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Question from an Xbox Player(old pc player)

munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
edited May 2015 in The Thieves' Den
Hey guys I know your in Mod 6 and I'm playing on Mod 5 but have a few questions I was hoping you could answer.

Currently I'm running a Daze Scoundrel build and doing quite well with it. Been watching a lot of current videos though from PC and I'm liking the look of the Sab build.

I made this build.

Keep in mind we are only lvl 60 in Xbox, and we only have the Tyranny Boons.

I went from dominating most players to getting totally crapped on by mediocre players when I tried this build.

My questions are: Is this build viable without the Lostmouth set and all the boons we are missing + the extra feat points? Did I get crapped on because I just wasn't used to the build? I only tried the build out in one match and switched back immediately.

I really am wanting to go back to it, just don't know if its capable of doing well against premades. I do very well with my Scoundrel build, but as the matches are becoming more competitive I'm finding myself out of stealth frequently and having trouble with skilled players when its 1 vs 2+.

Currently I'm 4/4 Profound. Pvorpal, Gsoulforge, all rank 8 Darks in Offensive, Rank 9 Rads in Defensive. Purple CoS Artifact weapon.

Stats off the top of my head: 25k health, 4100 Power, 2800 crit(39%pvp), 27%ArP(pvp). 27% DR, 57% Deflect, 21% Tenacity(780 something, I chose to go with PvE jewelry instead of Profound)

Any help will be appreciated guys, thanks in advance!

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