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Universe now recruiting

masterwolf56masterwolf56 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
Universe is recruiting level 60 players. We are currently a smaller guild who are looking for exceptional players to add to our ranks. Some of us are hardcore players gearing up for end content. Tiamat is here and Strongholds maybe soon. Now is a good time to join a strong guild and build something great together. Some of us also constantly run Dungeons and are constantly looking for other guild members to run content with.

Gear score doesn't matter because we are constantly helping each other gear up and share ideas to better our characters. Also since the release of Tiamat, T2 gear has dropped in price tremendously. This makes it much easier to get into the end game.

Five things that we are looking for:

1. Must be active.
2. Must be able to chat with other party members.
3. Must be 100% through campaign or actively completing it.
4. Must be level 60.
5. No boot and looting. If I find out about it, I'll personally kick you.

Post here character name, class, and gamer tag. Also send me a message at MasterWolf56.

Thank you, I hope to hear from you.
Post edited by masterwolf56 on


  • masterwolf56masterwolf56 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    We're still looking for a few good active players to run with.
  • popezen01popezen01 Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    Do you mainly play PvE or PvP?
  • masterwolf56masterwolf56 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    Mainly do PvE, but I've done quite a bit of pvp.
  • papermonkpapermonk Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I'm looking for a new guild that has more active players then the one I"m in now. I'm 70% though campaign. Also looking for others to do dungeon runs. I mainly do PVE, haven't tried PVP yet.

    Lvl 60 Hunter Ranger, Jagen Silverkin, GT Darkhorse361
  • notsubutainotsubutai Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Hi @masterwolf56 I was in the guild but left a while ago after someone else left as it seemed empty of UK based players. However, I've been unguilded since and I miss being in Universe. I was wrong to just leave. Can I rejoin?

    I've just tried to send you 3 ingame messages but each time even though I was replying to one of yours it said I hadn't specified a character handle so apologies if I've spammed your inbox (though more likely there is a bug in the system).


    1. I'm predominantly active UK weekends. I am on weekday evenings but generally I'm just doing PvP/Dailies
    2. Able and happy to chat
    3. 100% through the Campaign - awaiting Tiamat
    4. Lvl 60 HR with a GS of 14.7
    5. Never done it. I've been known to pass on loot when I've just arrived and missed the fight.
    Srdjan Windtalker @ notsubutai
  • masterwolf56masterwolf56 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    Yeah no problem. I sent reinvite so welcome back. We've added some great players over the past week.
  • addissonnaddissonn Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Addisson, Hunter Ranger, SlightlyTwist3d

    I am 76% of the way through campaign.
  • masterwolf56masterwolf56 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    Ok. Was in the middle of something when you sent the message. I look forward to meeting you Addisson.
  • bigbootyjudebigbootyjude Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited July 2015
    "Message Deleted"
    Post edited by bigbootyjude on
  • masterwolf56masterwolf56 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    We're still recruiting. Send me a message at MasterWolf56 and we'll chat.
  • truckiesnaketruckiesnake Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    Just an update on Universe for those looking for an active guild or contemplating making a change. We are a growing guild composed of a very active base of players ranging across all classes.

    We continue to look to add players that are committed to Neverwinter. We are not restricting new members to class or gear score, per se. However, we are only adding level 60 players that are geared or committed to gearing a character and sticking with us for the long haul. Learning a class? no problem, we can most likely point you in the right direction. Currently farming any and all content? then join us and have some laughs and lets make some AD.

    There should be some interesting content on the horizon which should be a compelling enough reason to be with an active group. For one, strongholds, which is a huge reason to remain active with a group that plans to invest heavily in that content and reap the benefits of it. Also, the potential of new mods, new boons, new gear, and new dungeons to beat up on.

    I play a hunter (18.2k GS which I neglect a bit) and CW (16.5GS) that I'm trying to level. I have over 1000 hrs in game as do some others, so we play. I'm up for any content any time. If you'd like discuss what we are about and expect, send me a message or reply here. We can play some, and ill answer any questions you may have.
  • truckiesnaketruckiesnake Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    Forgot to add my gt:

    II SnakEyez II
  • crxhybrid85crxhybrid85 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hey you giys sound like the kind of guild I want to get into eventually. I just started today though unfortunately so I'm just lvl 10 lol! Would anyone from the guild want to help me thru tje quest/leveling my character up while helping me with the nuances of the game? When I reach lvl 60 then I could be a active memeber of the guild. I game 20 to 30 hours per week.
    my GT is "LT HAAG" and my character is a drow ranger.
  • martyrmyselfmartyrmyself Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    If you guys are still active, I'm looking for a guild to have some folks to run with. I'm A 14k CW. Mainly PVE, but really down for whatever.
  • razalkunnrazalkunn Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    GT Sully 440
    My character is a Halfling GSW
  • truckiesnaketruckiesnake Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    I'll be online this afternoon and try to catch up with you guys. We can run some content and talk about our expectations and get you all involved. Look forward to meeting you all.
  • mindboglin789mindboglin789 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Character name: Tadder Tot
    Lvl 60 CW 12k gs
    Gamer tag: Osw3gos fin3st
  • truckiesnaketruckiesnake Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    Will you guys be on in a couple hours? Or is anyone on now?
  • martyrmyselfmartyrmyself Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    I may be on later this evening.
  • razalkunnrazalkunn Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    Sorry im in Scotland. so there is a time zone difference.
  • masterwolf56masterwolf56 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    We have a couple guys in the UK. I think it's a 5 hour difference from there. Might be more. Some of us are on all times of the day or night. Send either Snake a message or me at MasterWolf56. We look forward to hearing from you.
  • r3n3gad322r3n3gad322 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Rob, sw gs13.4, r3n3gade22
    Usually on from 5pm to 11pm PST
    Hope to hear from you guys
  • truckiesnaketruckiesnake Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    I'll try and catch up with you this evening. Look forward to it.
  • taken0vertaken0ver Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Been looking for people to play with... so tired of getting kicked from dungeons.
    Chaos CW X Takenover X
    At work at but will be on at around 8:00 eastern time zone. Hope to hear from you!
  • truckiesnaketruckiesnake Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    Ok ill try to catch up with you today. Thank you fir your interest.
  • truckiesnaketruckiesnake Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    Oswego and renegade, I have left you both messages on xbl. Feel free to get back to me when you have a moment. I look forward to catching up with you two.
  • shutik4shutik4 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Id like to join. Gwf, just finished campaign Dorto@cornballcupid53
  • masterwolf56masterwolf56 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    Universe is quickly expanding with some excellent players. With the release of the expansions next month, now is a good time to be part of a excellent and active guild. We are in need of more Guardian Fighters and Devoted Clerics. Strongholds and Mod 6 will be a reason to run with a powerful guild and I look forward to all the content that is coming out. Now is a good time to be part of Neverwinter.
  • vimes0xvimes0x Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    1. Yes. Mostly weekends but some evenings through week. I try to get on at least once a day. Gotta get those Ardent coins :)

    2. Have mic will chat.

    3. Fall short a bit here. I am actively trying to complete it, but im not very far into it. Taking on those higher lvl groups by myself is hard going.

    4. I am, but only recently.

    5. I view anyone who does this as a stain to be wiped from the sole of my greaves.

    Regdar Vimes, Guardian Fighter.
    GT- "Vimes X"

    Msg will be sent shortly.
  • enigmoxenigmox Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Solid players in this guild.
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