My brain has been chewing on something Andy said on Twitch in combination with what people were able to put together regarding how many fireworks you had to put in to ensure getting a favor.
We already know that the event was revamped to be more cooperative, which we'd largely figured out in terms of the fireworks buffs to obtain more drops.
But Andy said something about instances in the event having contribution thresholds, and if those total thresholds weren't met, your individual contribution couldn't rank high enough for prizes.
So... does that mean that putting in 200 fireworks to get 1 or maybe 2, and 500 fireworks to get 2 or maybe 3, was actually the result of one person meeting the instance threshold all by themself? Does that mean that every time someone put in 5 and "randomly" got a favor, it was actually because their instance had inadvertently met the overall contribution threshold?
Does that mean that if there were 40 people in an instance and they all put in 5 fireworks, they'd have all gotten a favor (and maybe 2)? And 10 participants would still only need to put in 20 each?
Because... dang... that actually might have worked.
@strumslinger I'd like to know if I figured out the intended mechanics, and if it would be possible to have them better explained for next time, because if this is how it was *supposed to* work, it would have been great, if the players had actually been able to understand it when the event started.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
fireworks, thinking that the leader board meant something. Wished I had
a way to inform every player in the game what the new (hidden) rules are.
But then I'm not being paid to do that.
I'm gonna have to stop you right here. PVP premades don't have any significant advantage in the water fight. Yes, people specced for movement are a little bit faster, but weapons don't fire instantly anyway so no matter how slow you are you can only get hit if you either stand still or run into a red spot right as it lands. If you're having significant trouble participating in this event, it's probably because you're experiencing lag. Move to a slightly less populated instance and make sure your connection is strong. Dodge and learn to look for an opening. It has nothing to do with gear or being a PVP premade, just with people who are better at it than you are. As long as I'm not lagging, I can kick most peoples' asses in water fight on a level 5 TR, including pre-made PVPers in all mythics and rank 12s.
The troll event is heavily skewed towards ANYONE in a DPS class above level 70, not just CWs (though level 70 CWs are rather formidible). If you're specced for pure DPS, at level 70 and in decent gear, you can kick HAMSTER at the troll event, as long as you're not late to get there in an instance that's packed full of people. It absolutely should be fixed to be more fair towards everyone.
The flowers thing is just always going to be a problem. There's a small number of flower patches, relative to the amount of people potentially trying to pick them. People are gonna fight over them. What, should every single person get their own private patch of flowers? HOWEVER. There's a big problem with everyone being scaled UP to 60 instead of the monsters being scaled DOWN to you if you're a low level. This also absolutely needs to be fixed. Anyone below level 60 is at a serious disadvantage here.
Also, if they picked all that corn, doesn't really matter what instance they were on when they picked it. They picked more corn than you picked or herded animals. If they have more points than you, they won, and seeing as they had to actually, y'know, pick all that corn to put in the higher score, I'd say they earned it.
This is one of the better events that the game has. You can't win them all.
With the new score system as well Llira's Bell (less relevant as all but obsolete) as the event dyes were extremely extremely, yeah outright insanely expensive. Sad story, as the dye is somewhat pretty IMHO. But running that thing every hour for a gaming day for the chance to buy ONE SINGLE BOTTLE of dye? Really???
And the most terrible thing about the Llira event was getting first place but not getting a favor.
Trickster Rogue