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Missing Item: Bag of Holding from Heirloom Pack



  • diggler7676diggler7676 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    howdy. sorry. Which website do you submit the ticket 'missing the bag' too, here. thank you.
  • etheus2etheus2 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    etheus2 wrote: »
    Bought a few days ago and haven't received the bag, nor a response to my ticket. If it's a known issue then why keep selling the Heirloom pack? This is my first time and last time spending actual money in this game. Really very frustrating.

    Been over a week with no response.... kind of unbelievable.
  • rathashisrathashis Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I received a response to my ticket almost two weeks ago saying that they received it, yet I still don't have the bag of holding. I was expecting a resolution to this issue by now, as I purchased the heirloom pack in the beginning of May and it is now June. If this is the customer service I should expect, don't expect me to spend any more money.
  • dazza6669dazza6669 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    rathashis wrote: »
    I received a response to my ticket almost two weeks ago saying that they received it, yet I still don't have the bag of holding. I was expecting a resolution to this issue by now, as I purchased the heirloom pack in the beginning of May and it is now June. If this is the customer service I should expect, don't expect me to spend any more money.

    I've had exactly same issue, put in a ticket 2 weeks ago still no resolution, spent majority of the day trying to get any form of help from someone by telephoning perfectworld HQ (international call rates due to me being in the uk) after god knows how many hours spent trying to get an answer i finally did, only for the person who answered the call to terminate the call straight away which resulted in many failed attempts at trying to get an answer again, ive finally just managed to speak to someone on the live chat who claims they cannot help due to live chat being in a beta process (my thoughts are if live support chat cant help what eactly are they there to do?) ive given the unhelpful soul in the live chat my ticket number also advised that if i dont have the problem resolved by the end of the week i shall be contacting my credit card provider to get a refund due to not getting everything i paid for and i would advise everyone else to do the same, they might just actually try to resolve an issue if they start having money taken away from them
  • twinstripeuktwinstripeuk Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The bag isn't available in the pack (be it Heirloom, Scourge Warlock) - it's a separate claim (check the other tab on the claims vendor).

    There's only one bag per purchase, not per character (and that's why it's on a separate tab from the pack)
  • marv1001marv1001 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The bag isn't available in the pack (be it Heirloom, Scourge Warlock) - it's a separate claim (check the other tab on the claims vendor).

    There's only one bag per purchase, not per character (and that's why it's on a separate tab from the pack)

    Yeah and its not there either, I bought the warlock pack as I wanted the companion and the bag isn't showing as available.

    I have also put a support ticket in last week and still no response. I just can't believe that they keep these packs up for sale if they know there are problems with missing items. It is like deja vu with the dragonborn pack and the missing respec token all over again
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    You really can't believe it?
  • rathashisrathashis Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I've checked it for over 2 weeks, and I finally have it available to me today. (after they went through their site maintenance of course) So those of you who are still having issues, please check again. It looks like it's FINALLY fixed, despite their utter lack of communication.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Really? I'll definitely be swinging by the Claims Agent tonight. I hope it's finally fixed.
  • dazza6669dazza6669 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    rathashis wrote: »
    I've checked it for over 2 weeks, and I finally have it available to me today. (after they went through their site maintenance of course) So those of you who are still having issues, please check again. It looks like it's FINALLY fixed, despite their utter lack of communication.

    I can confirm this, yes they have finally made the bag accessible from the reward claims vendor opposite sgt Knox
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