I'm an Xbox guy, but I rolled this class with fond memories of having my warlock being stomped back in WoW by un cc-able warriors with giant swords. I never played that class, but I don't believe they ever had to stop running to deliver auto attacks or special attacks. Imagine my confusion when I realized you actually had to stop running to attack. How the F is that going to work as a melee class???
Also in that game, warriors were the bane of rogues, which makes logical sense. Why would a fairy in leather with daggers want to take on an armored warrior with a massive reach advantage? Are you going to stab a guy in full armor in the back? Don't think so. I have been trollolololed by NW.
GWF =/= only destroyer GWF. While destroyer is generally in a good spot in pvp (minus piercing damage and deflected stuns), Sentinel and Instigator are in terrible place. A tank build that tanks worse than pure dps build and a hybrid build that has half the survivability of the afore mentioned tank and half the dps capabilities of the pure dps build to put in perspective. That is simply sad.
So before you go "GWF is OP!!!!!!!111!1" be so kind and say what build. We don't want misleading feedback, do we?
As for the argument about "big swords" that's a stupid argument, because the logical upshot of that is that DCs should be dealing far more damage than anyone else since they wield the power of the gods. And what is paltry steel compared to the power of magic anyway? How can someone with a sword slay someone that's being protected by divine power? Arguing on a conceptual basis like that isn't going to end up well for the guy with the big sword.
dcs dont have the power of gods, they have powers given by gods
paltry steel compared to magic ? you mean legendary items that are heavily enchanted. do a test, stick 1.5m of sword up your HAMSTER and try to cast a spell not even talking about certain orc chief wearing BiS gear(ok he was buffed by some other stuff)
and mages usually need protection while they cast their spells, there arent many who can 1v1 in close combat fight rogues/warriors
yes Destro GWF can do good damage, but damage is all the class has, no cc, no utility, no survivability
Also in that game, warriors were the bane of rogues, which makes logical sense. Why would a fairy in leather with daggers want to take on an armored warrior with a massive reach advantage? Are you going to stab a guy in full armor in the back? Don't think so. I have been trollolololed by NW.
So before you go "GWF is OP!!!!!!!111!1" be so kind and say what build. We don't want misleading feedback, do we?
dcs dont have the power of gods, they have powers given by gods
paltry steel compared to magic ? you mean legendary items that are heavily enchanted. do a test, stick 1.5m of sword up your HAMSTER and try to cast a spell
and mages usually need protection while they cast their spells, there arent many who can 1v1 in close combat fight rogues/warriors
yes Destro GWF can do good damage, but damage is all the class has, no cc, no utility, no survivability