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Heroic Encounter Success limit???

Hi, I'm just wondering if there is a limit on how many of these you can hold at once??? Does anyone know for sure?
Any help is appreciated Thanks

Best Answers

  • soonergmsoonergm Member Posts: 503 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    You are one grinding, farming, neverwinter loving beast. Even opening your encounters can be considered grinding.
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  • bluedoodbluedood Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    Well done spookyvapors, I tried to save the encounter rewards and the most I could was just under 40...not strong enough willpower here


  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    Not sure, there did not seem to be a limit on PC. I've been holding HE rewards since 7/2, don't know how many, but I haven't seen an overflow warning or anything.
  • spookyvaporsspookyvapors Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    Yeah, I've been holding them after a couple days of grinding. I hate to see all those coins go to waste because I'm maxed. I want to just grind all week and use some for Linu's Favor when Tiamat shows up, then open all my heroic encounter stuff so I don't lose the coins.
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    To reduce loss of earned coins, I have mostly restricted my main to dailies and 1-2 heralds per day. I switch to a secondary for grinding. Hopefully, this way I only lose the quest turn in coins.
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    I have had 27 at one time if this helps. Haven't heard of a cap on it thou
  • spookyvaporsspookyvapors Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    The first day I saved them all I opened over 150. I'm just hoping there is no cap because by the time Tiamat shows I should have well over a thousand to open. Hopefully all those coins and coffers will get me enough favors to buy something I want.
  • spookyvaporsspookyvapors Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    LOL. Not sure. It's getting harder and harder not to open them and see what goodies are inside. Especially when I'm getting them constantly. It's so tempting just to open them all. But I want to force myself to wait in hopes of more coins in the long run.
  • TomidiusTomidius Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    What does saving them do for you? Do you get extra favor by opening encounter successes up during Tiamat?
  • vdeekvvdeekv Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    Tomidius wrote: »
    What does saving them do for you? Do you get extra favor by opening encounter successes up during Tiamat?

    Each encounter rewards dragon hoard coins, your character can hold 5000 coins maximum.

    When Tiamat drops you'll be able to exchange coins for Linu's favour. So by saving the encounter rewards, once you have around 5000 coins, you won't be losing out on those coins and can exchange them for useful currency instead.

    I'm just hoping the reset/patch doesn't affect the unopened encounter rewards :-S
  • spookyvaporsspookyvapors Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    Yup vdeekv is right that's why I'm saving them. Don't wanna waste the coins. I guess I'll find out Friday how many Heroic Encounter Successes I have. Probably not nearly as many as I'd like, but should still be in the hundreds. I'll post my results in case anyone's interested.
  • TomidiusTomidius Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    Gotcha... makes sense. Thanks
  • spookyvaporsspookyvapors Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    So I spent 2 days opening easily over 1000 Heroic Encounter Success things. And ended up with like 70 purples. A imperial dragon cloak, cloak of the seldarine, belt of wisdom, owlbear intelligence belt, imperial waistband of honor, and girdle of strength, alot of coffers, and enough coins with the 5000 I already had, I had enough to get 14 Linu's Favors. I think I answered my own question. There is No Limit as far as I can tell.
  • dunaughtdunaught Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    So I spent 2 days opening easily over 1000 Heroic Encounter Success things. And ended up with like 70 purples. A imperial dragon cloak, cloak of the seldarine, belt of wisdom, owlbear intelligence belt, imperial waistband of honor, and girdle of strength, alot of coffers, and enough coins with the 5000 I already had, I had enough to get 14 Linu's Favors. I think I answered my own question. There is No Limit as far as I can tell.

    Well done and quite a haul!
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