I know there are plenty of problems in pvp that have people pretty PO'd (and sometimes I am too!). However, there are still some good battles that rage in game.
In the last couple days, I've seen some Very Good fights in Domination--mainly 20-40L area. out of ~10 battles, 4 were won (or lost) by ~300 points. The most memorable was a fight that started out with the Good Guys (Team I was on :P ) getting behind. We came back to even and then the Red Team extended the lead again. Right at the end our team surged and people played smart! We wound up winning by 1 point. Matches like those are why I play pvp!
My L70 toon (working on gear) doesn't fair as well in GG and is getting more scars than Seals. I see fewer good contests in GG--most are one-sided run-abouts.
If any of you were in those close matches with or against, I Salute You!!! Great Fun!
Betty Crocker