Hello, just decided I finally make a a video showing the QoL of intensive dot builds (and not really intensive too) with the current damage reflecting powers/boons/some enchantments. (Thanks Majin Rookz for recording that for me ^^)
http://www.twitch.tv/rookztv/v/6047656 avalanche, tier 5 Icewind dale boon. The cheapest counter (alone) against a class with massive dot. SWs and HRs suffer from it most of all fighting GWFs/GFs. Also, this boon is an AoE so imagine...
GF uses fighter's recovery, with some lifesteal and avalanche boon. Somebody with intense dot attacks him and he just gets healed to full in a matter of 5 seconds max. Wtf really
http://www.twitch.tv/rookztv/v/6047761 fireburst. Not as threatening as some other reflecting stuff but I believe the enchantment itself is pretty useless which may lead to it's buff in future (I remember one of the devs, probably Panderus, mentioned they will take a look at the enchantments again. Better make sure this enchantment won't multiproc by then.
http://www.twitch.tv/rookztv/v/6047716 transcendent thunderhead. Well, those extra sparks thunderhead gets at transcendent quality is just BS, something similar to broken m5 bloodtheft except for it doesn't need 50% hp threshold or higher to proc.
There are some other interraction of some power with DoT, like GF's KF + OP's aura of courage against SW's WB but unfortunately I didn't have those online at that moment so if you have any vids with that - feel free to post them here.
watching this, I feel like having faced T thunderhead once before, its like falling to the ground in one second, like a hammer coming out of nowhere, similiar to bloodtheft, but worse...very funny in case you are good equipped
please fix your warlock i think there is something wrong with him
1. Why is it so problematic to give all these broken things ICD´s from the beginning to avoid these BS every mod?
2. Is there any kind of logic in doing the same errors to boons, enchants, feats etc. again and again?
3. Or do I have to believe that the coding is done very, very poor (cryptic) or is it that hard to solve those issues?
WTB Class Reroll please
Timers are more complex than a computation formula in code. Say, 1 and 3, on a scale of 0 to 10. If you mess around with formulas (additive or multiplicative) it will affect one thing, and you will have to fix one thing. If you make a mistake with timers, its GG chasing that bug. It's GMC's own mistake for making his codes too complicated. Now he's having a huge ordeal fixing something so simple.
I dunno if its true about the devs, but most programming companies I know, they usually set to work with strict priorities. It's easy for us to think, "It's an easy fix, why can't they do it immediately?" but the way I know programmers work, if something seems minor and is set as a lower priority, if something else comes up that has higher priority it keeps getting pushed back. I've seen instances of simple graphic glitches such as sorting issues -- something that can be probably fixed in less than 30 minutes -- go on for years.
Much in the same sense, the tenacity issues and its quick fix shows that the devs admitted these as an immediate priority and went to work on it, so it shows that they do care about PvP. It's just that their definition of "priority" may be very different from ours.
Community managers compile feedback from all sources and take it up to the bosses, further influenced by recommendations made by the marketing and revenue branch. Issues affecting the flow of money take precedence, and a list of tasks is ordered to the developers. It's not the devs who get to choose what to do first, unless they do unpaid hours, or make mistakes in a previous task that they have to amend before they get fired.
A Dilbert moment, we live in.
Let me support this analysis by mentioning that things are effectively the same with non-Sabo TRs.
In case of non-Sabo TRs we don't have that crazy SO-boosted damage at all, hence ranged powers like CoS or DHS are severely limited in terms of stopping/killing power. It's a useful tool and a secondary attack, but not our main. Hence, most of our damaging, main mode of attack comes from the use of DF like old-school. Except, since we don't have that 9 second stealth duration, nor the uninhibited stealth any more, most of our DF attacks are non-crit, out-of-stealth attacks.
What happens against people with Avalanche, is that even if we manage a perfect, admirable combat management and just beat up on our targets with all those DF attacks, we end up getting the same damage as those we've just damaged, when the target didn't even retaliate, because of passive, proc damage they deal. Avalanche.
Will I ever see this game without multiproccing
WTB Class Reroll please
Thunderhead have this spark dmg?
Cuz today i meet one killed our pt just by standing there. with those piercing infinite spark dmg
in our side there was no SW.
I think thunderhad dont need SW to kill somone. Its even more broken then negation also it apply CC.
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Was insane .. Red pops every mili second
not sure from what it was
But it took more then half my HP
And I didn't touch him more then one dot
WTB Class Reroll please