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The Four Horseman Guild Recruiting

phaseadeptphaseadept Member Posts: 15

I'm one of the Guild Leaders for The Four Horseman on Neverwinter XBox. We are currently a small guild (3 active with 3 semi-active players).

The active players are on almost every day, and several of us have 100% campaign on ToD.

The Semi-active players seem to have a love affair with Destiny. . .

What we are looking for:
  • Active Players (no level or GS requirement)
  • People willing to have fun
  • People willing to grow the guild slowly

Eventually we would like to have 20-30 members all having fun and playing together.

What we are not looking for:
  • Bad Attitudes (complaining constantly)
  • Needy People (We will help, but dont gimme gimme on everything)
  • Greedy people (Kick that guy for loot)
- Note: We share loot and equipment and crafting items for those also willing to share but people need to participate

If you are interested in playing with a good group of people who play alot, are willing to play together, and don't abuse other players by kicking them for loot drops drop us a line or an in game mail.

We currently have 1 Guild Repository Open, and will Open another for Members within a week or so.

@alan redbeard

Note: Once we get 15 active players we will build a website/forum to communicate/trade/talk. Considering using Facebook in the meantime. . .

We play in Pacific Timezone, but several players are Central Time Zone.

Edit: We will not make you respec, play as you like. . .but checking out some online guides will be beneficial to the completion of the more difficult dungeons.
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