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Game loading problem/ HELP! :-)

shivagknashivagkna Member Posts: 1 Arc User
When I load up Neverwinter it takes forever. When it finally connects "play" stays grey and says shards are down. How do I fix this? I am online and everything else seems to be working fine on my xbox one with connectivity, and the connection and multiplayer test says its fine.

Post edited by shivagkna on


  • bkthomsonbkthomson Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Try this. From the X-Box Home screen. highlight NWN, then click the right (menu) button and then select Quit. this should stop the game completely and if any cached. Once that is done fire up NW and you should be good to go. In theory that is.
  • zizoomzizoom Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Don't forget that the game resets its servers once a week, I think on Tuesday. This could be why you could not connect yesterday.

    Anyone can confirm this ? Or if I'm wrong, tell me the exact moment of the reset ?

    Thanks in advance.
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