Posted a thread in PvP section to help fury warlock fighting it :
Also, respec'd to temptation and closing my fury pvp sw thread until they tweak avalanche and thayan boons since running fury build right now seems to be suicide against experienced PvP er(experienced exploiters *rolls eyes*)
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
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My Support Warlock/Temptation Thread
I find it stupid that at-wills don't build avalanche stacks at all, while CD capstone and other minor sources of damage fury tree has do. And I beg to disagree, some warlocks have been playing temptation since the first day they stepped into PvP and they are doing very well. Just takes the time to get used to that stamina bar and no DoT once you respec. Cleaning nodes should be harder too, but if that takes to counter avalanche - fine. It's not like fury was the first thing I had to sacrifice just to conter something.
WTB Class Reroll please
Did I say anything about pugslaying in premades? Macjae does solo very often as well as some other warlocks I remember in m5 and believe they still sticked to temptation.
WTB Class Reroll please
No it's fine, I played temptation in pvp for a while too. The problem was there was alot of players I could simply not kill because they could regenerate faster than I was able to kill them with their T.Neg +60s healing artifact. Or CWs with growth chaos that heals to fulle very now and then. And usually these classes melt me in less than 10 seconds, before I build any sparks anyways
I'm not BiS, so that's also to consider, when I do temptation will likely do alot better for me
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
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My Support Warlock/Temptation Thread
I simply stopped cursing targets in some cases.
Fey thistle in some cases can be almost as bad.
Boons are intended as enchancements not primary damage dealers. Seeing 50-90% of damage toward me over course of a match from GF DC Pal etc avalance and fey thistle boon is just so stupid.
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack