Firstly let introduce myself, I am a GF who has maxed geared (16k GS) and plays on the Beholder server in the guild Nova. I currently have all crafts maxed to 20 and now working on leveling up leadership which is at 16.
Having just read the previous thread I was a little shocked at how little people understand about crafting. So below is my guide and views on this. The guide to begin with is a work in progress so go easy on me!
Crafting (Tailoring / Plate / Leather / Tailor)
- Huge money making potential
- Can craft shirts / pants for your guild friends
- Did I mention huge money potential?
- Requires huge amounts of start up capital (astral diamonds, roughly 4m-4.5m AD)
- Requires a lot of time spent in town (trading for materials)
- Requires a lot of attention paid to the AH trends
- Requires a lot of your precious capital to be tied up in Dragon eggs / stock (shirts/pants)
- Takes up a lot of inventory space
Sounds good?
Before you decide if it makes sense to craft please think if you are going to make shirts and pants. If you are not going to go the full way then I would maybe suggest this is not worth your effort.
Ok you have decided to level a craft. Follow the below steps
- Count how many profession slots you have and then buy that amount in workers (craft assets IE platesmiths / Tailors / Leatherworkers / Mailsmiths). If you have decided to make epic shirt / pants then buy all blues as it is worth your time but it can be green ones also.
- Now check your bag and see if you have a green material called “residuum” you will need about 300-500 of these. So to begin with make sure you have 50 ready. I buy them for 20 silver each. This is a huge cost while levelling your craft.
- Now check the price of basic materials on the Auction house. If they are cheap and plentiful buy them. If not sadly you will have to gather your own. In this game you will first gather a basic material then upgrade it to a better version which then makes items.
- Once you have enough materials it is time to begin crafting!
- Make whatever white items you fancy, I am sure there is more cost efficient items but try to keep to shirt / pants. Make sure you SAVE all of these items!
- With your white items safely saved in your bag, once you have the level for them turn them into green items using residuum which you hopefully bought earlier. Note in this game the progression path is
o Gather Ore
o Upgrade Ore with an npc item
o Craft a white item
o Use white + residuum
- You can skip using residuum but it will cost you a huge amount of time so the investment is very worth while.
- Once you hit 14 you get your last “ore” to gather and from then on shirts will net you 400 exp and pants 500exp. (to hit 20 you need 150k exp)
- Save all the “fancy” shirts / pants you have, as you plan to use this to make the 60 epic versions. I mail them all to myself, you can buy them off the AH later but it makes sense just too stock pile the lot ready for level 20!
Right you have just dinged 20 prof in your chosen craft what now?
Tips while levelling to 20.
- Do not at any point train / upgrade workers – buy them from AH
- Buy residuum while in town constantly, you will never have enough
- Open up extra slots! Craft a blue item when its available at 100% speed (using your 4 blue guys) and this will open a slot. Craft a t3 item and this will also open a slot…2 new slots!
- Keep checking and buying basic materials to craft with via the AH, gathering is a huge waste of time.
- When in town do gathering on mass and stock pile basic materials
- When hunting focus on making white / green items as to not annoy your group you are with.
- Keep an eye out for Profession assets – IE your chosen crafts tools that increase quality. It is not wise to ding 20 and then buy all your tools at once as you will push prices sky high! Try to buy them daily, you will need 16 blue assets to turn into epics!
- There are 3 kinds of proffesion tools for your craft, a “low level” tool and a “high level” tool and a tool that will work across 2 kinds of craft. IE for Plate – Mithral bellows are the high tool / Mithral Anvil is the Low tool and Mithral hammer works on both Plate and Mail.
- Ideally you want for Plate 1x high tool and 3x the tool that works across 2 professions (Mithral Hammer / Mithral shears).
Now your 20, what now?
Sadly due to little information very few people understand what it actually takes to make an epic shirt and pants. You will need
- You need the “rare” craft options to have the epic shirt / pant available to be able to make it. The rare craft option is those craft items that change every 1 hour!
- 4 x Epic tools (around 4m AD)
- 1x Epic worker (you can use a blue but due to the “finish now” mechanics you must use an epic one)
- 1x Fancy shirt / pants (1-3k AD if you buy off ah / 5k if you click finish now +4 residuum)
- 1x Dragon Egg
- 48k AD. This is the fee that no one expects. You have to click “finish now” if you want to make gemmed pants, you can wait the time but 12hours to then see what you will get is not viable.
- Epic shirt / Pants come in 3 tiers. With 4 epic tools you will have a 40% chance to make a tier 2 item and 60% chance to make a tier 3 item which comes with a slot.
Dragon Eggs what are these?!
- Epic item needed for crafting
- Comes out of profession packs
- Majority come via people opening nightmare boxes which contain leadership prof packs
- This item is the reason you must stand in town all the time sadly!
- You can buy these off the AH but they are way over priced and best bought for keys. On beholder I pay between 2keys 10g to 3 keys each. This is a great way to buy them because it is cheaper than AH and also the “buyer” gets a good deal as he does not pay AH commission. Also low levels who buy packs of keys don’t understand how AH works so are happy to get more keys!
How do I sell my shirt and pants?!
- It really frustrates me people have no idea how to sell these. A lot of people go too cheap and just waste there time.
- Remember you have invested around 5-6m to make this….its time to get PAID!
- My method of making and selling them is follows
o Craft 2 Gemmed versions when the “rare” option allows it
o Place ONE and only ONE on the AH. Some annoying crafters wham 3 or more on at once and it literally ruins the market for a couple of days for EVERYONE. By placing one on the AH it keeps the prices healthy.
o When your item sells you replace it.
o I undercut a lot but I do my best to go to a low enough price that it is bought instantly and therefore does not ruin MY market or not so low it ruins the price.
o Non gemmed pants sadly sell for a loss – deal with it
o Gemmed pants make you your bulk cash – celebrate!
o I aim for 125k for non gemmed and 375-425k for gemmed pants and shirt.
o With the above numbers you make 500kish for 2 items. If you therefore made 10 epic items you will generate 2.5m in revenue. When you factor in
48k for finish now x 10
12% AH cut / 50k for under cuts
Around 90-110k x 10 for eggs bought via keys and gold
You will generate around 100k per shirt / pant made for a nice 1 million profit.
- I sell around 4-6 Shirts / Pants per craft a day so please do not spam out shirts / pants as it will tie up your capital and potentially ruin your market.
- This profession honestly sucks. Time invested is insane and rewards minimum. The box you get at 19/20 look to be around 10-20k per box.
- Best exp per hour per slot is around 40 and this is does not change as you level.
- I have 3 heroes and 17 adventurers + 9 open slot and this craft is taking an age to max and gives barely any reward. My plan is to max it then have 2 heroes per slot which could potentially earn me 90k for all my slots every 8-12hours.
Ok the above guide was written 3am UK time so forgive my grammar. I hope this helps as it has made me in excess of 50m AD. I currently have maxed gear (lots of rank 9 gems/8s/great tene etc) with 30m in my bag with 6m in eggs/stock and over 15m + in craft assets. The money potential is there but sadly you will also need to put a lot of time into this. My /played is pretty sad but I do have a full time job and the gateway really helps with professions.
Thanks for the guide - it is very interesting. I might well consider doing something other than Leadership, but I am hesitant to invest a lot of AD as I have the feeling that the market will saturate soon anyway.....
Being in the same guild as ZhouMi, I can assure you he's legit. Also, he talks a lot about professions in guild chat. I'll bookmark and look into this when I have the necessary starting capital.
- Open up extra slots! Craft a blue item when its available at 100% speed (using your 4 blue guys) and this will open a slot. Craft a t3 item and this will also open a slot…2 new slots!
For the 100% Speed bonus slot use the Mass Conversion tasks with 4 blue workers. There's a Mass Conversion available for each of the 4 item professions at level 1, so you can use the same 4 workers to unlock across multiple characters, even if those characters are not going to level that skill any further.
For the Rank 3 bonus slot you need at least 101% Quality from tools. The cheapest you can get this is with 1 purple (+40%), 2 blue (2x +24%) and 1 green (+16%), which gives you 104% Quality or a 4% chance of a Rank 3 result. Do not expect to unlock this slot in a reasonable amount of attempts with less than 2 purple + 2 blue tools (128% Quality = 28% chance of Rank 3).
Leadership is great for alts and it adds AD to the economy rather than moving it around (which is what you do with the AH). Many Leadership tasks also give you other economical boosts either by directly giving cash or by giving you chests (which contain potions, skill kits, crafting materials and so on). And since so few of the tasks use much in the way of resources and take so long, you end up with your alts contributing a steady stream of AD that doesn't have to wait for a rare task to pop or doing much more than check on progress ever couple of hours.
For the 100% Speed bonus slot use the Mass Conversion tasks with 4 blue workers. There's a Mass Conversion available for each of the 4 item professions at level 1, so you can use the same 4 workers to unlock across multiple characters, even if those characters are not going to level that skill any further.
For the Rank 3 bonus slot you need at least 101% Quality from tools. The cheapest you can get this is with 1 purple (+40%), 2 blue (2x +24%) and 1 green (+16%), which gives you 104% Quality or a 4% chance of a Rank 3 result. Do not expect to unlock this slot in a reasonable amount of attempts with less than 2 purple + 2 blue tools (128% Quality = 28% chance of Rank 3).
Leadership is great for alts and it adds AD to the economy rather than moving it around (which is what you do with the AH). Many Leadership tasks also give you other economical boosts either by directly giving cash or by giving you chests (which contain potions, skill kits, crafting materials and so on). And since so few of the tasks use much in the way of resources and take so long, you end up with your alts contributing a steady stream of AD that doesn't have to wait for a rare task to pop or doing much more than check on progress ever couple of hours.
Thank you for the above, I totally forgot about mass craft needing four guys which could therefore get your slot open.
On leadership, sadly it just feels that Cryptic looked at this prof and decided the exploit potential means people (bots) running 100s of accounts could ruin the game and therefore gave very sub par rewards
also question when you said 90k in leedership (potentially) or 10-20k per box XD how do i do that in leadership , i do not have to mcuh time or money to be investing in other crafting so i think i will focus on leedership XD but i tried to look for those boxes in the AH and did not find any :P "large chest of goods" so how is that you can earn that potentially XD, also is pretty expensive to craft my shirt and pants XD, and well even to get those dragon eggs lol XD anyway i will try to increase my crafting skills once i'm lv 60 XD
Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
80 Silver (about 1.4k AD value)
1.6k AD
8 rank 4s gems (when you total them up) which is worth around 3-5k
15 uncommon proff materials - around 500-1.5k AD
2x blue craft material - 2-13k AD
That is how I calculated the money potential per slot you have. The level 19 box and the other ones also give pretty comparable rewards which will allow you to have more than 3 of one craft running.
thanks for the information i guess that is going to be the only way for me to earn some AD (decent) and maybe later try to craft gemmed ones the mail tip also was a good option :P
Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
Bump, going to be interesting to see what the alchemy situation is!
darkbladessMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 57
edited June 2013
Great guide man, i had been searching for just this for a while with no success,I was upset over the best chance to get the gemmed was 60%, like you wrote i spent several million to get to the gemmed tier3 items and expected tier 3 not tier2.
I have a had a bad run of late last three shirts were tricksters,really upset me three in a row,i am about at the point to sell all my assets off and salvage as muck AD as i can.I dont spends the 48k like you advised,i wait out the 12 hours per peice.Also i have bee buying my eggs off the auction house.
Thanks for all the advice, really got me thinking differently about how i go forward with my crafting.
Great guide man, i had been searching for just this for a while with no success,I was upset over the best chance to get the gemmed was 60%, like you wrote i spent several million to get to the gemmed tier3 items and expected tier 3 not tier2.
I have a had a bad run of late last three shirts were tricksters,really upset me three in a row,i am about at the point to sell all my assets off and salvage as muck AD as i can.I dont spends the 48k like you advised,i wait out the 12 hours per peice.Also i have bee buying my eggs off the auction house.
Thanks for all the advice, really got me thinking differently about how i go forward with my crafting.
Hello, and thank you for the great guide!
This might be slightly off-topic, and, if so, I ask for your forgiveness... but, as a beginning player, I wonder if it is worth purchasing the kits to extract items from nodes - in other words: is what is looted worth the price of the kit? Either to sell or else to save in order to raise my own professions.
Thank you for any help...
European timezone player (Paris, France) BLOOD Guild Pangea - lady Halfling Trickster Rogue - Dragon shard (started July 12, 2013)
Hello, and thank you for the great guide!
This might be slightly off-topic, and, if so, I ask for your forgiveness... but, as a beginning player, I wonder if it is worth purchasing the kits to extract items from nodes - in other words: is what is looted worth the price of the kit? Either to sell or else to save in order to raise my own professions.
Thank you for any help...
Yes, node farming usually pays off pretty well. If not for professions assets, then certainly for enchantments and runes.
Yes, node farming usually pays off pretty well. If not for professions assets, then certainly for enchantments and runes.
Actually I agree with this but for the OPPOSITE reason.
Early on you will get rank 1 enchantments which are by late game so (relatively) worthless that people just sell them to a vendor. However the chance to get residuum or professional assets makes the kits still worth buying once you can afford them.
hey great guide everything working as u wrote now i need dragon eggs and i am a little unsure what your talking about the keys? Which keys? Can you please explain this process a bit more Thanks.
He's talking about lockbox keys, which when this post was written 2 YEARS AGO, were tradeable. Someone pass the holy water we need to put this undead thing to rest.
Yes, this is out-of-date. There is level 25 now and there are better stuff than when this guild was useful.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
putzboy78Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,950Arc User
only place in game that dragon eggs drop is Tiamat
So plan on buying them from AH if your going into pant/shirt/ring business.
However, I strongly suggest you check the price on the items your thinking of making and the reagents required to make them (and include the chance of success/failure). Many pants/shirts now cost more to make than they sell for on AH. A good example is the cw gemmed elemental pants/shirt. The margin on these items is not what it was two years ago.
Thanks for a good guide, ZhouMi.
For the Rank 3 bonus slot you need at least 101% Quality from tools. The cheapest you can get this is with 1 purple (+40%), 2 blue (2x +24%) and 1 green (+16%), which gives you 104% Quality or a 4% chance of a Rank 3 result. Do not expect to unlock this slot in a reasonable amount of attempts with less than 2 purple + 2 blue tools (128% Quality = 28% chance of Rank 3).
Leadership is great for alts and it adds AD to the economy rather than moving it around (which is what you do with the AH). Many Leadership tasks also give you other economical boosts either by directly giving cash or by giving you chests (which contain potions, skill kits, crafting materials and so on). And since so few of the tasks use much in the way of resources and take so long, you end up with your alts contributing a steady stream of AD that doesn't have to wait for a rare task to pop or doing much more than check on progress ever couple of hours.
Thank you for the above, I totally forgot about mass craft needing four guys which could therefore get your slot open.
On leadership, sadly it just feels that Cryptic looked at this prof and decided the exploit potential means people (bots) running 100s of accounts could ruin the game and therefore gave very sub par rewards
80 Silver (about 1.4k AD value)
1.6k AD
8 rank 4s gems (when you total them up) which is worth around 3-5k
15 uncommon proff materials - around 500-1.5k AD
2x blue craft material - 2-13k AD
That is how I calculated the money potential per slot you have. The level 19 box and the other ones also give pretty comparable rewards which will allow you to have more than 3 of one craft running.
I have a had a bad run of late last three shirts were tricksters,really upset me three in a row,i am about at the point to sell all my assets off and salvage as muck AD as i can.I dont spends the 48k like you advised,i wait out the 12 hours per peice.Also i have bee buying my eggs off the auction house.
Thanks for all the advice, really got me thinking differently about how i go forward with my crafting.
This might be slightly off-topic, and, if so, I ask for your forgiveness... but, as a beginning player, I wonder if it is worth purchasing the kits to extract items from nodes - in other words: is what is looted worth the price of the kit? Either to sell or else to save in order to raise my own professions.
Thank you for any help...
Pangea - lady Halfling Trickster Rogue - Dragon shard
(started July 12, 2013)
Yes, node farming usually pays off pretty well. If not for professions assets, then certainly for enchantments and runes.
Pangea - lady Halfling Trickster Rogue - Dragon shard
(started July 12, 2013)
Actually I agree with this but for the OPPOSITE reason.
Early on you will get rank 1 enchantments which are by late game so (relatively) worthless that people just sell them to a vendor. However the chance to get residuum or professional assets makes the kits still worth buying once you can afford them.
(was just not sure how the nodes worked, if it was basically one's own class-related items per node etc.)
Pangea - lady Halfling Trickster Rogue - Dragon shard
(started July 12, 2013)
AH is the easiest way.
Yes, this is out-of-date. There is level 25 now and there are better stuff than when this guild was useful.
So plan on buying them from AH if your going into pant/shirt/ring business.
However, I strongly suggest you check the price on the items your thinking of making and the reagents required to make them (and include the chance of success/failure). Many pants/shirts now cost more to make than they sell for on AH. A good example is the cw gemmed elemental pants/shirt. The margin on these items is not what it was two years ago.