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  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    charononus wrote: »
    beck54 wrote: »
    My stronghold was hopping all day. It was way fun. Sounds like you need a new guild.

    Who cares lf PE is a ghost town. The only time it's been fun was when we had the event where the baddies popped up all over town.

    The only time I was in PE was for the bank or mailbox anyways.

    Actually this has me thinking, if more people are out of PE will the RMT spam go down since they can't reach as many people?

    ...it'll drive them to still-populated areaas to spam their spam - problably Sharandar, DR, IwD, WoD.

    While they did that in PE, no success-relevant player slots have been blocked. This will now change...
  • mattsacremattsacre Member Posts: 330 Arc User
    suxip01111 wrote: »
    Oh no, I'm being "forced" to play with other people in this multiplayer game, oh woe is me!

    Lighten up guys.
    karakla1 wrote: »
    Is it so hard to socialize and find a decent guild? I think not.

    I think you guys miss his point and mine....we acknowledge we are in a M.ulti P.layer game.
    We are saying we also socialize and play with others (some better than some not so).

    What we prefer is not to be locked into a huge guild model of playing (at least I do.)

    Just because I have a small guild comprised of only my family (who unfortunately have been mostly been cheesed off at the game enough to not play often if at all) don't mean I don't enjoy the MMP aspect of the game :)

    I'm the guy that lives in a rural area that goes to town when he want's to shop of see a movie. That's how I like my MMO.

    So, unless they get some alliance thing going on to expand on mod7 build, I'm not seeing me or mine "enjoying" mod7. All we might be getting to "enjoy" is the soloable mat grind stuff.

    No skin off my nose, those that have been clamoring for guild stuff, you got it, enjoy it. Just hate, like SinSoJeki, that they locked boons behind a manditory guild wall. It will just be one more sore spot with this game's antics for folks like me.

  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    [/quote]Agreed if they had done this in Mod 3, the game would be in so much better shape. Mod 3 is when the founding players started giving up, which also coincided with the release of another title which featured guild siege type pvp.[/quote]

    exactly. and seems to me - I could be wrong - strongholds is not a 'Module 7 "is a expansion and this expansion seems much better than any content made between M4-M6.

    for the new module, if is to put in the same porpotion, i really expect the new world map + story... and pass between a dimension finding elmister in the way :#
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    charononus wrote: »
    charononus wrote: »
    kaknoep wrote: »
    SinSojeki wrote: »
    Honestly I thought I was going to ignore this mod Strongholds, cos I'm a solo player... Then I saw they introduced those boons, specially +15% crit severity, so now I'm "FORCED" to find a guild and play with them... sigh

    Well they can put all the boons they want, even give Chuck Norris as a companion, i still refuse a guild just to do content that should be available to everyone in the first place.
    Don't want it, never needed it in any MMO, and ive played quite alot.
    I got 2 strongholds.. DR and Sharandar, looks like im bound there forever.. but its okay once artifacts are max lvl its buh bye.
    At least some form of accomplishment :-)

    I can't for the life of me understand why you don't play a single player rpg if you have no interest in playing with others. I've seen this attitude in many games now, and it never makes sense to me.
    I like playing with others, but not on a schedule and on my own terms. I have no objection to group content on a casual basis but RL keeps me from making the time commitment a Guild typically requires (and I have been in guilds in other games).

    Not wanting to join a guild does not equal not wanting to play with others. A preference for solo play can arise from a number of reasons. Something the devs seem to have overlooked.
    The talk you have of time commitments etc, I haven't seen outside of hardcore raiding guilds in other games. Maybe pvp guilds here as well. The rest of the time the worst I've seen is that you must log on every week or two so that they don't have the roster filled with players that have quit.
    Some of that may be self-imposed TBH. If I'm going to join a guild I want to contribute to it and if I don't feel I have the time to do that I'd rather not join than be an invisible member. Plus Strongholds is likely to change attitudes to member activity.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • locksanpocketslocksanpockets Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 111 Arc User
    I'd like to see a Staff Member Guild and have them report to the players on their rank.
    They may have all the free BiS gear they want but may not have free Boons from the previous 5 Boon Grind Mods.
    They have to play only characters that have ground all their Boons in order to qualify for membership.
    They must also at least grind Spinward Rise 16 times to get their MH.
    Then report to the players how many members qualified.
  • sharonious_rebelsharonious_rebel Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    revan06100 wrote: »
    Personnally, i think stronghold is not a bad mod. Only 2 things bother me.
    1) Have to donate Astral diamonds (a lot) (as if we earned enough to gear ourselves, now we gotta donate them ? such a joke )

    If you're doing the stronghold HEs, they'll drop vouchers for almost all of the different donation types. Seen ones for AD, all the campaign zones, etc.

    The real painful donations are influence and the pvp conqueror's shards of power (capped per character per day, but you need a LOT). Ours is maxed out for everything else, though I imagine that's partially from everyone dumping all their excess campaign stuff they've had since forever. Though now we all have those vouchers piling up in our inventory/banks, so it's going overflow all the time while we slog through the influence grind.
  • carlonomocarlonomo Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    charononus wrote: »

    Developers just can't win with mmo fans. Over the years, I've seen quite a few complaints about how maps get abandoned and never used again. People complain about no point to guilds and they make strongholds...... A lot of complaints have points. Wanting bugs fixed, needing help for a family members health, etc, but man so much seems hostile.

    "whats the point of a guild" said nobody, ever!
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    carlonomo wrote: »
    charononus wrote: »

    Developers just can't win with mmo fans. Over the years, I've seen quite a few complaints about how maps get abandoned and never used again. People complain about no point to guilds and they make strongholds...... A lot of complaints have points. Wanting bugs fixed, needing help for a family members health, etc, but man so much seems hostile.

    "whats the point of a guild" said nobody, ever!

    You obviously don't spend much time on gaming forums. You see this complaint on the forums of every game that doesn't give overpowered guild "perks".

  • aratecharatech Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 269 Arc User
    I'd like to see a Staff Member Guild and have them report to the players on their rank.
    They may have all the free BiS gear they want but may not have free Boons from the previous 5 Boon Grind Mods.
    They have to play only characters that have ground all their Boons in order to qualify for membership.
    They must also at least grind Spinward Rise 16 times to get their MH.
    Then report to the players how many members qualified.

    I too would like to see this. I get the feeling they're in their own little world, and have no idea of just how bad of a grind we're going to be dealing with here. Perhaps such a thing could influence them to fix it before four months have passed, 85% of the player base have declared their undying hatred for the module, and a good half of them sod off to find another game to play.

    Despite my vitriol and sarcasm filled posts, I want this game to succeed and become one of the greats. It has the potential. An interesting combat system, and at its core, the potential to cater to both casuals and hardcores. The problem is, that there's a lack of communication, lack of trust, and a response to player feedback that can be charitably described as "a might bit sluggish." The devs need to actually show us that they play these maps, modules, etc. and that they test them under less than ideal circumstances (e.g. "Right, let's see if a group of random 1600 PUGs with no mics and who may have to combat lag (that is to say, about 90% of the player base) can actually do this dungeon in a reasonable time frame and a manner that will not send monitors hurling towards the nearest wall.") They need to show the players that they test these ideas to make sure that what seems good on paper actually works out to being a good idea in reality.

    Streams and evidence of that sort of testing might go a long way towards improving player/dev relations in this game, which I believe will be absolutely vital to NWO's continued survival.
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    so 32k influences for Guild Hall lvl2, and hard cap at 100 influences per character per day O.o
    our guild is 20-30 alts on per day that means just to unlock lvl 2 it will take us 30-40 DAYS???

    the BORING will kills us way bfore we can get to GH8, not even thinking market4 ahahahah

    What gets me as a small PvE only guild is that AFAIK we HAVE to build a completely useless PvP structure to get anywhere. The guild hall upgrade that allows you to use more plots requires 4 other level 1 structures, there are only 3 non-PvP plots available. So you have to PvP to get the glory to build the PvP structure which we don't want to do, and it will be completely useless if we do manage to build it. It was said PvP was entirely optional, it doesn't seem to be if you want to advance your stronghold.

    Do you get any of the materials back if you trash a structure ?

    Please tell me if I'm wrong on this.
  • bigredbrentbigredbrent Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 155 Arc User
    I hate what this mod is doing to guilds. It isn't just the solo players being forced out. The small guilds are being forced out as well. Even moderately sized guilds are suffering. This mod was for the very large guilds filled with mostly active players. Unfortunately I am not in one of those. I am in a very nice guild with very nice players, but not enough players for this mod to be very effective. Leaving my guild will be like leaving a family, and this mod is trying its best to split us up.
  • zeroxiczeroxic Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    I hate what this mod is doing to guilds. It isn't just the solo players being forced out. The small guilds are being forced out as well. Even moderately sized guilds are suffering. This mod was for the very large guilds filled with mostly active players. Unfortunately I am not in one of those. I am in a very nice guild with very nice players, but not enough players for this mod to be very effective. Leaving my guild will be like leaving a family, and this mod is trying its best to split us up.

    ...has alrdy happened to my 'family'
    the numbers are simply too high for casuals - STO all over again only faster
    i rly wanted this game to succeed and had high hopes
    but since the decision has been made for me - good luck to all of you...
  • eldarfreakeldarfreak Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3 Arc User
    I don't know what all the fuss is about..............because I STILL CANNOT GET IN THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • muratozkan17muratozkan17 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    eldarfreak wrote: »
    I don't know what all the fuss is about..............because I STILL CANNOT GET IN THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    try safe mode from the launcher

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