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Tiamat CONTROL WIZARD strat : Be a control wizard

adwelphinehasadwelphinehas Member Posts: 39 Arc User
Control Wizard is not my main, but I have a 13k CW and found I was able to make HUGE impacts on the success of the raid by simply using and equipping 2 valuable and arguably the MOST EFFICIENT encounters to use here.

1) SOTEA (big blue ball) you can push it into groups of mobs to knockback/knockdown off the Clerics so they can channel and get to next stage. Remember, EVERY SECOND COUNTS..

2) The most important of all : PUT REPEL IN MASTERY SLOT. Nothing you can possibly do with DPS is more useful than knocking GROUPS OF MOBS OFF THE CLERICS AND OFF THE ENTIRE MAP.

Think about it, please.

I tried this last night and was blown away (and so were the mobs..hehe) with how effective it was. I was able to clear the pad solo with these two moves alone and leave me to kill the soul carrier undisturbed. During the clerics part, I can see which group/cleric is suffering and run where ever needed and make an immediate difference.

Whatever youre thinking. .just TRY IT...trust me and please spread the word to make this infinitely easier.

Thanks ;)


  • adwelphinehasadwelphinehas Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    Oh and for those concerned with not ranking well and getting your drops, I am ALWAYS in the gold and have gotten all my pieces of armor except the Helm so far. Wildling away at a healthbar vs killing GROUPS OF MOBS via throwing them off the map is no contest and certainly solidifies your points as well as credit for the kills.

    PLEASE USE THIS. If I wasn't the only CW in there using these, these runs would go ALOT quicker..
  • aznly92aznly92 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    Another thing that would help would be to not fight near the pad. Aggro the ads when they spawn, and fight them away from the cleric. They spawn in the same spots every time so its not hard to pinpoint where they are going to be.
    GWF 3.5k i.Lvl 18.3k power, 15.8k Crit strike, 6.1k ArPen, 2.1k Rec, 66.5% Crit chance, 117.1% Crit Severity, Unbuffed
  • azcrackazcrack Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    I used to use relel but i found that my dps on the heads was more important than the clerics. And the big blue ball takes far to long to cast and push. Usually someone knocked the adds away before it got to them. They are both good moves for the raid and they worked. But getting the heads down seems more of an issue so i went with spells that did more damage. To each his own i guess.
  • vagu2vagu2 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    I'd rather freeze/ stun and kill mobs than pushing them away. Your tips do probably work for low GS mages though.
  • drexcidrexci Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    steal time icy terrian sudden storm. and shield to handle agro, cause there's a 95% chance everybody else is fighting at the cleric behind me

    fight where the adds spawn.

    Any good cleric player will slide back to the cleric and use sunburst to push adds to you and then slide away from the cleric.

    the amount of people that fight at the clerics is crazy, if people actually fought where they spawned there wouldn't be a mash of people drawing every kind of agro to the cleric.

  • kitaarkitaar Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    People also fail to realize you don't absolutely need to kill the mobs, yeah its nice.. but banging them off the clerics with good CC, whether it be GF, Cleric or CW...
    Xbox GT Shredboy
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  • elikenuielikenui Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    azcrack wrote: »
    I used to use relel but i found that my dps on the heads was more important than the clerics. And the big blue ball takes far to long to cast and push. Usually someone knocked the adds away before it got to them. They are both good moves for the raid and they worked. But getting the heads down seems more of an issue so i went with spells that did more damage. To each his own i guess.

    I switch powers for the different phases. It's not too difficult to do quickly once you get used to it. I wouldn't bother with the SoftheEA but repel is great and the you only have to switch out one power for the head phase.

  • imdrunksiowdownimdrunksiowdown Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Chilling Cloud, Ray of Frost, Steal Time, Icy Terrain, repel, hit them with IT, ST, push them away and hit with CC or RoF everything dies nothing touches clerics.

    I have a high crit build, i am always in the top scoreboards(15k gs). After putting a few things on im a 17k gs cw and have hit 1st a few times now.
  • mercbenz360mercbenz360 Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    kitaar wrote: »
    People also fail to realize you don't absolutely need to kill the mobs, yeah its nice.. but banging them off the clerics with good CC, whether it be GF, Cleric or CW...

    I'm losing count of the times I've been yelled at in /say and even sent PMs for Icy Blasting and Repelling mobs off the clerics. People raging at me that I'm messing with their kills....

  • ipinkbellyipinkbelly Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I noticed that when I did all the pushing away skills they really would just return in a few seconds. I changed it to Icy Terrian and Steal time right where they spawn and they don't really touch the cleric at all. Tough I am standing in a mob of them I just spam Icy Terrian and steal time and CC in rotation.
  • mikeyfliesmikeyflies Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    IMHO ice storm is a good tool to use during the cleric phase. It can be used on those that slip past the front lines to blast them back to the front line. I position myself (with a quick teleport or 2) so they are between me and the heads and then trigger ice storm to shoot them back towards the heads. I do not advocate fighting at the clerics nor using ice storm w/o carefully considering where the enemies will be flung off to. Teleport back and follow up with steal time/icy terrain etc to keep them away and in the spawn area.

    This is not the main plan but I do use this tool when it seems appropriate.
  • lvlkarmalvllvlkarmalvl Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    vyltrana wrote: »
    Icy terrain and steal time is the best way a dead enemy does not return to the cleric, one that is pushed away always will blast away all you want with ice storm but your wasting time.

    Listen, I don't CW but I can tell you this: Once a good tank has aggro, everyone else can go wait by Black. A couple good players don't even need a tank if they can continue to kite. Unless your group is in absolute harmony with the timing of your powers and where you're all lined up, every time you kill ads more spawn. They rush the clerics, inevitably one gets a hit in, and the bar stalls out.

    If you don't kill those ads and keep constant aggro on them (and by that, the less generating aggro the better because you can confuse them which seems to cause them to just rush the clerics) more don't spawn. Section done. Honestly a GF/SentiGWF, a DC/CW, and a HR/TR specced to simply stall enemy movement and allow for easy aggro pickups at each Cleric would be the fastest. That's 9 people. You could maybe do it with 2 at each if those players were really good at multitasking. Everyone else should be waiting to sprint to the heads so there is minimal time wasted in travel.
  • mercbenz360mercbenz360 Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    I repel mobs off the cleric, then blink into them and burn them down with Icy and Stoptime whenever I can. Also, you can repel them off the sides outright. If I can't lock them down, it's still worth repelling one off and locking it down with the Ice Beam though. Basically anything to keep them off seems to tick up the health.
  • curygreenleaf69curygreenleaf69 Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    knock back is only used as a last resort and only for very weak groups, way better to let the DPS kill the mobs then to have the DPS running all over doing nothing. Knock back wastes time ... simple as that. CW 17.5 main from day one over 1600 hours in and over 110 favors earned
  • celicoscelicos Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    You almost never, in my experience, ever fail Tiamat due to adds. It's always a lack of dps or buffs/debuffs on tiamat herself that's the problem. If you want to win a large portion of your runs, I would highly advise going Renegade and grabbing Chaos Magic + Nightmare Wizardry at least. These two buffs alone can carry your raid group to victory.

    With encounters, I would definitely suggest using Ray of Enfeeblement in mastery and doing double stacks of it when you have the majority of your raid group at the dragon heads. This will boost raid dps tremendously. Use Icy Terrains, Shield, and Conduit of Ice in your other slots. There are literally four spawn points for adds on tiamat. You just pick one of those spawn points (I usually pay attention to which side needs the help) and stand on it, keeping Icy Terrain up the whole time. Conduit as soon as a mob spawns... Get assistance from raid and you wont need anything else to protect clerics because essentially you're cutting off the mobs before they even attack them.
  • wintersage7staffwintersage7staff Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    celicos wrote: »
    You almost never, in my experience, ever fail Tiamat due to adds. It's always a lack of dps or buffs/debuffs on tiamat herself that's the problem. If you want to win a large portion of your runs, I would highly advise going Renegade and grabbing Chaos Magic + Nightmare Wizardry at least. These two buffs alone can carry your raid group to victory.

    With encounters, I would definitely suggest using Ray of Enfeeblement in mastery and doing double stacks of it when you have the majority of your raid group at the dragon heads. This will boost raid dps tremendously.

    So very much this. But to add to this, you really want to make a huge difference in Tiamat atop of this? Make sure you are using your Lantern and rolling with 4/4 HV set. Coupled with RoE, heads literally just melt.

    It's a very quiet contribution on a CW's part, but it makes entire worlds of difference in a Tiamat fight usually populated by DPS that have extremely low ArPen. Which seems to be most of them.
  • intelligirlintelligirl Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    drexci wrote: »
    steal time icy terrian sudden storm. and shield to handle agro, cause there's a 95% chance everybody else is fighting at the cleric behind me

    fight where the adds spawn.

    Any good cleric player will slide back to the cleric and use sunburst to push adds to you and then slide away from the cleric.

    the amount of people that fight at the clerics is crazy, if people actually fought where they spawned there wouldn't be a mash of people drawing every kind of agro to the cleric.


    I can't tell you how annoying it is to try and control/kill a pack of mobs when ppl are flinging them everywhere.... Not actually KILLING anything, just making it harder for me to do my job of keeping the adds right where they spawn.

    One tip on the powers though, replace shield with conduit of ice ON TAB (if you can take a few hits w/o dying) or if you need shield replace sudden storm until stats are higher. The combo of COI (on tab) icy terrain, and steal time are HIGHLY EFFECTIVE (make sure you have storm spell slotted as one of your personals, too!)

    Happy killing!

    Btw, my placement in tiamat is in top 5, usually 7 out of ten times I play. Otherwise top 10.
  • mac7719mac7719 Member Posts: 1 Arc User



    I can't tell you how annoying it is to try and control/kill a pack of mobs when ppl are flinging them everywhere.... Not actually KILLING anything, just making it harder for me to do my job of keeping the adds right where they spawn.

    I completely agree. Some Wizards do not understand what their job actually is. The clue is the name "Control"
  • acridbird74acridbird74 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I main a control wizard and I agree completely with some of you guys. Some wizards don't understand how important control is to a group. As a wizard, you shouldn't blast groups of adds around when they are being controlled and rooted. It creates disarray, not control. It makes it extremely difficult for everyone to kite, control, manage and destroy the groups when giant ice blasts out of the ground, sending enemies scattering in 360 degrees and leaving everyone to fight them as individual units. That makes everyone's jobs harder. I'm not even talking about blasting things off of clerics in Tiamat. That's ok, I guess, but a DC can do it more effectively with sunburst. A wizard should control the fight. I wish more wizards slotted oppressive force instead of ice storm.
    Post edited by acridbird74 on
    Aelwyn | SS Renegade CW | Lv 70 | ilvl 3029

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    Guild: The Misfit Toys - We are recruiting active players
  • katamaster81899katamaster81899 Member Posts: 1,157 Arc User
    Control Wizard is not my main, but I have a 13k CW and found I was able to make HUGE impacts on the success of the raid by simply using and equipping 2 valuable and arguably the MOST EFFICIENT encounters to use here.

    1) SOTEA (big blue ball) you can push it into groups of mobs to knockback/knockdown off the Clerics so they can channel and get to next stage. Remember, EVERY SECOND COUNTS..

    2) The most important of all : PUT REPEL IN MASTERY SLOT. Nothing you can possibly do with DPS is more useful than knocking GROUPS OF MOBS OFF THE CLERICS AND OFF THE ENTIRE MAP.

    Think about it, please.

    I tried this last night and was blown away (and so were the mobs..hehe) with how effective it was. I was able to clear the pad solo with these two moves alone and leave me to kill the soul carrier undisturbed. During the clerics part, I can see which group/cleric is suffering and run where ever needed and make an immediate difference.

    Whatever youre thinking. .just TRY IT...trust me and please spread the word to make this infinitely easier.

    Thanks ;)
    NOOOO dont do this! Trust PC players, we have it down by now. When you repel the mobs off of the cliff, they spawn faster. It is better to use a Rene or Thaum SS build and try to keep them frozen and stunned with steal time.
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