Well obviously you're self entitled and feel you deserve all the loot, but come on at least give 30 seconds to check the chests in lostmauth. And to all of you saying get a group of 3 and start booting.. shame on you for continuing the trend and ****ting on others for your greed. I still don't vote kick people, even if we're in a party of 3 or 4. Whatever, ******ed system to begin with.
I say to u who kick like the dickens, your gamer tag is associated with and by a player base rating system, we avoid players like you who kick for loot, all of us should . Your only going to notice ur rep is dropping, no one but your close knit group of friends will want to play with you, and those friends probably follow your lead, but talk about how your starting a bunch of kicks and your a jerk for it, but they don't want to get kicked. And the teams of people doing it, think your funny, but kill a gamers motivation to play, they don't play, and your alone and none wants to play with you cause ur reps trashed and your still sad at the end of the day. I'm glad they announced a fix. Finally.