Just to try them out I slotted two into two of my offensive slots that had Azures, and I am healthy on Crit so wasn't a huge loss. Each of the Tenebrous are normals and have 2% with max being 3% at Greater level).
I was already doing hella damage as it is (I am 17k gs CW with 30k HP) and usually in the top 3 so I figured I'd try these out since what they do at the level they are at now is when striking a foe you have a chance to deal 2% of your current Hit Points in Necrotic damage. Meaning I am currently getting 4%.
There does not seem to be any indicator to let me now if I have dealt Necrotic Dmg, am I missing something?? Is there something that is supposed to pop up to let me know they are doing what they are supposed to do? Or are they nerfed until hitting Greater and fully slotted in all around?
opalsuns Paragon Gaming
So with two regular tenebs at 2% and 30k hps each will only hit for 600 dmg a proc every 10 seconds or so. You'd be better off slotting radiants IMHO.
Relentless -LVL 60 GWF-
Relentless -LVL 60 GWF-
Ah Ok I see the post above this one.
Thanks for the input!
opalsunsParagon Gaming
Wait what? I thought they were weapon enchants and hence you could only use one? is it an offensive/defensive enchant then?
They go in offense slots, you can fill all of those slots with them if you desire.
proc about 12 seconds. procs constant. but don't ignore damage resistance, tenacity. can be deflected and dodged.
also is based on your current hp, so if you are fighting with low life or half hp it does less damage also.
Is that nerf in mod 6 or before?
mod 6. this happens because mod 6 everyone have more than 98k hp, and tenes can go up to rank 12.
BamBam - Lvl 30 GWF
Trevok - Lvl 30 GF
Wil - Lvl 25 TR (PvP)