They never mentioned who are considered the "top performers". The best one? Top 10 ones? Top 100 ones?
Anyway, I guess nobody really even cares to ask just like who actually bought the "limited edition" Sgt. Knox companions... and I doubt if too many (if any) people have seen one.
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
It is 'supposed to be' the top 40 of Each Paragon Path. Which I find amusing since there is a lot of competition for the MI top 40 than there is for the WK top 40.
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
It's a prestige mount, it's an epic one so it's worth a few hundred thousands AD, I hope it's BoP as its main utility is to show of.
I'm sad seeing people saying it's not worth their time. As if you expected to be payed for playing the game ...
Olaf, freelance guardian fighter.
Enorla, Oh so devoted cleric.
I m sorry but It's not a prestige mount. (except the name)
-First it's just an epic mount, TOP 40 players already ride an epic mount for 99% of them and most probably 100%
-It's not a legendary mount,
-The skin is just a recycle content from the legendary armored bulette from the lockbox.
-No + 4000 speed on it, out of date, old mount, no utility for a TOP pvper.
-If you can sell it at the AH, it's not logical, it means nothing for a pvp symbol.
So it's clearly a bad choice to bring people in this league.
Next time they should give something a bit more sexy.
At least.
-A Legendary mount, (even an old one with no bonus on it) because most of the TOP 40 pvper of each class don't own one, it sounds obvious.
-A true original mount not a recycling content mount with a color change.
-An epic mount with the +4000 bonus on it, usefull for PVP.
Ok it's the first NCL, but this reward it's a bad choice to push peaople to upgrade their gear, buying zen etc etc . . . to have a chance to be in the top 40.
My character is in the top 40 and honestly, the mount is not inncentive to stay there unless I can sell it, because as everyone keeps pointing out -its out of date.
I'm playing pvp for the tokens to check out the additional 'new' gear we can get. Just so happens I fell within the top 40 whilst i was doing it.
It is just going to be a prestige mount and i really do think it will be bound to account or bound on pickup, whatever the case though, most of the top players will already have epic mounts they prefer and would be looking towards one of the new mounts with add stats. Besides, bullettes are the ugliest mount so far xD
It is just going to be a prestige mount and i really do think it will be bound to account or bound on pickup, whatever the case though, most of the top players will already have epic mounts they prefer and would be looking towards one of the new mounts with add stats. Besides, bullettes are the ugliest mount so far xD
The mount looks really cool.. giant horns and stuff. Looks battle worn and perfect to wear into pvp I personally can't wait for it xD
The goal isn't to get the top prizes and sell them. If you have an NCL top prize it is something to show off.
In the NCL pre-season we have the champs armored bullette. There are some pretty cool prizes planned for our first full season.
Will the rewards being handed out to those who placed on the in game leader board or the forum one because the forum one seems to be not be representing the actual rankings that are being displayed in game. I say this because I am not even top 40 on the forum yet I should be based on where I am on the live leader board.
Main-Lothor Syralth Guardian Fighter
ryoshinetteMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 488Arc User
TBH I don't think this one is worth of effort.
Check this new one:
Top league performers.
Anyway, I guess nobody really even cares to ask just like who actually bought the "limited edition" Sgt. Knox companions... and I doubt if too many (if any) people have seen one.
yea seems like it and based on some weird wtf leaderboard where im nr ~12x instead of nr13 like on ingame leaderboard among paladins
And worst this recycle stuff could be BOP.
BOP because this mount is a reward for TOP 40 players of each class, so what is the logic if you can buy it from the AH?
PLayer XXXX- Congratulations man ! you win the champion armored bulette ! you are a good PVper !
Player2 XXXX- Yes man I ROX i buy it from the AH.
Player XXXXXX- ..............
So first this reward don't worth the time to win it and second if it's BOE it will be so funny to see 320 champion armored bulette at the AH.
I'm sad seeing people saying it's not worth their time. As if you expected to be payed for playing the game ...
Enorla, Oh so devoted cleric.
-First it's just an epic mount, TOP 40 players already ride an epic mount for 99% of them and most probably 100%
-It's not a legendary mount,
-The skin is just a recycle content from the legendary armored bulette from the lockbox.
-No + 4000 speed on it, out of date, old mount, no utility for a TOP pvper.
-If you can sell it at the AH, it's not logical, it means nothing for a pvp symbol.
So it's clearly a bad choice to bring people in this league.
Next time they should give something a bit more sexy.
At least.
-A Legendary mount, (even an old one with no bonus on it) because most of the TOP 40 pvper of each class don't own one, it sounds obvious.
-A true original mount not a recycling content mount with a color change.
-An epic mount with the +4000 bonus on it, usefull for PVP.
Ok it's the first NCL, but this reward it's a bad choice to push peaople to upgrade their gear, buying zen etc etc . . . to have a chance to be in the top 40.
So no winners.
-Has this already paid?
-If not bound is this considers epic(1.3 mills) or legendary(7 mills)?
its epic hence its epic. will be sold for 2M more or less
I'm playing pvp for the tokens to check out the additional 'new' gear we can get. Just so happens I fell within the top 40 whilst i was doing it.
It is just going to be a prestige mount and i really do think it will be bound to account or bound on pickup, whatever the case though, most of the top players will already have epic mounts they prefer and would be looking towards one of the new mounts with add stats. Besides, bullettes are the ugliest mount so far xD
The mount looks really cool.. giant horns and stuff. Looks battle worn and perfect to wear into pvp
Trickster Rogue
In the NCL pre-season we have the champs armored bullette. There are some pretty cool prizes planned for our first full season.
Will the rewards being handed out to those who placed on the in game leader board or the forum one because the forum one seems to be not be representing the actual rankings that are being displayed in game. I say this because I am not even top 40 on the forum yet I should be based on where I am on the live leader board.
Check this new one:
.Suicide Squad.