I have returned to the game after some time away and for the first time I have exceeded level 60, in fact I am now level 68, and my God the process of getting from 60 to 68 has been mind-numbingly tedious.
I think the main reasons are as follows: -
1) In part it is the steepening of the xp curve together with a reduction in the xp rewards for quests, which combine to give the impression of interminably slow progress at 60+. This impression is particularly acute because it is such a sudden change from the experience gains at <60.
2) But mainly it is the design of the 60+ zones, which just seem to involve running the same quests over and over, circling endlessly around the same zones until you are sick of the sight of them.
It is a shame because the 1-60 process was a lot of fun, but I have almost reached my boredom threshold with the 60+ content without even getting to endgame.
Anyway, that is my experience as a player who is new to the 60+ content.