Just started playing a few days ago and am really loving this game so far.
I've currently got a CW for PvEing with in the mid-20s that I'm hoping to eventually try running through the end game content with, and a DC in the teens I made mainly for PvPing.
I'm hoping to find a fun and active group of adults to hang out and enjoy the game with either through the in game voice-chat system or the Xbox live party system.
Adults only guilds please, I'm not really a fan of playing with children.
Anyhow, if you think your guild might be a match and you're hoping to bolster your ranks a little hit me up on xbox live and we can set up a time to hang out in game and BS a little or whatever and see if I'd be a good match for your group or not.
I'm usually on my xbox mon-fri in the afternoon and eveneings (Eastern time, GMT+5) and sometimes on the weekend.