Played many games over the years, but this company is making it a habitual habit to make sure new players are in fact NOT WELCOMED to their game.
1: They nerfed the XP gain from 60-70 it took me 8 hours to level from 62 to 63 that is not new player friendly and I know why they did it .............. MONEY they want you to buy the XP item from the zen market.
2: They don't have pvp ques that are made for their GS and abilities... They put you up against people they stand no chance against because of 60+ purple gear sets etc. Not to mention the HAMSTER poor match making system they have in place to boot.
3: The fact that it is extremely hard to level up artifact weapons without spending real life money I have been leveling up my 4 art items for over 2 months and only 1 is purple.
4: All their nice things like double XP and double RF are on the weekends a time many dont have a lot of time to mess with. No clue why they don't do it during the week on occasion.
5: Now they are coming out with a massive guild xpac that will hurt little guilds and people who do not have a good guild. For now the best gear in game comes from guild gathering etc. Which if you do not have a good strong guild will take you forever to get anywhere.
I don't know why they hate on their new and casual players but because they are they are pushing me away to one of their competitors.
And it would be nice if they made the experience gains realistic again. This obvious greed grab is a bit of a downer.
2. This has and will again be brought up to the devs. Just remember, those people with crazy gear had to start somewhere and probably got defeated a lot too in their journey to becoming who they are now. With great power comes great responsibility.
3. Serious question: once you're done leveling up all your artifact weapons to the max, what would you do next?
4. We sometimes have it during midweek, but people are more likely to be free on weekends due to needing to work on the weekdays.
5. The guild cap was made so that the little guilds don't get crushed. Strongholds is all about gathering together and creating something you can be proud of; working together to not only build your stronghold, but to recruit other members.
Sharandar, IWD, Dread Ring: You're supposed to do these after Elemental Evil now. If you're a new or casual player, this change doesn't exist as this is the way the game is supposed to be played now.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
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Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
Then the pendulum swings the other way and people start complaining about how easy the game is and the cycle begins again...
Well let's be brutally honest; if they actually had game play that was worth a damn and not glorified daily grinding in the 60 to 70 level range, people might not complain as much. I've rarely seen people complain leveling was too fast in Neverwinter, especially since Neverwinter suffers as all Theme Park MMOs suffer, as the focus is on the elder game, not the grind on the game, as the poorly done level 60 to 70 content proved.
The major problem is that this is a hindsight and there is no content to accommodate for the increased XP cap. It's no fun finishing the last zone of the leveling area at level 68 and having to grind the same random quests over and over.
Other MMO's may have started with the higher XP cap but they have the content to make sure that it did not feel like a massive hamster wheel. They would have multiple quest hubs and different quests to make sure that once you did complete a zone, you were either at the level cap or you were able to move to the next area.
They should of just kept campaign areas with viable XP and it would still be level 60+ but the area would just be scaled within proper levels of your toon. So you want to Sharandar and DR to be 2 levels higher? Then just make it 2 levels higher than the player. At least that would still allow people to have a goal to shoot for while STILL leveling. There is only so much mindless grinding in Spinward that I can take, and that is just on one of my alts. It's a complete nightmare to play any more than that.
Serious answer :Probably, I'd get started on leveling my alts. Would be great if we could get a substantial +XP mod on the Class Sigil artifacts. The extra xp to level is very tough, and I'd honestly appreciate a bit of a break. Make the bonus 25% + 10% per other class artifact equipped. So if you've got lots of alts to 60, you can equip 4 of them and get a very nice bonus.
Thanks for your time.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
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Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
6. The game has become unforgiving to the point of being infuriating. This is especially when doing solo content with classes that have no self-healing ability. I can't help but feel that the devs are trying to either eliminate solo play from the game or make it irrelevant. An ideal example is the vigilance quests in Spinward Rise: take an archer HR, warlock, or wizard and try to do them solo. I honestly believe that the devs are woefully out of touch with the casual gaming community who don't want to be forced to group for every little quest, and this is what it feels like.
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I know at least one source is related to prism, and how many new justice builds are abusing burning guidance because of it. So yea, this won't end until they finally nerf justice builds and/or burning guidance.
But going from 750k XP to 1.785M XP to fake-level was a completely out-of-control change. Especially with DR/Sharandar/WoD giving 1.5k-ish XP per quest. Without invokes, that's nearly 100 days to fake level. I finally fake-leveled my GWF tonight for the first time since the change. I got 5 Rank 5 enchants. Great! I plopped those in the Guild bank as part of our preparation for SH. But.. a power point would have been nice. Something to help get my MH more towards Orange so I can be more like all the cool kids would be nice.
The XP train took a weird turn somewhere and really fudged things up along the way.
And every post about XP, gameply, etc., I see a lot of "....well, *other* MMOs...." Sorry, but if I wanted to be playing "other MMOs" I would. I want to play a D&D MMO. Please don't ever lose sight of the fact that this game has D&D logos plastered all over it.
3. Serious question: once you're done leveling up all your artifact weapons to the max, what would you do next?
Continue to work on the other 12M RP that I need for my other artifacts. Grind grind grind grind. At least SH will help take the sting out of that, ASSUMING THAT CONTENT IS CONTINUOUSLY ADDED.
Actually.. I should add that thought to the feedback threads... You've got the biggest map ever made... Vellosk was a decent size.. I was there for maybe 15 minutes. Too bad, too, because it was pretty. Add a dungeon once every couple months. "Forsooth!!! A cave has appeared during a rock fall!!! Whatever could be inside!?" (someone there likes exclamation points). BOOM. Another epic dungeon. Or a non-epic dungeon. Or a "in-between" dungeon. Or do something that will tie into the new Underdark mod coming out. My god, there are so many loose threads and unused real estate in this game that the possibilities are absolutely endless.
I'm sleepy and lack a filter. More than usual, that is. Dammit Jim, I'm just trying to help!
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
Serious answer: spend time running through all the epic dungeons we used to have to help gear guild members (or just have fun). Now though, we have a grand total of 3 options. The last expansion quite literally swapped actual gameplay CONTENT as endgame material for grind.
The dungeons were fun to run regardless of whether you were the completely ungeared noob in the group or the completely blinged out BiS character helping to carry said noob. Now they no longer exist in the game and there has been no mention of when they're coming back.
Especially given that they were removed for 'reworking' but the current trio we have in seem to have only been re-worked by cranking the nobs on mob difficulty to obscene levels initially, I don't understand what could possibly be being done to the other dungeons that is taking this long.
Incredibly poor decision, and one I feel is fairly unambiguously decried by the community - so I hope it's something that is constantly being brought up at the office. It's be great to have those back.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter
Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
I think leveling from 60-70 was perfect. Before the changed I completed the four new zones and reached 70 while being in the last part of Spinward Rise. Wasn't it the whole point of the new zones? You play them to get from level 60 to level 70. Now you can't.
That's my feeling too. Large guilds will hardly have a problem getting all the resources needed. A small guild will fail (in a reasonable time) without spending large amounts of money (which I believe will not happen).
I feel that our small guild will not be able to accomplish much in module 7. It might come down to having to wait for module 8. It will likely bring new BIS gear, hopefully to be had a little easier than the Stronghold gear.
1) I would be in total agreeance if there was ANYTHING TO DO in this game pre 70. Like...ANYTHING. Why not just make IWD/DR/Shar all level 60-70 scaled to your level that way by the time the casual player hits 70 he's got a vast majority of his/her boons? In ESO my level doesn't matter at all because I can just do whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like it. There is so much stuff to do in ESO it boggles my mind. Meanwhile in Neverwinter, 1-60 is an absolute blast - the quest line is engaging and there is a story OMG! 60-70 though? Nothing except two new* skirmishes, depending on your liberal understanding of the word new. And to make it more boring, repeat the same fetch/kill quests until you explode with absolutely no story whatsoever.
2) Most of us top level PVPers don't like roflstomping and two shotting new players. Enchantments, artifacts and artifact equipment need to have much, MUCH tighter scaling. There is absolutely no reason why a rank 12 enchantment gives 4 times the bonus of the typical casual's Rank 7. There is no reason why a mythic gives double the stats that a fresh legendary enchantment does. PVP is complete P2W, B2W, HAVENOJOB2WIN or however you want to put it. If that gap doesn't get bridged, it will get worse. Ayroux can steamroll an entire team of 2.0-2.3k players with little threat to himself or little application of skill. If I was managing this, that would send red flags up everywhere.
3) Is that a serious question dude? I hit the "character selection" button and make a new character and start my time investing in that because I enjoy the game. This isn't the type of MMO that is suitable for just 1 character.
4) Yeah, not sure about OPs complaint - seems personnel here.
5) No dude, little guilds will get obliterated. It's not a matter of it will "take them longer", it's a matter of they are not well equipped enough to do it to begin with.
In the meantime, I've given up on NWO. I'd given up before, but came back for Mod 5 and Tiamat which was buggy, but loads of fun. Mod 6 was buggy, and not very fun but bearable with the hopes that half of this games gamebreaking issues would be solved. Mod 6.5 did not deliver that.
Srly? Too fast? Lol. I died. Do u think that players will spend most of their life to level up? That's funny. Check how many ppl still play this game and u'll see how good is that change:) Every single week i get more reasons to not come back. Today as usuall before new mod, no patch. I lost my hope, that this game will be good again... It's really time to leave.
P.S. It's nothing new that Cryptic knows better than players.
If this is the case then the devs should probably change the quests so they are not given at level 60, and players not be able to enter these areas until they reach 70. I didn't see a NW 'rulebook' that states this is how it is supposed to be played when I levelled my last toon so this is perhaps the root of some of the confusion and frustration being voiced.
Andy, this was a great game. It's truly sad to see it tank because of so many poor decisions. If it is becoming more profitable this way then those of us who preferred the game before will have to come to terms with that. People will come and people will go. I think those who liked it, myself included, would like to see friends stay, not leave AND new people come and stay.
To Strumslinger: I know this is a pve based game, BUT when you force new/alt characters to pvp with people who already have their boons and level 60 epic gear you are asking for trouble. I love to pvp, BUT your games ELO matching system is so broken that it infuriates people to the point of seeking pvp elsewhere.
Well let's deal with hindsight first.
So it's hindsight to realize that with Mod 6 you:
-removed popular dungeons
-stopped people dead in mid WoD / tiamat progression
-made other end level areas people where progressing instantly inaccessible
-reskinned old areas as new content in an utterly boring kill xxxx then return and repeat scenario
and somehow thought that this would be ok? welcomed by the community? keep people in the game?....really?
I'm sorry Strum, this is as far removed from hindsight as you can get. It actually comes across as a premeditated wrecking of the game.
Now onto - "the game was" and it's a shorter answer.
- the game was........popular - Mod 6 (and subsequent unfathomable decisions since then) buggered it up.
"Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
..............not this one then.............
Guild strongholds are not bad for smaller guilds, it will take longer to achieve tasks but even with only one guild member you can achieve all that is needed(maybe not the pvp
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
It has swung way to far the other way Andy!
Reasonable was the 80 hours it would've taken to get 4 to legendary with IWD grind.
Unreasonable is the current model of 300 hours it will take.
You cannot simply gear out more then one toon anymore, which makes people who want to play the game on 2-3 classes, totally fatigued.
Those hour grinds are expected middle range acquisition of grinding time, I posted a previous thread on it with the math and #s,.
It is just too much.
Artifact gear is what is keeping people from playing thier alts.. A MMO needs to figure out a better middle path, you do not want to stop people from picking up new classes and spending money on them!
My biggest complaint , is , has, and will be Artifact RP until its solved to a better way of gaining them to max.
WHAT I have always done when IVE geared out one of my toons? I GO to the next. That has competely changed since mod 6, where its now virtually impossible to play more then one toon.
No current , western MMO gates this out as harshly, maybe, maybe you couldnt be 100% BiS in some of these games, but you could get to 90%, and just dont worry about 1-2% rare drop modifers. But its VASTLY different here, you need those items to compete and its harshly gated atm.. too harshly.
You have given some, but not enough back into the game.
Correction: Leveling from 1-60 was and still probably is too fast. At Mod 6 launch leveling from 60-70 was fine XP-wise. The lack of storyline or content made leveling in this bracket a major PITA. Not to mention the poorly-implemented Vigilance system. What accentuated the problem was the amount of XP one got from invoking. That made leveling from 60-70 too fast. The XP required at lvl 70 to gain extra power points is totally out of control.
Erm no. Those people with the crazy gear either bought it or exploited the HAMSTER out of the game to get where they are now. No surprise that most of them are from the top pvp guilds...
Well considering it takes the span of a pope's death just to level one piece of artifact equipment to legendary, I would say that either I could then work on my next piece of artifact equipment OR leveling up my normal artifacts OR leveling up my cr@ptonne of enchantments. There really was no reason (other than money) to add 11th and 12th ranks to enchantments. It was already nigh impossible for me to get even one R10 enchantment, nevermind 11 or 12.
Never once seen an XP or RP event start on a Monday, ALWAYS on a Thursday or Friday and I've been playing NW for a good while too.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.