Please do not abandon The Factional Assets quest! You will be stuck if you do. If you've already done so, please submit a ticket to our support.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)! Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
Wats happening ive abanoed quest cause i thought after you promoted tiamat so well for so long that on yr lanch day you would of gotit rite ???? Wat the hell do u even test yr games that a stupid erro that u pay some 1 to play the game though before lanching it to 1.6 million people brill lanch so wat do i do now abanoned quest and nw i have to come here of my game and my day ibooked off lost money, wats next be a little more detailed not a happy customer.
so can we have some feed back from the dev's on what they are going to do to fix this if we abandoned the quest. I am sure there are thousands of us who have done so.
Wow.. come on people. Give these devs a break. You want to talk about problems, look at COD for crying out loud.. biggest rip off franchise ever.. still lag with only 12 people in a game, and they have never truly fixed it.. at leat arc seems to care.
O still blue on loth and boot vote came during dragon am shocked every promise made lied to on a big scale 4 months GUYS nothing was Fixed am getting of this game wat a wind up
Its not free ive investd hundreds its free yea but its not there making money which is a buisness yea which a buisness should have a professinal approach money should be invested in to inprove look at every event problem the dc the boot and loot the drops on epic loth and such much promised so long to wait, its every time it should of never lanched on xbox if my money has gone in i expect my money worth very bad lanch they didnt test it b4 lanch thats amature rite there sorry u can keep putting free game but even free games are more professinal than this and they mk these games at home.
Doesn't change the fact that it IS free. What you spend your money on isn't anyone else business but yours.
I do agree that the time it takes to fix the issues that this game has is too long to meet the industry standard but these bugs are common place. No matter how much you test them they will never function like they do in a test environment like they do in the real world environment. There are some things that you just can't test period in a lab environment.
The problem isn't that there are bugs. If you think that a game should not have bugs to be released then you would never play games ever. They all have bugs. Some of the biggest games on console had game breaking bugs at one point. They didn't catch as much flack as PW because they were fixed promptly.
You're right that there is a problem but you're complaining about the wrong problem.
That being said, I think the dev is doing a much better job than what a lot of other games have done before it. Even on PC this sort of thing is common place. They have done a good job of fixing large bugs fairly quickly considering that this is a new platform and they most likely don't have the same technical team working on Xbox as they do on PC so they probably aren't as familiar with the product as some would like to think they are. That doesn't mean that as consumers we should get a lesser product but it also doesn't mean that we should bash them about every little thing just because we're not getting our way. This is a free game like it or not and any money you put into it is of your own accord. For every one paying player there are dozens that don't pay and non paying players make up the majority of the player base. Like it or not the dev has to account for that.
EXCUSE mE i played every day THE BUGs the same ones yea 5 months on yea 5 months yea ant fixed wat else even ten times worse they said they were gna fix >>>>>>>5 month later Today 5 months on saying it will be fixed on 2 seprate posts on 2 updates havent fixed see where am coning seems yr blind and need to on the game more dude yr in la la land???
Either you didn't read what I posted in its entirety or you just don't understand what I said.
I'll shorten it for you to make it easier on you as judging by your post you haven't gotten the english language down just yet.
The bugs that we have a common in most mmo's. I stated that the issue that needs to be addressed isn't the fact that we have the bugs because that's a common thing. It's the speed at which they are being addressed.
In other words. your post agreed with exactly what I said because your main complaint was the time it's taking them to fix them.
You agreed with me then said I was blind. Please pay closer attention and at least attempt to try and understand what you're reading before ranting about it. Also, go take a typing class. that post was near illegible.
Wow.. come on people. Give these devs a break. You want to talk about problems, look at COD for crying out loud.. biggest rip off franchise ever.. still lag with only 12 people in a game, and they have never truly fixed it.. at leat arc seems to care.
Please enlighten me as to how camparing an MMO that runs on dedicated servers to a FPS that uses host connection makes sense to you?
This issue is something that makes it clearly obvious that they don't bother testing things before they push them live (I already knew this since I've been playing this game for a long time) but we still have apologists lining up to defend them, even going so far as to claim they fix bugs quickly which is absolutely hilarious (Repurpose Soul says hi).
It seems like the devs save up the bug fixes for major releases. The list for the release today is pretty long... why wait for a content release to apply every bug fix that is ready.
For example if they decide to truly fix vote2kick and find a solution this week, are we going to have to wait until the next mod release just to get the patch? Seems silly to me.
Wow.. come on people. Give these devs a break. You want to talk about problems, look at COD for crying out loud.. biggest rip off franchise ever.. still lag with only 12 people in a game, and they have never truly fixed it.. at leat arc seems to care.
I agree, give the devs a break. I think the Tiamat expansion is a great addition to the game and have really enjoyed what I've seen of it so far. The game in general seems to be running somewhat smoother than before and a couple of minor bugs are forgivable I think. Congrats to the devs for their hard work in bringing the new content to us and fixing quite a few issues it seems. I feel Arc are now going in the right direction and hope that this continues.
Well done to the team and a thumbs up from me!
It seems like the devs save up the bug fixes for major releases. The list for the release today is pretty long... why wait for a content release to apply every bug fix that is ready.
For example if they decide to truly fix vote2kick and find a solution this week, are we going to have to wait until the next mod release just to get the patch? Seems silly to me.
This /\
Its mental the way they go about things, dont get me wrong I think the game is amazing considering its a free game but OMG do the devs need a kick were it hurts! As is mentioned above why bring out fixes on such a mass scale when introducing new dlc, its madness! Why not fix the issues first THEN release the new dlc.
Oh and lets not talk about the boot/loot fix /sarc! Just lets not, I'm not in the mood, its to hot I have a bad head and to top it off I cant play the game as it seems its messed up now thanks to this update!
I dare not do a dungeon as today was supposed to be D-Day for me, if I got kicked after killing a boss I was quiting the game so in a way this mess up has saved me from being seriously peeved off if it happened!
P.S Just think about this, the amount of issues now in game will need loads of fixes so I wonder what new content will be brought in when they release the next pile of bug fixes!!!! Round and round and round and ro............!
Just a thought but why did they not simply make an announcement on main screen (example:Zalus has aquired assassin drake from fell lockbox). I to...will have to submit a ticket now being aware. Tyvm for the expansion and hard work. It has been fun already.
> @tgsinfurno121 said: > Its not free ive investd hundreds its free yea but its not there making money which is a buisness yea which a buisness should have a professinal approach money should be invested in to inprove look at every event problem the dc the boot and loot the drops on epic loth and such much promised so long to wait, its every time it should of never lanched on xbox if my money has gone in i expect my money worth very bad lanch they didnt test it b4 lanch thats amature rite there sorry u can keep putting free game but even free games are more professinal than this and they mk these games at home.
Well it is a free game you choose to put money into it, also i don't see many free games made at home have over 1.6 million people play it, all games have some bugs here and there on "launch" and it will be fixed just chill instead of spamming the forums with terrible English and complaints they know the problems and they will fix it.
So what happens after we submit a ticket? I've done that yesterday but now I don't know if I should play the game at all or I will get an account rollback or anything. I'd happily lose one evening of progress if it's the solution but I can't play until I know what happens next. Has anybody got reply from support?
It seems like the devs save up the bug fixes for major releases. The list for the release today is pretty long... why wait for a content release to apply every bug fix that is ready.
Its mental the way they go about things, dont get me wrong I think the game is amazing considering its a free game but OMG do the devs need a kick were it hurts! As is mentioned above why bring out fixes on such a mass scale when introducing new dlc, its madness! Why not fix the issues first THEN release the new dlc.
As a reply to both, do developers still not have to pay a fee to Microsoft each time they push a patch through? It has to be independently verified by MS so that MS can prove it doesn't break the basic Xbox software and break any content agreements for sure. I'd always heard there was a cost associated. My guess is they save up for massive updates where they get some kind of discount for doing it that way.
Xbox has never been like PC where devs can just roll out updates whenever they feel like it. TBH it probably cost them $ to get us the fix for the WoD quest line last night - it shows that when something is game breaking enough they will pony up. I guess there is likely just a difference in what members of the community feel are game breaking and what the Devs do.
Fact of the matter is the game has been going successfully for 3 months now. You can call any bugs we've had up until this point game breaking all you want but the fact is you have still been able to play it. And for the most of the majority of the people here who claim the game is unplayable it's so broken. There is something wrong with you if you come on every day to play a game that you consider broken or unplayable.
Either you're crazy or exaggerating. Most every bug we've had is common among games like this and as the previous poster said, the way Microsoft works, we will never get patches as quickly as PC games.
Yes there are bugs that are annoying that haven't had enough attention but they are in no way "game breaking" I've played every day since the release and never just threw my controller up and said well this is broken. I've enjoyed each day of play. I'd bet that most of the complainers have done exactly the same thing, they just like to whine when they don't get their way.
OK guys it seem that the devs have updated the game so the quest works now. It even worked for me despite abadoning the quest yesterday. At the point where you have to accept a mission from XY characters the game immediately knew I'd completed that mission and went on. So I could complete the mission without any hiccups now. Thanks for the devs/support team. I don't need a rollback now lol.
It's true they do have a lot of moving pieces to take care of, and that mostly everything works in the basic essential ways, and that the actual developers and coders and content creators have done a lot of great work, and that certainly testing isn't anywhere near the same as a few hundred thousand people actually playing. Although missing that the shopkeeper won't answer you correctly when you're speaking to (8 ?) people and that you can't continue the main quest seems an odd thing to miss, and it's also strange that abandoning things breaks it even more so. Hopefully though, those who have already abandoned this get a resolution unlike say bags with no open menu choice. Either way, they fixed the main issue the same day, so kudos to them for that.
But it's not true that this is a free game. It's a free-to-play game. There is difference between the two in practice and in concept. (It's immaterial to the discussion about what model is or isn't though.)
Ok, so if you did not abandon it you just pick up with Mr. Goodbye or do we need to go talk to everyone before him first? Just curious, heard different things.
Yes, I'm female. No, you can't see my HAMSTER.
Level 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Caimeta
Level 60 Guardian Fighter - Princess Clappy
Level 60 Control Wizard - Rashenbo
Next up... Butcher of Lock Love
I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code
Speaking personally, I had done and turned in all the other quests they give but for that one since that one wouldn't answer you to finish. I left WoD and went to PE during the maint. After maint, I went back into WoD as to finish that quest. Me, I had to talk to everyone again. But this time the dwarf store guy actually lets you interact rather than telling you you need gear. After you talk to everyone, you turn it back in to that other guy and get the 7 fangs and so on.
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
Closing this thread as the bug is fixed.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
I do agree that the time it takes to fix the issues that this game has is too long to meet the industry standard but these bugs are common place. No matter how much you test them they will never function like they do in a test environment like they do in the real world environment. There are some things that you just can't test period in a lab environment.
The problem isn't that there are bugs. If you think that a game should not have bugs to be released then you would never play games ever. They all have bugs. Some of the biggest games on console had game breaking bugs at one point. They didn't catch as much flack as PW because they were fixed promptly.
You're right that there is a problem but you're complaining about the wrong problem.
That being said, I think the dev is doing a much better job than what a lot of other games have done before it. Even on PC this sort of thing is common place. They have done a good job of fixing large bugs fairly quickly considering that this is a new platform and they most likely don't have the same technical team working on Xbox as they do on PC so they probably aren't as familiar with the product as some would like to think they are. That doesn't mean that as consumers we should get a lesser product but it also doesn't mean that we should bash them about every little thing just because we're not getting our way. This is a free game like it or not and any money you put into it is of your own accord. For every one paying player there are dozens that don't pay and non paying players make up the majority of the player base. Like it or not the dev has to account for that.
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I'll shorten it for you to make it easier on you as judging by your post you haven't gotten the english language down just yet.
The bugs that we have a common in most mmo's. I stated that the issue that needs to be addressed isn't the fact that we have the bugs because that's a common thing. It's the speed at which they are being addressed.
In other words. your post agreed with exactly what I said because your main complaint was the time it's taking them to fix them.
You agreed with me then said I was blind. Please pay closer attention and at least attempt to try and understand what you're reading before ranting about it. Also, go take a typing class. that post was near illegible.
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Please enlighten me as to how camparing an MMO that runs on dedicated servers to a FPS that uses host connection makes sense to you?
This issue is something that makes it clearly obvious that they don't bother testing things before they push them live (I already knew this since I've been playing this game for a long time) but we still have apologists lining up to defend them, even going so far as to claim they fix bugs quickly which is absolutely hilarious (Repurpose Soul says hi).
Lykopis - GWF
Embrace the cashgrab
For example if they decide to truly fix vote2kick and find a solution this week, are we going to have to wait until the next mod release just to get the patch? Seems silly to me.
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
Bull, game released 3/30 today 6/30= 3 months
I agree, give the devs a break. I think the Tiamat expansion is a great addition to the game and have really enjoyed what I've seen of it so far. The game in general seems to be running somewhat smoother than before and a couple of minor bugs are forgivable I think. Congrats to the devs for their hard work in bringing the new content to us and fixing quite a few issues it seems. I feel Arc are now going in the right direction and hope that this continues.
Well done to the team and a thumbs up from me!
This /\
Its mental the way they go about things, dont get me wrong I think the game is amazing considering its a free game but OMG do the devs need a kick were it hurts! As is mentioned above why bring out fixes on such a mass scale when introducing new dlc, its madness! Why not fix the issues first THEN release the new dlc.
Oh and lets not talk about the boot/loot fix /sarc! Just lets not, I'm not in the mood, its to hot I have a bad head and to top it off I cant play the game as it seems its messed up now thanks to this update!
I dare not do a dungeon as today was supposed to be D-Day for me, if I got kicked after killing a boss I was quiting the game so in a way this mess up has saved me from being seriously peeved off if it happened!
P.S Just think about this, the amount of issues now in game will need loads of fixes so I wonder what new content will be brought in when they release the next pile of bug fixes!!!! Round and round and round and ro............!
> Its not free ive investd hundreds its free yea but its not there making money which is a buisness yea which a buisness should have a professinal approach money should be invested in to inprove look at every event problem the dc the boot and loot the drops on epic loth and such much promised so long to wait, its every time it should of never lanched on xbox if my money has gone in i expect my money worth very bad lanch they didnt test it b4 lanch thats amature rite there sorry u can keep putting free game but even free games are more professinal than this and they mk these games at home.
Well it is a free game you choose to put money into it, also i don't see many free games made at home have over 1.6 million people play it, all games have some bugs here and there on "launch" and it will be fixed just chill instead of spamming the forums with terrible English and complaints they know the problems and they will fix it.
As a reply to both, do developers still not have to pay a fee to Microsoft each time they push a patch through? It has to be independently verified by MS so that MS can prove it doesn't break the basic Xbox software and break any content agreements for sure. I'd always heard there was a cost associated. My guess is they save up for massive updates where they get some kind of discount for doing it that way.
Xbox has never been like PC where devs can just roll out updates whenever they feel like it. TBH it probably cost them $ to get us the fix for the WoD quest line last night - it shows that when something is game breaking enough they will pony up. I guess there is likely just a difference in what members of the community feel are game breaking and what the Devs do.
Either you're crazy or exaggerating. Most every bug we've had is common among games like this and as the previous poster said, the way Microsoft works, we will never get patches as quickly as PC games.
Yes there are bugs that are annoying that haven't had enough attention but they are in no way "game breaking" I've played every day since the release and never just threw my controller up and said well this is broken. I've enjoyed each day of play. I'd bet that most of the complainers have done exactly the same thing, they just like to whine when they don't get their way.
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But it's not true that this is a free game. It's a free-to-play game. There is difference between the two in practice and in concept. (It's immaterial to the discussion about what model is or isn't though.)
Level 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Caimeta
Level 60 Guardian Fighter - Princess Clappy
Level 60 Control Wizard - Rashenbo
Next up... Butcher of Lock Love
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!