I'm clean as a whistle, with a fresh shave, extraordinarily good looking, a pearly smile and a millionaire bankrolling my escapades IRL. I have no need for drugs.
With that said, I assume you don't know anything about balance because you offered nothing in your post in regards to balance. I main a GF (3, in fact, both paragons and all 3 trees all fairly decked out and all but one have Dom Champ (Tactician only has 34/50 triples or something like that) and the fact remains that we are insanely powerful right now in PVP. Even my Protector with Frost/Frostburn can gib players with Combat S and Trample, survive the fight, and continue on her day with little threat to herself.
I for one, do not want to be overpowered. I want to have a fun fight where any mistake I make isn't mitigated by an "I win" button. Every class, regardless of gear with the exception of non-Reflect OPs, is food for me. I fought a CW named Fizzdan the other day who was a tremendous CW and really did all he could to kill me (got me a few times), but a vast majority of the time I just one rotationed him. It's not broken, but it's not fair. He's a better player than me and the risks that I had to subjugate myself to were minimal vice the risks he had to take.
So you are an overgeared wallet warrior/not so skilled gamer, i get it.
Now the question is:
If a GF is not allowed to deal damage, is not allowed to tank, is not allowed to move, is not allowed to CC, is not allowed to buff himself/his team...
What exactly should a GF be allowed to do then? Play the punchingbag for all other classes and at the same time hit like a wet noodle so he cannot even defend himself, as it used to be when nobody was playing the class??? I don't get it and i'm sure most of you aren't getting it, either.
It's like i already mentioned, take away the wheel of elements artifact along with the lostmauth set and see how much damage a GF will deal. That's the real issue, not itf, prones, or any form of damage output/skill. The oh so beloved negation enchantment is a factor in the equation, too.
Sometimes it feels like the entire community consists of nothing but newbies, sorry to say this but it often times truly seems like it's the case.
I cannot legitimately discuss anything with you if you are going to display the depth of a parking lot puddle, offer nothing but BMCs and provide absolutely no feedback other than "Waaaaaaah! NOOOOO!".
You don't seem to understand the problem here. GF can perma block, one rotation any class in the game(except OP), prone and buff himself too. GF can do all of them too well but nvm people like you will always think their class should easily overpower others so even you can enjoy.
You don't seem to understand the problem here. GF can perma block, one rotation any class in the game(except OP), prone and buff himself too. GF can do all of them too well but nvm people like you will always think their class should easily overpower others so even you can enjoy.
And you clearly don't play one.
A GF who can permablock has given up a solid chunk of his potential damage. You cannot have both.
You don't seem to understand the problem here. GF can perma block, one rotation any class in the game(except OP), prone and buff himself too. GF can do all of them too well but nvm people like you will always think their class should easily overpower others so even you can enjoy.
And you clearly don't play one.
A GF who can permablock has given up a solid chunk of his potential damage. You cannot have both.
Or you clearly haven't seen one. Unfortunately I've seen way too many.
Gf is broken in other ways also like knee breaker stacking with low cooldown x2 proccing lostmouth x2 with kc dealing 150k damage.
Endless bugs with reactive damage like avalanche, pals auras, sw dotts interacting with eachother in such a messed up way you hardly know what kills you any more.
Gf+kv+deflectbuild+dragon ench in overload slotts + certain weapon ench like feytouched or terror in combination with pals aura is a nightmare to sort out what does what to whom.
Bis Gfs certainly does more damage then any tanks should be able to dish out even without wheel but right now its so many things that are broken in pvp overall that class balance is rather secondary to sort out all the other bugs imho...
Slickhair claims that a Gf can one rotate other classes.
You are lieing Slickhair.Sure you can rotate 20% Ten 1600 IL toons ,as all classes do.
Try one rotate Obsydian ,Sheiko jen, or less geared cws but still good gameplay types like reverend etc.
You cannot.
Everytime a GF claims that can one rotate others i lose some of my hair.Our community consists of egoists.
And before the flame starts ,i am in exactly same pages as you and Ant Monster.15-17 in NCL ,22 in total dom.
You are 3,3 K IL i am 2,9 IL.
Hell i cannot one rotate anyone.How can you? So i take your claims with a bit of salt.
And as said before i have nothing against you ,and i used to respect you.But stop speading lies please.
Mfgamesys that he is top Gf in the last two mods and retired Godmode.issuck2 from mod4/5 were losing from Trs/CWs all the time in videos.These two guys ofcourse never claimed they could win anyone oin one vs one ,cause in reality it never happened .
Gf community.Hopeless.
To the point now.
The claim that GF can one rotate others is made as a moto,from verbal CWs in forums.Namely McJae.As as proved it is a lie.
The claim that top GFs cannot lose by any class is again made by spesific verbal Cws (MacJae and Obsydian) and it is a freakin lie again.i challenged these two to show me a video where a top Gf wins a top CW in one vs one.That was a month ago.I do it now.Still waiting.Reality is CW wins over GF 90% of the time.Oppresive force Cw jumps over GF,OP then behaves like GF is blocking in opposite direction.CC =game over.
These claims are made with a spesific agenda in mind.Which is :Currently GF is the only class that can put a decent fight vs CWS.Even top trs cannot kill CWs with ease( i have seen Bobo killing grandmaster of gladiators TR in dom all the time).So naturally the "i want o kill anything and me to remain OP" types like the two guys ,ask for a GF nerfe.
Clueless and naive GF community accepts this cause it boosts their egos.
I could write more.It is already a wall of text.
Burkannc posted a data shheet about mod6 leaderboard.TR/Cw are first then GWf then is GF/HR.
GF is not even fourth.yet people complain.Wake up naive GF community the CWs is outplaying you in propaganda and lieing on your incompetence.
The claim that Gfs can have a lot of damage is again a lie.
GF has a lot of buffs.In logs these are not shown.
ITF plus double marks plus the obsolete and slow to stack Conq final cap.Plus wheel of elemtents.
people see 60k anvils and claim woaou! 60k anvil in reality is two encounters.
60k/2=30k encounter. Compare this to 70k ice knifes and 100k disintegrates(with 5sec idc!!).
I am pissed of with the Gf community.
So in reality Gf damage is PRETTY LOW.Base damage i mean.If a GF can put double marks on you ,then itf and you cannot cc him and then you stay in mllee range and then not only stay in melee range but also he manges to land an anvil in you ,hell you are so a bad player that you deserve to die.60k is low.Anvil in that case should hit for 600k.
Compare this with the zip zap 90s range 100k disintegrate.No positioning nothing .Just press one button.And GF community fells for it.LMAO.
And a clue to all th pvpers that claim that GFs hit hard.GFs that have ITF slotted(the ones you complain) have usually the folowing rotation.ITF Bull charge anvil.These guys have low mobility (Lunging is missing) and little cc (bull which has linited range).Stay in range and cc them to death.Especially HRs should have a party when they face such GFs in one vs one.
I won't even bother to read them all. I'm a gwf with 25% DR, Perfect Negation and obviously full pvp set. I have 3.3k iLevel myself so what you are spouting is nothing but bs. GF can deal 60-70 even 80k with one hit to me but yeah sure it's WAI and how it should be.
Even if you were ,GWFs damage is way above Gfs in pvp.Anyone knows this.
Thirs i wrote arguments.It is ITF and Anil that hits you ,and anvil has to crit to do that damage.For mod6 that damge is ok and less than some other damges going around.
Cry as much you want CW ,you will never nerf us :P :P
ha ha Another butthurt incompetent Cw joned the anti Gf crusade.
As all you see it is the cws that are behind this.And the reason is GF is the only class that can stall them.
Now a famous troll joined.Ofnieslaf=false date. CW troll and nerf demander.Go figure
This is a sad thread to read.
As a fairly well but not overly stuffed GF avoiding bug exploiting, I certainly do not feel overpowered in domination.
If anything, block could profit from less delay at activation and more stability when used as it sometimes falls without reason.
And Into the Fray takes an encounter slot, takes one sec to launch and lasts only 8 secs.
Olaf, freelance guardian fighter.
Enorla, Oh so devoted cleric.
Slickhair claims that a Gf can one rotate other classes.
You are lieing Slickhair.Sure you can rotate 20% Ten 1600 IL toons ,as all classes do.
Try one rotate Obsydian ,Sheiko jen, or less geared cws but still good gameplay types like reverend etc.
You cannot.
Everytime a GF claims that can one rotate others i lose some of my hair.Our community consists of egoists.
And before the flame starts ,i am in exactly same pages as you and Ant Monster.15-17 in NCL ,22 in total dom.
You are 3,3 K IL i am 2,9 IL.
Hell i cannot one rotate anyone.How can you? So i take your claims with a bit of salt.
And as said before i have nothing against you ,and i used to respect you.But stop speading lies please.
Mfgamesys that he is top Gf in the last two mods and retired Godmode.issuck2 from mod4/5 were losing from Trs/CWs all the time in videos.These two guys ofcourse never claimed they could win anyone oin one vs one ,cause in reality it never happened .
Gf community.Hopeless.
To the point now.
The claim that GF can one rotate others is made as a moto,from verbal CWs in forums.Namely McJae.As as proved it is a lie.
The claim that top GFs cannot lose by any class is again made by spesific verbal Cws (MacJae and Obsydian) and it is a freakin lie again.i challenged these two to show me a video where a top Gf wins a top CW in one vs one.That was a month ago.I do it now.Still waiting.Reality is CW wins over GF 90% of the time.Oppresive force Cw jumps over GF,OP then behaves like GF is blocking in opposite direction.CC =game over.
These claims are made with a spesific agenda in mind.Which is :Currently GF is the only class that can put a decent fight vs CWS.Even top trs cannot kill CWs with ease( i have seen Bobo killing grandmaster of gladiators TR in dom all the time).So naturally the "i want o kill anything and me to remain OP" types like the two guys ,ask for a GF nerfe.
Clueless and naive GF community accepts this cause it boosts their egos.
I could write more.It is already a wall of text.
Burkannc posted a data shheet about mod6 leaderboard.TR/Cw are first then GWf then is GF/HR.
GF is not even fourth.yet people complain.Wake up naive GF community the CWs is outplaying you in propaganda and lieing on your incompetence.
We 1 v 1'd. No Fire Wheel and landed a nice 88k anvil on your head followed by a 18k anvil through your shield on the next go. Not only that but I didn't even bother to block.
Do you have anything else to add about what I can and cannot do?
i have the video.In first fight i started at 70% health and you used wheel.i hve the video.Not time to upload it though
checked the video.You started with wheel and you ened up at 5% health.Started at 70% cause Moltke was COi me.Nice skill Slickhair.
Second fight you won.I was pissed and not concentrated anyway.
I thought you were more mature.
We can do a one vs one with out your mythic wheel anytime you want.And you can post the video here.
I took Earth first go around and then I took Water because I ate your full rotation, which admittedly hurt. After you used Sigil of the Devoted of course. And yes, I sure did have about 10% health. That's what happens when you use start jumping around using WMS rather than blocking.
hypervoreian...more and more people writting post about GF, becouse they are right about GF OPnes- they can 1 rotate anyone. If you can't, this is your fault, and you gear/build isn't so good yet.
Next one- GF can't take anyone for 1 rotation
here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDbM6yKnqHw&spfreload=10
70k anvil, and my shield wasn't full reduced becouse i get 1 hit, so i still have more DR than any class. Of course after Crescendo i was dead.
You are talking we are liars, but sorry in this situation you are the lair.
Ask lothor or any top GF how to kill in 1 rotation
These guys want to nerf something that in fact has been broken since forever in detriment of the Gfs. Shield doesn't block attacks from above and below, it has 180 degrees and you can be flanked easily, sometimes it gets bugged and you cant raise it and so on...
Want to nerf OP classes? Start bi fixing Trs perma bs Cw bug shield and OPs god mode
Next one- GF can't take anyone for 1 rotation
here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDbM6yKnqHw&spfreload=10
70k anvil, and my shield wasn't full reduced becouse i get 1 hit, so i still have more DR than any class. Of course after Crescendo i was dead.
Yeah... BiS GF, specced for dps, with p.vorp, potions, ITF buff, 3 stacks of Shield Warriors Wrath (12% more dmg on one encounter) and Wheel Fire buff... hits BiS CW, with debuffed DR by 20% and CA (via GF tab mark)... for 32,5k CRIT... + 35k from wheel fire buff
well... yeah... nothing op here imo, this proves only that WoE needs a nerf/fix ._.
I took Earth first go around and then I took Water because I ate your full rotation, which admittedly hurt. After you used Sigil of the Devoted of course. And yes, I sure did have about 10% health. That's what happens when you use start jumping around using WMS rather than blocking.
lunging cooldown increased to 12 secs? this is a power which does 12k no crit alone. are you sane?
Bull charge is at 10 sec for me. And we cannot attack from distance so almost no atwills. Do you uderstand that any not timed drop of shiled means more than half hp drop? we dont have distance advantage.
You can take caster on 1 rotation as gf? Did you tried to play GF without ITF and wheel?
Hear, hear! Mr. pearly face millionaire tooth. I am not the poorest person, myself. Do i need to rub things like that in other people's faces? No i do not, because it can easily be considered as douchebaggery and that's below my niveau, tbh. On a side note, i believe you are just some kid who has rich parents, because no sane adult would be trying to compensate real life insufficiencies by acting tough in an online game... so in reality you own nothing until your Daddy bites the dust. However.. I unlike you, actually worked for my money and all that paper, belongs to me.
So please, don't expect me to welcome people like you, with open arms... life doesn't work like that. What you said could also be phrased like this: 'Hi, i am boring, not so handsome and lonely, but hey i have money and can just fix my deficites with it and act overly cool, so people hopefully won't recognize what a wussy i am.'
P.S. Did i hit a nerve when calling you an overgeared nublet/stating the obvious? I'm so sorry, if you wanna, i sponsor you your next pedicure.
I cannot legitimately discuss anything with you if you are going to display the depth of a parking lot puddle, offer nothing but BMCs and provide absolutely no feedback other than "Waaaaaaah! NOOOOO!".
You don't seem to understand the problem here. GF can perma block, one rotation any class in the game(except OP), prone and buff himself too. GF can do all of them too well but nvm people like you will always think their class should easily overpower others so even you can enjoy.
And you clearly don't play one.
A GF who can permablock has given up a solid chunk of his potential damage. You cannot have both.
Or you clearly haven't seen one. Unfortunately I've seen way too many.
Endless bugs with reactive damage like avalanche, pals auras, sw dotts interacting with eachother in such a messed up way you hardly know what kills you any more.
Gf+kv+deflectbuild+dragon ench in overload slotts + certain weapon ench like feytouched or terror in combination with pals aura is a nightmare to sort out what does what to whom.
Bis Gfs certainly does more damage then any tanks should be able to dish out even without wheel but right now its so many things that are broken in pvp overall that class balance is rather secondary to sort out all the other bugs imho...
You are lieing Slickhair.Sure you can rotate 20% Ten 1600 IL toons ,as all classes do.
Try one rotate Obsydian ,Sheiko jen, or less geared cws but still good gameplay types like reverend etc.
You cannot.
Everytime a GF claims that can one rotate others i lose some of my hair.Our community consists of egoists.
And before the flame starts ,i am in exactly same pages as you and Ant Monster.15-17 in NCL ,22 in total dom.
You are 3,3 K IL i am 2,9 IL.
Hell i cannot one rotate anyone.How can you? So i take your claims with a bit of salt.
And as said before i have nothing against you ,and i used to respect you.But stop speading lies please.
Mfgamesys that he is top Gf in the last two mods and retired Godmode.issuck2 from mod4/5 were losing from Trs/CWs all the time in videos.These two guys ofcourse never claimed they could win anyone oin one vs one ,cause in reality it never happened .
Gf community.Hopeless.
To the point now.
The claim that GF can one rotate others is made as a moto,from verbal CWs in forums.Namely McJae.As as proved it is a lie.
The claim that top GFs cannot lose by any class is again made by spesific verbal Cws (MacJae and Obsydian) and it is a freakin lie again.i challenged these two to show me a video where a top Gf wins a top CW in one vs one.That was a month ago.I do it now.Still waiting.Reality is CW wins over GF 90% of the time.Oppresive force Cw jumps over GF,OP then behaves like GF is blocking in opposite direction.CC =game over.
These claims are made with a spesific agenda in mind.Which is :Currently GF is the only class that can put a decent fight vs CWS.Even top trs cannot kill CWs with ease( i have seen Bobo killing grandmaster of gladiators TR in dom all the time).So naturally the "i want o kill anything and me to remain OP" types like the two guys ,ask for a GF nerfe.
Clueless and naive GF community accepts this cause it boosts their egos.
I could write more.It is already a wall of text.
Burkannc posted a data shheet about mod6 leaderboard.TR/Cw are first then GWf then is GF/HR.
GF is not even fourth.yet people complain.Wake up naive GF community the CWs is outplaying you in propaganda and lieing on your incompetence.
GF has a lot of buffs.In logs these are not shown.
ITF plus double marks plus the obsolete and slow to stack Conq final cap.Plus wheel of elemtents.
people see 60k anvils and claim woaou! 60k anvil in reality is two encounters.
60k/2=30k encounter. Compare this to 70k ice knifes and 100k disintegrates(with 5sec idc!!).
I am pissed of with the Gf community.
So in reality Gf damage is PRETTY LOW.Base damage i mean.If a GF can put double marks on you ,then itf and you cannot cc him and then you stay in mllee range and then not only stay in melee range but also he manges to land an anvil in you ,hell you are so a bad player that you deserve to die.60k is low.Anvil in that case should hit for 600k.
Compare this with the zip zap 90s range 100k disintegrate.No positioning nothing .Just press one button.And GF community fells for it.LMAO.
And a clue to all th pvpers that claim that GFs hit hard.GFs that have ITF slotted(the ones you complain) have usually the folowing rotation.ITF Bull charge anvil.These guys have low mobility (Lunging is missing) and little cc (bull which has linited range).Stay in range and cc them to death.Especially HRs should have a party when they face such GFs in one vs one.
I won't even bother to read them all. I'm a gwf with 25% DR, Perfect Negation and obviously full pvp set. I have 3.3k iLevel myself so what you are spouting is nothing but bs. GF can deal 60-70 even 80k with one hit to me but yeah sure it's WAI and how it should be.
Even if you were ,GWFs damage is way above Gfs in pvp.Anyone knows this.
Thirs i wrote arguments.It is ITF and Anil that hits you ,and anvil has to crit to do that damage.For mod6 that damge is ok and less than some other damges going around.
Cry as much you want CW ,you will never nerf us :P :P
Greetings from a GF
are u serious when u say this? ur seriously an idiot and your blind defending of your class is off the charts.
im a control wizards. and guardian fighter HURTS ME WAY MORE THAN A HAMSTER GWF.
ha ha
As all you see it is the cws that are behind this.And the reason is GF is the only class that can stall them.
Now a famous troll joined.Ofnieslaf=false date. CW troll and nerf demander.Go figure
Not sure if I should laugh at this. I have only one cw and that's level 60 invoking toon. Or do people call great weapon fighter CW nowadays?
RM00 forum war between GF and GWFs ended in mod3.
We do not attack you r class never.None GF.even if we get stun lock and get 110k IBS in the head....
As a fairly well but not overly stuffed GF avoiding bug exploiting, I certainly do not feel overpowered in domination.
If anything, block could profit from less delay at activation and more stability when used as it sometimes falls without reason.
And Into the Fray takes an encounter slot, takes one sec to launch and lasts only 8 secs.
Enorla, Oh so devoted cleric.
We 1 v 1'd. No Fire Wheel and landed a nice 88k anvil on your head followed by a 18k anvil through your shield on the next go. Not only that but I didn't even bother to block.
Do you have anything else to add about what I can and cannot do?
checked the video.You started with wheel and you ened up at 5% health.Started at 70% cause Moltke was COi me.Nice skill Slickhair.
Second fight you won.I was pissed and not concentrated anyway.
I thought you were more mature.
We can do a one vs one with out your mythic wheel anytime you want.And you can post the video here.
I took Earth first go around and then I took Water because I ate your full rotation, which admittedly hurt. After you used Sigil of the Devoted of course. And yes, I sure did have about 10% health. That's what happens when you use start jumping around using WMS rather than blocking.
You wrote about Godmode- He was loosing with CWs?Please, stop kidding me- i never kill him through whole module 1 vs 1
Pvp against him was always like this:
Next one- GF can't take anyone for 1 rotation
70k anvil, and my shield wasn't full reduced becouse i get 1 hit, so i still have more DR than any class. Of course after Crescendo i was dead.
You are talking we are liars, but sorry in this situation you are the lair.
Ask lothor or any top GF how to kill in 1 rotation
Want to nerf OP classes? Start bi fixing Trs perma bs Cw bug shield and OPs god mode
Yeah... BiS GF, specced for dps, with p.vorp, potions, ITF buff, 3 stacks of Shield Warriors Wrath (12% more dmg on one encounter) and Wheel Fire buff... hits BiS CW, with debuffed DR by 20% and CA (via GF tab mark)... for 32,5k CRIT... + 35k from wheel fire buff
well... yeah... nothing op here imo, this proves only that WoE needs a nerf/fix ._.
4.59 -5.58.
i did not used Sigil i don't use any kind of broken arti.I used Sigil of the Guardian to protect me from Moltke/Tr CoS.
lunging cooldown increased to 12 secs? this is a power which does 12k no crit alone. are you sane?
Bull charge is at 10 sec for me. And we cannot attack from distance so almost no atwills. Do you uderstand that any not timed drop of shiled means more than half hp drop? we dont have distance advantage.
You can take caster on 1 rotation as gf? Did you tried to play GF without ITF and wheel?
Steel and Magic
Bruh, you need to be watered twice a day.