Zen.
You can do this for FREE still. It just takes effort to not use a wallet. (If you read the VIP ranks it says same items will be available elsewhere too.)
" I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep
"Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."
"Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
banzaikittenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 220Arc User
give me a reason.
after last big mod i am unable to do anything al all, all boon areas are offlimit for me now, bcouse of the mob setings ,1 hit and i am dead, while i normaly had so much fun there.
theycallmetomuMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,861Arc User
Oh for-
Look, the ZAX includes the backorders. As long as more people are purchasing zen with AD than are selling zen, there's a backlog. When new instruments become available for using zen to gain AD, that backlog will skyrocket. Why? Because for every 500 AD you spend for a zen, you can earn more than 500 AD in return (that is until the lockbox items plummet in price, obviously). Because the VIP pack is-in terms of AD-an extremely good deal (500,000 AD for 30 keys is enough to get you 30 lockbox items plus trade bars for a coal ward), more and more people will flood the exchange with AD. And, in doing so, the backlog is going to go up.
Remember when we had a 10 million zen backlog? Barring any changes, I can't see why this won't be that bad or even much worse. The backlog plummeted when investors panicked, because they thought there was a decent chance that the zen would depreciate. But it didn't, because zen is still good. And the VIP pass means that investing AD in zen is just flat out better than using it directly.
Look, let me bottom line this: ever VIP pass purchased represents 10 dollars of income that Cryptic got from somewhere. You can do this for free if and only if there are enough people out there spending RL money on zen, and then selling that zen on the ZAX. But, really, if they themselves can make more AD just buying VIP passes themselves ... why would we expect anyone to put any AD on the ZAX in the first place?
I'm going to be a VIP for 3 months because that's how much zen I have. But I certainly expect getting zen through the ZAX will be extremely difficult in the days ahead.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,521Arc User
edited August 2015
People just do not understand how the Zax works. 2 million and 3 million back log is nothing. It is "normal". In the old days, it was 18 millions. I waited for 1.5 months.
I posted 5000 Zen purchase on Saturday when the back log was 2.5 million. I got my 5000 Zen yesterday.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
No. trade of zen is getting clogged and i barely make 100 a day in a day i have time to login that's why.
Not a chance! I won't spend a dime here anymore since it doesn't buy anything that holds value. They take/nerf/remove stats and content constantly in the name of fighting bots instead of fixing the bugs that make the game what it once was. Not interested in supporting such activities anymore. Don't even plan to play mod 7 and will see what mod 8 brings. If the majority of bugs that have been around forever are not fixed by mod 8 then I will likely cut the umbilical cord keeping me here. Why would I spend money to support them when there are lots of other games out there that take pride in their development and actually use player feedback to gauge their ability to please their playing and paying customers by providing the experience the players ask for.
Take the extra time to do the job right and it will never come back to bite you in the A**
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,521Arc User
No. trade of zen is getting clogged and i barely make 100 a day in a day i have time to login that's why.
Zax is not exactly clogged. It takes time but not too long. You can post (say) 20 Zen at the time you have time to login. You will probably see that 20 Z when you play gain.
That is what I did when the back log was 18 million and I needed to wait for 1.5 months to see my Zen.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Not on my list of things for the rest of 2015 or the future. Unless the game has a sudden drastic change that corrects the issues still in play. I swear, they spend more time testing/validating the issues and discussing whether they plan on addressing them or not then in the whole module quality control process.
I spent on all the packs, with one exception (to the two highest priced ones), to date as support of the game in the past. I cannot support the current model or direction, it would be like backing a certain pair of very rich brothers and their desired direction for how things should be.
No. trade of zen is getting clogged and i barely make 100 a day in a day i have time to login that's why.
Zax is not exactly clogged. It takes time but not too long. You can post (say) 20 Zen at the time you have time to login. You will probably see that 20 Z when you play gain.
That is what I did when the back log was 18 million and I needed to wait for 1.5 months to see my Zen.
But now the zen items purchases are bound, there is the new vip sistem, the zen trade will be hardy contraried. 1.5 months is a lot for many, this is a loss for cryptic too, i dont know who would rather wait 1.5 months for a mount or buy a feywild pack for a couple of bucks.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,521Arc User
No. trade of zen is getting clogged and i barely make 100 a day in a day i have time to login that's why.
Zax is not exactly clogged. It takes time but not too long. You can post (say) 20 Zen at the time you have time to login. You will probably see that 20 Z when you play gain.
That is what I did when the back log was 18 million and I needed to wait for 1.5 months to see my Zen.
But now the zen items purchases are bound, there is the new vip sistem, the zen trade will be hardy contraried. 1.5 months is a lot for many, this is a loss for cryptic too, i dont know who would rather wait 1.5 months for a mount or buy a feywild pack for a couple of bucks.
Well, I did and still do. I wait for almost half a year for a purple mount (wait for the fund and the discount). I know someone who waited even longer than I am and now he is so used to his slow mount. He complaints the purple mount is too fast and use the blue water horse. lol.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Well as i see it now as long as the game dont work properly i will not spend any money on it. There are too many issues that is not resolved and they keep adding new bugs and do not resolve the old first.
It is sad because i like the game, it is annoying with all these bugs and i will eventually stop playing if they are not fixed because it is not fun any more.
Used two 15% off anything coupons I happened to get in my invoke bags, bought a whole year. I'm already loving things like getting to invoke anywhere, summoning mailboxes/banks and signposts. I also appreciate not having to shuffle around AD to get posting fees if I need to sell something off an alt, I can just throw it up on the AH now.
give me a playable free game like you advertise before asking me to spend money on it. Prove you can make a stable game with a relaiable server and my answer may change.
Right now I don't wanna pay for VIP. Thay have stripped the game of all its fun and now they're asking us for money to make it bearable.
I'll wait till after M8 and see how the game is gonna be like, then I'll decide if I wanna invest in VIP. Honestly it seems like an awesome deal, but I'm way too unsatisfied with the game/developers. The basic game gets poorer with every module. I don't wanna reward this kind of attitude. If they rise the quality of the basic game, I'll gladly pay for a VIP/subscription.
Well as i see it now as long as the game dont work properly i will not spend any money on it. There are too many issues that is not resolved and they keep adding new bugs and do not resolve the old first.
It is sad because i like the game, it is annoying with all these bugs and i will eventually stop playing if they are not fixed because it is not fun any more.
I have limited playing time and have lost two days of it to this mess of an upgrade. I am looking at quitting myself.
I'm going to keep a "wait and see" approach. I want to make sure folks are receiving what they are supposed to before partaking in the program myself.
"I don't know, I'm making it up as I go..." Featured Foundry Quest:Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
theycallmetomuMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,861Arc User
Honestly, with the abject awfulness of my lockbox drops, and my below-what-I-expected tradebar count, I'm beginning to think everyone that was anti-VIP was right (albeit for the wrong reasons).
If the tradebars alone don't make up the cost of admission, it's only a good deal if the lockboxes actually drop anything of value. But instead I'm getting nothing but black ice special packs.
definately not 2 years ago this game was fun to play, then the mod after mod push to force cash money spending, hit way too hard.It is rediculouse at this ruined state of the game to expect us to pay them even more for trash 99% of it. cryptic need figure out that this is a fail direction to take the game if the only players left are the ones that can pay few thousand dollars a mod release, theres going to be 4-5 guilds and few thousand players in the player base, withought players death. you must give somthing to keep interest the constant push for greed is killing the game.not to mention the buggs that havent been fixed since i started and theres 5 times as many now.
3 more days to get my 2k ZEN from ZAX, then another 4+ days to get another 2k ZEN, and then waiting for a 15% discount coupon to buy another 6 months VIP.
I sure will, But only via AD and ZAX, I simply refuse to put anymore cash into the game now.
This, incidentally, is why I heavily suspect that the exchange is going to have a pretty ridiculous backlog before long.
But yeah, same here.
IMHO the ZAX backlog will creep up a bit, then stagnate again. After all, the VIP market will be saturated sooner rather than later, with the purchase being a per account thing, and little enough new players joining up. And when everybody has reached Rank 12, the demand for VIP pack purchases will be all but nonexistent for the next 11 months and 20+ days.
Definitely not.
with a 25% increase to invocation AD I get about an additional 150 RAD (don´t have much time for dailies), about 4.7k a month or 30k in 6 months. For a 2.55 M investment.
I´ve tried their lockbox BS (keep your keys), own account wide epic mounts (keep your teleports) and don´t do GMOP-trading (bazaar savings) or auctions.
So no thank you.
Oh and btw, what´s a "founder" investing into VIP? A really totally unbelievably super important person?
Or just someone who never learns.
silvergryphMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
I expect that the ZAX backlog will eventually start to reverse because of the high AD costs of upgrading Strongholds. That will also be temporary, though and I don't see instant exchanges ever becoming common again or much chance of ever buying ZEN for less than 500 AD.
I feel that it is expensive. Not only the vip but everything in zen market as a whole.. you see, not everyone are born rich. i believe non working young people are the majority in the game. The current price is out of reach for them. Even as a working adult, i feel its expensive. Its fine that you need to make $ n keep the game running, but the price is just too high.
Hmmm! That is what it said:
It is important to note that VIP rank and points never decreases. If you have 500 VIP points (rank 5) when the timer expires, and you purchase a standard VIP Pack containing 100 points, you’ll progress to rank 6 (600 points).
You can still get Zen via the AD/ Zen exchange. Some people mistakenly think that if there's no consistant listing of Zen for sale then there's never any Zen.
The Zen just goes through so fast it doesn't even blip on the exchange.
Also, just two weeks ago there was a LOT of Zen consistantly listed for over a day for as low as 495 AD per Zen.
You can do this for FREE still. It just takes effort to not use a wallet. (If you read the VIP ranks it says same items will be available elsewhere too.)
"Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."
"Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
after last big mod i am unable to do anything al all, all boon areas are offlimit for me now, bcouse of the mob setings ,1 hit and i am dead, while i normaly had so much fun there.
Look, the ZAX includes the backorders. As long as more people are purchasing zen with AD than are selling zen, there's a backlog. When new instruments become available for using zen to gain AD, that backlog will skyrocket. Why? Because for every 500 AD you spend for a zen, you can earn more than 500 AD in return (that is until the lockbox items plummet in price, obviously). Because the VIP pack is-in terms of AD-an extremely good deal (500,000 AD for 30 keys is enough to get you 30 lockbox items plus trade bars for a coal ward), more and more people will flood the exchange with AD. And, in doing so, the backlog is going to go up.
Remember when we had a 10 million zen backlog? Barring any changes, I can't see why this won't be that bad or even much worse. The backlog plummeted when investors panicked, because they thought there was a decent chance that the zen would depreciate. But it didn't, because zen is still good. And the VIP pass means that investing AD in zen is just flat out better than using it directly.
Look, let me bottom line this: ever VIP pass purchased represents 10 dollars of income that Cryptic got from somewhere. You can do this for free if and only if there are enough people out there spending RL money on zen, and then selling that zen on the ZAX. But, really, if they themselves can make more AD just buying VIP passes themselves ... why would we expect anyone to put any AD on the ZAX in the first place?
I'm going to be a VIP for 3 months because that's how much zen I have. But I certainly expect getting zen through the ZAX will be extremely difficult in the days ahead.
I posted 5000 Zen purchase on Saturday when the back log was 2.5 million. I got my 5000 Zen yesterday.
Zax is not exactly clogged. It takes time but not too long. You can post (say) 20 Zen at the time you have time to login. You will probably see that 20 Z when you play gain.
That is what I did when the back log was 18 million and I needed to wait for 1.5 months to see my Zen.
PnP Red Box DM & Player (74 - ?). NWN + SoU + HotU (4-03),
NWN Diamond Edition, Neverwinter Nights Complete (NWN + NWN2).
I spent on all the packs, with one exception (to the two highest priced ones), to date as support of the game in the past. I cannot support the current model or direction, it would be like backing a certain pair of very rich brothers and their desired direction for how things should be. - Cryptic Studios Review
But now the zen items purchases are bound, there is the new vip sistem, the zen trade will be hardy contraried. 1.5 months is a lot for many, this is a loss for cryptic too, i dont know who would rather wait 1.5 months for a mount or buy a feywild pack for a couple of bucks.
Well, I did and still do. I wait for almost half a year for a purple mount (wait for the fund and the discount). I know someone who waited even longer than I am and now he is so used to his slow mount. He complaints the purple mount is too fast and use the blue water horse. lol.
Better lucky than good. lol
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
Martin ConDion PVE only Ranger
Guild Founder: -HunterS-
This, incidentally, is why I heavily suspect that the exchange is going to have a pretty ridiculous backlog before long.
But yeah, same here.
It is sad because i like the game, it is annoying with all these bugs and i will eventually stop playing if they are not fixed because it is not fun any more.
I have limited playing time and have lost two days of it to this mess of an upgrade. I am looking at quitting myself.
Featured Foundry Quest: Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG
Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
If the tradebars alone don't make up the cost of admission, it's only a good deal if the lockboxes actually drop anything of value. But instead I'm getting nothing but black ice special packs.
I hope they come up with that 2x RP event soon...
IMHO the ZAX backlog will creep up a bit, then stagnate again. After all, the VIP market will be saturated sooner rather than later, with the purchase being a per account thing, and little enough new players joining up. And when everybody has reached Rank 12, the demand for VIP pack purchases will be all but nonexistent for the next 11 months and 20+ days.
with a 25% increase to invocation AD I get about an additional 150 RAD (don´t have much time for dailies), about 4.7k a month or 30k in 6 months. For a 2.55 M investment.
I´ve tried their lockbox BS (keep your keys), own account wide epic mounts (keep your teleports) and don´t do GMOP-trading (bazaar savings) or auctions.
So no thank you.
Oh and btw, what´s a "founder" investing into VIP? A really totally unbelievably super important person?
Or just someone who never learns.
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