4 - 10 vs 10 pvp matches = 0 Combat tokens
I know I was on the side that lost every time and it says the side that loses may get a token but it seems like the last 2 hours was a waste of time, felt like i was just being farmed for the last 2 hours, really starting to hate the pay to win HAMSTER, people with BIS get the tokens everyone else is farm food.
Tiamat sucks, Harolds sucks, Skrimishes sucks, Dungeons Sucks, now Heroics sucks, wasnt a big pvp guy but thought i would give it a try and guess what... PVP sucks... what the hell developers ?
also go to the Trade of Blades...
There is some guy in the front... outside by the steps who will give you the quest for the Matches..
Have fun