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Lair Of LostMauth - End Chest Bug Has Returned

xnxn7xxnxn7x Member Posts: 22 Arc User
edited May 2015 in Bug Reports (Xbox One)
Hey PW just wanted to say Lostmauth is doing the not reseting items in the end chest again. I have been playing for the last week and I have the same 3 items on the daily chest and the same 2 on the legendary chest. I have ran this dungeon I dont know how many times in the last week I know it has been over 40+ and my items are not reseting. I have been asking other players after the boss fight and in Protector's Enclave if anyone else has been experiencing this issue with the dungeon chest. From what I have been given answer's about this issue is it is affecting other player's aswell not just myself. This is a estimate of 128 players I have came into counters with during dungeon and while sitting in enclave. I hope yall take this back down again and fix it in tuesday's maintenance update. I have stopped as of last night running this dungeon until it is fixed. I would have posted this earlier this morning but can't due to my kids needing attending to. Thanks respectfully.


I am not sure if the boss's in this dungeon are supposed to just drop blue item's. I have yet to see a purple item drop off a boss. Usually when this accur's The dungeon is very laggy and freezes here and there at certain checkpoints. I am not sure about this other issue if anyone else experiences it. But just a note might want to look into it.
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