I am not sure if I am the only one that is having this issue but when I try to use the coupon for 40% an enchanted key it was state at first 75 zen but when I try to finalize the purchase it goes back to the normal price and the coupon cannot be selected in the box for coupon.
disregard this. it now seems to be working not sure why
Next time try moving the coupon to another open inventory slot. I don't know why this works
but it does seem to sync things up.
That is what I have been doing and I have not seen the bug (yet).
An additional way to protect yourself from overpaying is:
if you use Zxchg to get Zen, leave the Zen in Zxchg. Withdraw the exact amount for the purchase before gong to Zen store (directly or indirectly). If the coupon is not applied, you cannot buy the item and you cannot overpay.
However, if you buy the Zen using money, it is not applicable.
Does this work? AFAIK, you need to have enough zen to pay the full amount before you can apply a coupon. ICBW.
It should. ZEN not booked to your characters account, but on the ZAX balance, simply cannot be spent. Probably an anti-botting sry -fraud feature.
This worked for me, thanks
Trickster Rogue
It works. I was doing that almost everyday when the coupon dropped from every bag. My char keeps 0 Zen. All the zen are store in ZAX. To get a 40% off key, I withdraw 75 Zen.