For anyone who hasn't noticed already, it would appear lesser Marks of Power are now victim to the 'max 400 results in auction house' mechanic/exploit.
Granted, LMoPower are in demand, as you need one to upgrade artifact equipment from green to blue... But 15000ad auction start price, no buyout? The other lesser marks go for less than 1500ad and there are buyouts for under that price.
This post is pretty much for informational purposes and is all IMO, don't really see that anything can/will be done to change this till the Tiamat patch bringing new auction house search functionality.
My opinion, as a player since day one, is that 15000ad is way too much for LMoPower and would strongly suggest not to buy them at this price.
They're not that uncommon a drop from skill nodes/t2 dungeon chests etc. but if you're really struggling to get what you need, try buying them for gold via trade chat etc. or hold out another week (fingers crossed) for the auction house fix which should drop with Tiamat.
I don't think the patch will fix it, as I remember a dev saying, during the live stream I think, that the 400 limit was on the server side and they are working on it, but the upcoming patch would just add sorting of that 400 on the client side. So you will still get the same 400, but you will be able to sort it. I guess we will see, soon...
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If it works like PC, you will still only get 400 results. But, those results will conform to your search parameters. So, if you list by lowest buyout, you get the 400 lowest buyouts. It's per unit so a stack of 10 for 10ad will appear before a single with a 9 ad buyout or stack of 8 with a 10 ad buyout. If there are not 400 with buyouts, the lowest starting bids make up the difference. Hopefully, it will work like this. My favorite sort on PC was time remaining. Looking for good deals getting ready to expire.