an Ilvl 132 item (from black ice crafting) Gives 246.5 less stat total (hp 4:1) than a ilvl 130 item.
Please increase the stats of the black ice gear upgrades. as at the moment there is no real reason to upgrade.
Also. Move the Black ice tasks that forge T1 gear into 1.5 gear, to rank 4 black ice keep the t2 into t2.5 forge in rank 5.
Add options to forge the elemental black ice gear
Into better gear. The
"new" black ice ilvl 122 gear is random as., the stat allocations make no sense (why does the corrupted set have MORE regen than the purified) and overall even the grim set is better for PvP AND PvE due to the increased HP (as well as being MUCH easier too get) . I get that black ice gear is sorta being phased out, but making it terrible isn't a good way to do it.