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OC's Protection Bulwark Build (Now RIP.)

obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
edited November 2016 in The Citadel
This build is finally officially dead. Written back when the T2s were bugged and the little spiders in eToS were one shotting people it has lasted as a workable guide. However with the changes arriving with the end of Storm Kings Thunder it is dead. Once I have settled on a new build I will post it up. Though that could take some time.

Hi All,

I started experimenting with the OP when it was on preview, levelling a couple of Protection Builds and a Devotion Build. I settled on the Bulwark Protection build for my live character because I enjoyed it more than the other options I tried on Preview. The Bulwark build doesn't give the most DPS for an OP, but I found I had to worry less about being alive to do damage than with the other builds I tried, which as my average ping is 400 matters quite a bit to me.

The following is my thoughts on the Bulwark Protection build. Its not a "definitive guide" and is based on my play preferences and observations. I consider myself an average player rather than an expert, so feel free to challenge my ideas. (But please not "make Justice". )

Character Role:
You are a tank that provides supplementary control and buffs for the party. You can do ok damage, certainly plenty for solo play to be straightforward, but not enough to really star on the DPS table at the end of a skirmish/dungeon with similarly geared players. However you will pretty much always take more damage than the rest of the party combined, and that means you are doing your job.

My character is a half-elf, I think half-elves offer a good DnD stat selection for the class, however as Feats are very important my recommendation is to play a human. However any race with a +2 to Con will do well for an OP.

DnD Stats:
Constitution of 18-20 at first level putting the maximum 7 pips into it is a definite for the OP.
Wisdom and Charisma are equally important for different reasons. Aiming to have them at 20 (with campfire is OK) at level 70 is a good plan. Humans can favour Charisma slightly over Wisdom, but shouldn't have a huge disparity between the 2 stats.
Intelligence and Dexterity are the other 2 important stats. Intelligence gives you more recovery and dexterity gives you more deflection. Currently I have favoured Dexterity, but if starting from scratch Intelligence is well worth considering. One of these should be at or around 14 (with Campfire) at 70.

Note: Strength is an irrelevant stat to OPs, despite what the stat roller might make you think. Don't be tricked!

NWOnline Stats
Hit Points: Hit points matter because many of our class features depend on hit points to function, plus being able to take a hit for 100k damage and stay standing means you have more chance of keeping the whole party standing.

Power: Because hit points are translated to power due to the core paragon mechanic, 8-9K power will be plenty and is achieved easily enough with the default gear.

Defence: The more the better. Note around the 10k mark the return on investment starts to shrink noticeably. However 10k defence puts you in the mid 40's as a base for damage reduction, and then you are going to stack class features on top of that.

Deflection: Matters because if you deflect half the damage before your DR kicks in you are basically taking 1/4 of the damage on your base stats; so at 115k HP you can survive hits of over 300k, which is a big deal when "Archers" can hit that hard in t2 dungeons.

Recovery: After defence and deflection arguably the most important stat you have. More recovery means faster cycling of your encounter powers and your daily powers. The daily powers in particular are critical for running the t1 and t2 dungeon content.

Regeneration: I misunderstood the function of this stat so didn't prioritise, but Regeneration makes your healer work better on you, so having it is important. You don't need 1000's of points in it but a couple of boons and some regen that turns up on gear will make a noticeable difference for your health. After all if you survive that 300k hit, you need to get back to 115k HP fast or you are dead anyway.

Critical & ArP: These 2 are dps boosters, with Critical also potentially boosting the one healing "attack" you have as a Protection OP. If you are worried about PvP then ArP takes on a larger role, but other wise I haven't found it to be that critical with a Terror enchant.


I have Aura of Courage, Aura of Wisdom and Aura of Protection at 4, along with Divine Protector, Shielding Strike, Templar's Wrath and Burning Light.

Solo Play:
Aura of Courage, Aura of Wisdom, Relentless Avenger, Templar's Wrath, Burning Light, Divine Protector, Divine Justice. I rotate Burning Light out for either Smite or Vow of Enmity when dealing with things like Giants in IWD.

This is way more complicated and depends a lot on the party you are with and which dungeon you are in.
Aura of Protection, Aura of Wisdom, Templar's Wrath, Divine Protector are always in slot pretty much.
Binding Oath: Solid choice, but beware the ability to proc for 400k plus damage, which kills you right proper.
Cleansing Touch: Useful at various times, usually when the heals are not quite enough to keep up or if you get dragged away from the party for some reason (eg kiting).
Bane: Solid de-buff and a way for luring enemies to where the party wants with the agro on you. Good for single target enemies/bosses.
Vow of Enmity: for when you really want to hold the agro.
Circle of Power: Great for traveling through a dungeon and certain bosses. If the DPS isn't fast enough this gives you more tank breathing room. (25% more DR from a base of 45% is pushing you towards the 80 cap.) With Aura of Wisdom and a reasonable recovery stat you can just about drop Circle of Power over Circle of Power without help from any party members, with any sort of cooldown reduction from others this becomes reliable and a huge benefit.


Divine Action: At 5/5 in combat this makes a noticeable difference to AP gain, and AP gain is pretty important.

Impassioned Pleas: For Protection OPs Divine Call regenerates slowly, it also clears if you happen to be dropped by a big attack. As its a tool for AP gain (see Divine Action) as well as providing defence buffs (see Vigilance and Holy Barrier) getting it back faster is a important. This is the most reliable way of doing that without depending on you taking damage (Head Unbowed).

Sanctity: This basically provides a buff 50% of the time of 4200 to one of Defence, Deflection or Regeneration, all of which are quite good to have buffed. This, for me, beats out a 10% chance of getting the debuff from Martyr's.

Aura Gifts: As this means you can hand out say 4500 power to most of your party, this is a workhorse feat for your party. Staying close enough to the OP (and its a big distance), means that your party members are all getting this on top of your Auras.

Force of Will: the place to put those 3 human extra feats. Charisma does double duty as a result!
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
Post edited by obsidiancran3 on


  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited July 2015

    Despite the importance of Hit Points, I value Action Point gain more. If I have Divine Protector up then I'm pretty much not getting killed (unless the whole party stands in red and someone takes one of those 300k crits) and (bugs aside) no one else in the party is dropping either. So in this instance AP Gain > HP.

    Dread Ring
    You could take Conjurer's Gambit over Reliquary Keeper's Strength, both are really just a stepping stone to the later ones rather than mattering themselves.

    Icewind Dale
    I'll be taking Rousing Warmth, there are a lot of things that are healing me and having a Healer around in a dungeon just makes it more pronounced. Though Avalanche could be just as strong a choice, it depends if it counts 0 as damage.

    Tyranny of Dragons
    I'll be honest, getting the last boon is a very low priority, none of them seem particularly necassary for the character. It will probably be Dragon's Revival just to make heals work better for those times when you drop and need to be healed back to full again.

    Take whatever you like. :)
    Post edited by obsidiancran3 on
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Gear is probably the hardest thing to look at, I just don't have the resources to pour into the game to have an unlimited selection of gear, so what I have tends to be affordable and get the job done. As I have all the classes at 60 one of the most affordable things for me to do is grab the Class based Artifacts.

    Current Gear (08/Sep/15)

    [If you don't have the Black Ice (or the patience to grind it) for the Black Ice Belt and Neck then the Seldarine Belt is a good choice because of both its stats and the DnD stats it boosts. Its also quite cheap on the AH.

    Other Artifacts:
    The OP, DC, and GWF artifacts all have pretty clear benefits (AP regain, more HP etc), but not everyone has all the classes available to them. So these are my thoughts, especially if you cannot get the DC Sigil. The Controller Sigil is just there for the stats, it can easily be swapped for other artifacts according to your taste and gear.

    Tiamat' Orb of Majesty provides a good stat selection.
    Lostmauth's Hoard Necklace or Greater Imperial Dragon Cloak both provide AP, Power and Crit, the choice is Armor Pen (Lostmauth's) or Recovery (Imperial). I am seriously considering swapping to the Dragon Cloak this weekend with 2x RP.

    Free artifact at level 21 I went with the Lantern of Revelation, but the Waters is a good choice as well.
    If you enjoy PvP the Tactician's Banner is a solid choice as well (more AP gain again).

    Armor: Negation, no need to really go higher it seems, but one day. Considering using Soulforged in dungeons.
    Weapon: Terror I believe Plaguefire is the other good candidate here. Giving your whole team more ArP effect matters, especially when Radiant Strike will spread the love around. They also reduce the ArP burden you have as well. For example this gives me an effective ArP of 62% after the first hit on a target.

    Defence: All Radiants on the character, Silvery on the Stone.
    Offence: 2x Radiant and Lesser Tenebrous on the character, 3x Dark on the Stone. When I open up the remaining offence slots they will likely be getting Dark enchants. (Keeping in mind my functioning power is 20k or so.)

    2 Sprites give me an extra 3.5% AP gain.
    Fire Archon gives me more damage against things below half HP.
    Stone: is for the stat boosts.
    Angel: is for those times when something goes wrong to get a bit more breathing room when back on my feet. Also why I'm looking at the Soulforged armor enchant more seriously now.

    What this all leaves me with is:
    Critical Chance: 26.2% (Severity 76%)
    Resistance Ignored: -32% (note Terror effectively adds another 30%)
    Recharge Speed Increase: +51.5% (includes Aura of Wisdom)
    Action Point Gain +31.3% (higher in combat)
    Damage Resistance: 44.2% (54.7% with Sanctity proc)
    Deflection Chance: 21.2% (31.7% with Sanctity proc)
    Health Regeneration: 3.7% (14.2% with Sanctity proc)
    Life Steal Chance: 0.9%

    Dragonflight Set:
    With the launch of the Stronghold module we gained a new BiS set of armor. Chances are you will be able to (or even need to) farm up the Elven set before you get this one but here is my recommendation for the Dragonflight set:

    Head: Dragonflight Restoration Armet (Crit, Recovery Defence)
    Armor: Dragonflight Ward Cuirass (Defence, Deflect, Regen)
    Arms: Dragonflight Restoration Couters (Power, Recovery, Defence)
    Feet: Dragonflight Ward Poleyns. (Recovery, Defence, Deflect)

    With this and the Wizard's Tower (Level 5) Boon I have 150k hp with no other changes from my current build.

    Post edited by obsidiancran3 on
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    I've been running a Bulwark Protection as my main for about a month or so now. *Love*. *It*.

    On encounters I'm definitely running a couple different from you (I prefer Circle in party and Relentless Avenger in Solo) - but then the obvious ones like Templar's and Smite, etc. I'm not sure what you;re planning to recommend for gear enchantments, so I'll share this on my own build: all darks and gold (radiant) - for Armore Pen and HP. My DPS is respectable (I'm usually third place in "paingivewr" chart, but always number one in paintaker chart - like you said: more than entire party combined).

    I crank a Perfect terror and Rank 12 Dark in my freebie Artifact Mace, rank 8 Darks everywhere else and Rank 8 Radiants. I do have a couple Silvers in my summoned Companion (currently enjoying my Stone of Radiance).

    But as stated in the O/P: Rank high in partaker charts: get nuked and when the smoke clears you're just standing their saying "more, please" then you're doing your job. Bulwark Protection OP is the tank of tanks (at least I've never been able to get my GF or GWF to be this tank; could be my builds).
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    I'm still working on gear (its not forgotten), but by and large what you say is good angrysprite, and I need to tinker more with ArP vs Recovery vs Power in my various enchant slots.

    I use Circle a lot in dungeons (not necessarily in every party), but it isn't "the right power" every time, it depends on how much the fight needs you to move around (eToS final boss for example), which is why I gave a list of encounter powers I use other than Templar's Wrath.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • sixpax2sixpax2 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    Circle of Power is a good choice. I switched from Binding Oath to CoP and probably won't go back. Binding Oath is powerful but it can be a detriment as well.
    "While it is possible to tank as a Justice or Light paladin, it is substantially harder, especially on longer fights where Holy Barrier and your other defensive feats get chances to kick in and contribute quite a bit of defensive power." - System Designer Gentlemancrush
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    Ok all the initial posts are now updated with my current build and additional thoughts on gear etc.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Member Posts: 601 Arc User
    Honestly, for my offensive slots, I would choose silvery over radiant. Your HP has your power concerns covered, you want more recovery for getting AP and your powers back faster, to be honest.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    I think my base is sound and the patch may be a critical thing for adjusting as well.

    The thing will be adjusting and tinkering as they tweak the game and the rest of the end game gear rolls in. So those are good ideas for tweaking, especially as I start to upgrade the rest of her gear.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Honestly, for my offensive slots, I would choose silvery over radiant. Your HP has your power concerns covered, you want more recovery for getting AP and your powers back faster, to be honest.

    Good point (and I suspect you meant defensive slots, not offensive) :)
    From my purview you cannot have too much HP. As for recovery: I'm not entirely sure what I did in my heroic and paragon feats (Bulwark/Protection) but my cooldowns are scary-quick. It has been happening ever since my respec and I'm able to (almost literally) spam encounters; for example: keeping Circle on the ground almost constantly and even sometimes have it doubled-up.

    I'll have to see what enchants/gear/anything else I can find to improve Action Points specifically - other than that I genuinely can't think of anything else I want or need to improve except AP (though there's probably something). Does anyone have any ideas?

    Edit: to fix autocorrupt misspelling, such as "cooldowns' arbitrarily being changed to 'codlins'. :/
  • jaegernljaegernl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Recovery comes from Silveries in Offensive slots, Sprite. Not Defensive.

    edit: Out of nowhere my STO sig shows up. lol.
    Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Protection Paladin
    Aurelius the Awkward - Level 70 Pathfinder Ranger
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  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    jaegernl wrote: »
    Recovery comes from Silveries in Offensive slots, Sprite. Not Defensive.

    I know this - the comment I was quoting was referencing offensive slots and HP, which is defensive slots. :)

    EDIT: OH! I see what the context of that other commentator was: they were referencing Power, not HP in the slot. Sometimes context can be a tricky thing in here. -call me heel-
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    To be honest angrysprite I'd love to know where our builds differ. I'll be a lot more available over the next couple of weeks if you want to catch up in game and chat.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    To be honest angrysprite I'd love to know where our builds differ. I'll be a lot more available over the next couple of weeks if you want to catch up in game and chat.

    I'd be happy to. Though I don't have a set schedule... I do suspect it would be on-topic if I post my stats and such in this thread. I just have to hunker down and do it, really. Though I must say that I know just enough to be dangerous (more to myself than others) so I'll have to brace myself for the eventual nose-holding-finger-pointing-while-laughing that would be sure to come. LOL
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Member Posts: 601 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    There are a number of differences in my build to your's. I might have to make my own guide. For instance, I don't have any emphasis on Wisdom since critical chance and control bonus are not my biggest concerns. I focused on Con for Health and Damage Resist and of course Charisma for Action Point and Stamina gain.

    I also picked Feywild's Fortitude instead of Elven Haste. I still prefer the extra HP, to be honest about it, especially since there is still that wonderful bug that makes our defense puff up and smoke at random times until we die. I might swap over to Elven Haste when I can afford some kits and to upgrade my enchants.

    As far as the 5th boon in Sharandar, I would pick Elven Resolve almost instantly. 10% stamina regain in combat is a life saver especially in those situations where you find yourself having to block for extended periods of time.

    I also use silvery enchants in my offensive slots for recovery. Power is not a concern as our health handles that.

    Also in our Heroic Feats, I didn't bother with the critical chance feat at all, my crit chance doesn't change significantly with it, and I put 5 points into the top second row item. As a human I also put 2 additional points into the critical effect on the last bottom row.

    The rest of your feats match mine at this point. But that's my view. Again I will probably go for Elven Haste when I can afford some additional gear upgrades. But for now I feel safer with the additional 1600 health.

    I might actually put up my own bulwark guide later. Since I do have my own ways of doing things (like I don't use relentless avenger myself anymore).
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    I encourage you to post a guide, I hardly believe that mine is the 1 and only right way. Its a way that works is all I can say about it, with so many possible combinations it will take a lot of testing, far more than I can do alone to get closer to "the best" build and options.

    On Relentless I only use it for solo play, never in groups.

    On Feywild's Fortitude vs Haste I originally had Fortitude, but with the most recent respec swapped to Haste. As I'm now back over 120k HP that doesn't seem to be a problem.

    My Con is 28 (with Campfire) now, so yes I focussed on Con. :) I also have 22 Cha and 19 Wis with Campfire, I admit I might play that differently now, but as Wis is Crit and Control bonus I think its sound as it is. If there was ever a hope of me getting the 500k Black Ice needed to get the Neck and Belt I would be over that in a flash. :)

    As to Elven Resolve and 10% more stamina regain, I passed on that because I rarely use it and put 400 Stamina/Guard gain in from Refreshing Chill (IWD Boon). Instead I went for some more damage when I do deflect (which should be at least 1/5 attacks). But both are sound choices I think, and the one that is better probably comes down to play style. I don't use Sanctuary much so 10% more stamina gain isn't that much of a help for me.

    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Member Posts: 601 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I use sanctuary a lot to block big attacks (like Syndrith's mace or backhand when she's a spider) or any knock. The strength of bulwark is that you basically become a pillar (and ignoring the aggravating defense bug) you can pretty much stand your ground in almost anything as a pally tank and not suffer. There are a few exceptions, probably things I would cover in my tanking advice if I put up a guide. But I need to get in that frame of mind before I start doing my writing.

    Honestly, I am sort of waiting for the nerf hammer to come down, I've been bracing for it really. I wrote a guide for Scourge Warlock when they first came out and I expected a few tweaks, but that hammer just kept coming down on them. normal-5.gif I am pretty sure Justice is going to get a swing for sure.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    Oh I would use it for Syndrith, but at 400 ping and having to run at low graphics, by the time I realise she is doing one of those big attacks with the lag on Sanctuary I never get it up in time for it to matter. I also agree totally about the benefits of OP Tank :)

    Like you I expect Justice to get the nerf hammer first.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    Ok Championshewolf, how about I just remove my first post and make it a link to your far better guide? :)

    I'll also add here (because you are still working on yours) that I'm switching my Heroic feats to match yours next time I have the AD spare. Also Aura of Protection definitely works for the OP. You should also mention Aura of Vengeance for PvP, it ends up doing meaningful damage in there, but kind of useless for PvE.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Member Posts: 601 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Thanks, but I wouldn't say my guide is far better. I don't PvP a lot at all (in Cryptic games anyways), so I wouldn't want to give false opinions for PvP. Not to mention I really don't have Aura of Vengeance in my build. I have finished up, so far, and been adding pictures to. I know it still needs work though, and I need to get AD for better gear, etc.
    Post edited by championshewolf on
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    Well last night I got my second Elven bit of gear, so soon I will have an update for the gear with my current equipment. With that my Recharge Speed Increase went over 50%., this gets me 9.7s recharge on Templar's Wrath. If I unslot Aura of Wisdom it jumps back to 11.6s, which is not unreasonable and makes running with a party that provides plenty of cooldown reduction mean I can dump Wisdom for Protection and keep Courage running. Which is good news.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Member Posts: 601 Arc User
    Sounds good to me. I typically party with a cleric though who has the one feat I forget the name of, but makes recharging AP a cinch so I can typically chain off Divine Protector, no problem. Either way, looking good. I've been taking a bit of a break, though i could be getting my second elven piece. Just feeling down lately, need time to recharge again.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    I hear you on the need for a break. I'm about to hit a bit of break, and then my time will be more limited in general, so Moonlight will likely slow down for a good while. With some luck I should still get her final Elven bit by the end of next week though, which really means it will all be about refining things up to higher ranks.

    Having a DC with Gift of Haste (and the skill to apply it well) makes keeping DP up very easy. I'm pretty happy with my AP gain and general standard at this point, I've been running Lesser Corrupt Black Ice enchants in Overload slots, because they are free drops from KR, but plan to eventually move to the piercing ones.

    I also expect to ultimately get the Personalised regen rings, and apply the AP gain buff to some of my gear. But getting either of those things might happen by Christmas! :)
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    Gah.. will need to get those links fixed for the images above. :(

    Anyway, now that Lostmauth's neck arti is down to around 100k AD I have swapped to it, and even at blue it makes a meaningful improvement to the AP gain I have. Very much recommend it now it can be obtained reasonably.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    I added some notes to the equipment section about the Dragonflight gear, and tweaked the comments about the neck slot.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    Well the recent changes to fix the "DR Bug" and tweak monster HP and damage makes this a little dated. I'm still not BiS for my enchants or Artifacts but I can now happily pull multiple t2 mobs together and fight them without fear and can happily stand in dragon breath (including in Tiamat) without having to worry about needing a save.

    I am currently trying to test some other feat structures on Preview, but now that its basically down to needing to be in a t2 to test its hard. :(
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited August 2015

    Well the recent changes to fix the "DR Bug" and tweak monster HP and damage makes this a little dated. I'm still not BiS for my enchants or Artifacts but I can now happily pull multiple t2 mobs together and fight them without fear and can happily stand in dragon breath (including in Tiamat) without having to worry about needing a save.

    I am currently trying to test some other feat structures on Preview, but now that its basically down to needing to be in a t2 to test its hard. :(

    Video or it didn't happen. LOL (Only half-kidding).
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    I've been thinking more and more about making videos, but I find them utterly useless so I'm very unlikely to do so. I'm not saying that I can stand around doing nothing in Tiamat's breath, but Templar's and a DP pop will get me plenty of time to get into a safe spot. The t2 stuff *shrug*, hits of 80-150k are basically meaningless now with DP up, it was only an issue before because of the ArP bug.

    The main feat change I'm considering is moving Vigilance to Avenger's Presence; while at the low end of the gear spectrum Vigilance is a handy defence buff, but now its basically useless to me while Avenger's Presence may well get me that extra bit of AP gain I need when the heal isn't a Virt DC.

    I'm also considering a switch to Soulforged over Negation, now that I have my Angel (finally managed to invoke on a toon for 360 days) it gives a bit more of a buffer for that occasional fail moment.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    I'm currently tinkering with this build on Preview. On Live with it as it stands I have started working on door to door runs in t2s, if I had a snail it would be a snap doing that without fear. My current thoughts mostly revolve around moving the feats in the Light tree back to the Justice tree where I had them in the earliest concepts of the build, and moving the points in vigilance to Avenger's Presence - all of these changes are intended to speed up the cycle on Encounter powers and thus AP gain without a significant change in overall defence. Similarly swapping Rousing Warmth for Winter's Bounty helps in this aspect as well.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    As one of the earliest builds posted, I just thought I would post a quick update.

    1) It works as presented still. I made no changes to accommodate the last round of "updates" to the OP, I have simply completed Boons and upgraded gear. I simply switched from using Divine Protector in dungeons to running Shield of Faith (most content) and Heroism (Orcus, GWD final boss, CC final boss and LoL Scorpions). With these I've successfully tanked Orcus without a problem really (run Aura of Protection, Aura of Wisdom, Bane, Templar's Wrath and Smite using either Bubble on his big attacks or Heroism and watch for his green balls and avoid them.)

    2) Once you start running with parties of 3K+ adventurers this build is irrelevant. :( At the 3k plus mark survive-ability isn't the issue, raw damage is. Sure I can do 20-30 million damage escorting 2k toons through eToS and never have to worry, but moving into the 3K+ band changes that whole equation significantly. No one is worried about surviving anymore, that's a given, and this build doesn't offer much after that is gone - especially as Aura Gifts is not working currently.

    3) Until the new module's Dungeon is available for testing (if it gets available in a timely manner) I plan to respec to a Justice/Bulwark mix based off this build (basically only changing the Paragon feats). If it turns out survive-ability matters again (it doesn't in the start of the new content so I'm not concerned) I will go back to Bulwark primary and start a new thread detailing my current spec fully.

    So in short;
    This remains a good leveling and gearing up build, however around the 3k mark you will want to respec.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
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