I suggest that Dev's should make a sticky topic with list of bug, that can directly make u loose money. I'm not talking abt exploits - there are plenty of valuable things that don't work as intended - and if u invest money in it u just loose it or have to wait for month for fix.
Example 1. Me and my friend made trans bronzewood - it seems pretty good enchant for GWF especially. When we tested it it appears not to put marks on target. 7 mln spent in vain... Same things with trans vorpal and many other enchants.
Example 2. New elixirs like Enhanced elixir of reflexes must persist through death and are tempting to use in PvP.
I crafted like 50 of them until i noticed that they DOESN'T persist through death... Again net loss of 100k ad approx
Example 3. Tenebrious enchantment works ok when it is one active, second doesn'r work at all. So if u bought a pair u have to sell it back - and this effect is since mod 4 -))
Really guys, for 2 years of playing i got used to lots of bugs - mainly because of ulta-high speed of new content appearing, i don't mind to wait for their fix - but I want definetly to know, what is working and what is not!
I suggest that Dev's should make a sticky topic with list of bug, that can directly make u loose money. I'm not talking abt exploits - there are plenty of valuable things that don't work as intended - and if u invest money in it u just loose it or have to wait for month for fix.
Example 1. Me and my friend made trans bronzewood - it seems pretty good enchant for GWF especially. When we tested it it appears not to put marks on target. 7 mln spent in vain... Same things with trans vorpal and many other enchants.
Example 2. New elixirs like Enhanced elixir of reflexes must persist through death and are tempting to use in PvP.
I crafted like 50 of them until i noticed that they DOESN'T persist through death... Again net loss of 100k ad approx
Example 3. Tenebrious enchantment works ok when it is one active, second doesn'r work at all. So if u bought a pair u have to sell it back - and this effect is since mod 4 -))
Really guys, for 2 years of playing i got used to lots of bugs - mainly because of ulta-high speed of new content appearing, i don't mind to wait for their fix - but I want definetly to know, what is working and what is not!
Malabog castle key and Shores of teurn key are virtually useless. Ok mondays at 1am in the morning during non dragon herald timeframes you might be able to do shores without the rubberbanding but Malabog definitely has a 0% completion rate. Both keys are in the campaign pages and cost pretty hefty AD for someone looking at them for the first time.
dragon hoard enchantments DO NOT say at their tooltip that they only work for one hour per account. which is a vital piece of information before someone decides if they will buy one or not.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited June 2015
hoard reduction is simply too harsh and should be gated for THEIR own expected playing time 4 hours.
That is more in line. I usually play 2-3 hours max a day, sometimes 4 or 5.. but thats unusual.
This is ugly what they did
They made new trans version to lure players to spend ad -zen-money and they knew they didn't work as intended but they released them anyway .. slap in the players face
as I said in thread I opened about exploits and how they don't fix them in proper time ( who got closed ofc)
They need slap back to wake up and understand their business model will sink this game too soon
Don't use real life money!!! until u see they change approach and don't release intentional broken things to cause ad sink - because legit players are hurt more by that
Malabog castle key and Shores of teurn key are virtually useless. Ok mondays at 1am in the morning during non dragon herald timeframes you might be able to do shores without the rubberbanding but Malabog definitely has a 0% completion rate. Both keys are in the campaign pages and cost pretty hefty AD for someone looking at them for the first time.
That is more in line. I usually play 2-3 hours max a day, sometimes 4 or 5.. but thats unusual.
1 hour is TOO harsh, 4 is more acceptable.
They made new trans version to lure players to spend ad -zen-money and they knew they didn't work as intended but they released them anyway .. slap in the players face
as I said in thread I opened about exploits and how they don't fix them in proper time ( who got closed ofc)
They need slap back to wake up and understand their business model will sink this game too soon
Don't use real life money!!! until u see they change approach and don't release intentional broken things to cause ad sink - because legit players are hurt more by that