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Oathbound Paladin Rework

asmose01asmose01 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
edited May 2015 in The Citadel
I've been playing a paladin since release and I think some or all of these changes would go a long way to rounding out the class!

1) increase the divine call regeneration while in combat (6% feated does all most nothing)
2) changes relentless Avenger to a prone, not a knockback so that other class's stop complaining about those who spam it
3) Change our shift ability so that like the GF we can stand in breaths and not get killed allowing us to not have to shift the boss potentially killing un-observant players in the process
4) fix the capstone for bullwork so it works!
5) fix prisim feat in the justice tree because it lags people out in WOD when they use daily
6) adjust out stamina regeneration % a little since I find it goes' faster than that of the GF, maybe do to the fact that when we use sanc we are also giving protection/healing to members in our party.
7) more for both OP & GF give us a speed increase so that our group is not at the next group before we have left the current chamber. I'm sure there is a way to disable this in pvp

I am sure others would like to see a damage increase I really don't care but the above would go a long way in the world of neverwinter!

Post edited by asmose01 on


  • juleadreamjuleadream Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I would add that paladins also need better AP gain; I can build AP and use my daily a lot faster on every other class than paladin.
  • tvcitytvcity Member Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i have an OP,....AP gain on paladin is super high
    well, it mostly depends on the way you play.
  • alkemist80alkemist80 Member Posts: 957 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    asmose01 wrote: »
    2) changes relentless Avenger to a prone, not a knockback so that other class's stop complaining about those who spam it

    I actually like this idea. The knockback isn't that bad when soloing but I don't and can't use it at all while in a group (as devotion) since nobody likes to chase down mobs.
    Banshee (Devotion Justice Oathbound Paladin) - Crueladevil (Soulbinder Damnation Scourge Warlock) - Sindania Balefire (Master Infiltrator Trickster Rogue)

  • eyceaethereyceaether Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    If they increase Paladins AP gain anymore, I'll be using my Divine Judgement every 4 encounters lol.
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Member Posts: 601 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) I can agree with that, it needs to be faster.

    2) I can agree with it to, but don't exactly care since it's less than two seconds and outside really weak mobs they don't get sent further than most AE spells to begin with.

    3) I would choose to not stand in the red beam, but regardless, if people aren't paying attention we shouldn't do them any favors. If you want to do the content, open your eyes and quit scrapperlocking/tunnelvisioning. I don't feel one bit sorry for people who stand in the obvious death zones and die.

    4) Sure why not.

    5) I haven't experienced the lag, but the reason can be anything from PC to the ISP battle so I dunno.

    6) My stam regen seems just fine, so dunno about this one.

    7) I would have preferred our run aura to be active all the time, but if the rest of the team is too impatient, I just let them die and won't pick up the tank until later. Plain and simple. After a few times people learn. If they can survive without me tanking then more power to them.
  • pancakeattaxpancakeattax Member Posts: 191 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    asmose01 wrote: »
    5) fix prisim feat in the justice tree because it lags people out in WOD when they use daily

    Fix prism so it doesn't proc multiple times a second, 1 sec internal cd would do it just fine :) Would also fix lag problem..
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Leave the class alone. It's absolutely fine as it is if played properly.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • equ4lizerequ4lizer Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Leave the class alone. It's absolutely fine as it is if played properly.

    Absloutely agree with this.
    IGN: Granzon
    军医骑士 超过三千水平 突破极限释放开
    Daily: Granworm Sword
    Enounter: Vow of Enmity | Worm Smasher | 縮退砲
    Class Feature: Kabbalah System
    Aura: Warp Field

    IGN: Faluzure 19k Tenebrous Soulbinder Scourge Warlock
    (The Corrupted) (Retired)
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ...the prism and the walking speed issues are fully justified. Same for bulwark cap if broken (IDK if it works or not, I'm "Justice for dealing out justice..."). The rest of the list is IMHO either not a topic or like RA designed as it is, with the drawbacks (or situational advantages). Basically the Paladins should not be GFs that can also heal, but a different class with different pros and cons...
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Member Posts: 601 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ...the prism and the walking speed issues are fully justified. Same for bulwark cap if broken (IDK if it works or not, I'm "Justice for dealing out justice..."). The rest of the list is IMHO either not a topic or like RA designed as it is, with the drawbacks (or situational advantages). Basically the Paladins should not be GFs that can also heal, but a different class with different pros and cons...

    Your argument would be valid if the pros and cons worked properly, or didn't have major issues with the content as designed currently.
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Your argument would be valid if the pros and cons worked properly, or didn't have major issues with the content as designed currently.

    OK, so let's go through the list one by one:

    1) Divine Call: One of two or three alternative on-tap heals for a frontliner "only 6%", when the best potions give like 12-8% (depending on base HP)? Fully adequate IMHO. OFC one can never have anough of a good thing but i feel it well enough balanced.
    2) RA has KB, which is great for that white knight in shining armor stunt to draw aggro from the reviving teammate and the downed one. Also Radiant Strike at-will is an alternative mobility skill, which can be used.
    3) That's the mechanics for the Pala: AoE frontline heal costing only stamina instead of blocking 100%. Different, and I feel that good enough. Let the GF have their monopoly there, else Pala will eventually push them out of the game into obsolescence.
    4&5) I fully agree with these.
    6) Put stat buffs from artifacts, or pet bonus in there if you feel that lacking. Min-maxing all the way. It's fast enough IMHO, but there are ways to improve it, if you feel you absolutely need that - for which one might have to take the bite and chew down on another stat..
    7) I again agree...

    Where exactly is the imbalance? Aside for the content balance, but there everybody has to suffer, and as far as I see it, Paladin is one of the classes that is hit less hard by it. Also that's a different topic for which plenty of threads exist...
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Your argument would be valid if the pros and cons worked properly, or didn't have major issues with the content as designed currently.
    What 'major issues' does the Paladin have with current content that doesn't affect all other classes?

    What Palading feats and powers are bugged or not WAI?

    Go read the Paladin sub-forum. Nobody calling for a class rework. Because the people there know how to play the class.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Leave the class alone. It's absolutely fine as it is if played properly.
    This right here be the truth! :cool:

    (Though if, for example the Bulwark Capstone is bugged/not working, let's fix those type of things!)
  • pancakeattaxpancakeattax Member Posts: 191 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Well paladins are pretty much FOTM atm but you just wait the "fixhamma" gunna get you sooner or later like it did majority of classes ;>
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Well paladins are pretty much FOTM atm but you just wait the "fixhamma" gunna get you sooner or later like it did majority of classes ;>

    Yeah, sure, Mod 7 will probably cause tons of QQ there :^/
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    dont forget to at least halve that ******ed daily damage
  • pancakeattaxpancakeattax Member Posts: 191 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    dont forget to at least halve that ******ed daily damage

    Top kek. PvP'ers.
  • quspivquspiv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You forgot to add: Buff Divine Touch.
  • asmose01asmose01 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Most of the changes I brought up the replys I can agree with! How ever when I played my GF I really enjoyed taking the breath attacks in the face and living. . . having to dance in lostmouth is anoying but I agree if people are too focused and die screw em! the party dieing because they can't wait for me to get there drives me nuts! prot paladins don't get a speed feater which I guess is because were not healing people!

    Now that I have an ap gen neck I find I can keep devin prot up 24/7 with a dc useing haistening light feater so meh on that one! I'd still like to see devine call go up faster or for them to at least fix it so when I hit tab it actualy works so i don't end up spam tabbing and it takes them all LOL
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Member Posts: 601 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    What 'major issues' does the Paladin have with current content that doesn't affect all other classes?

    What Palading feats and powers are bugged or not WAI?

    Go read the Paladin sub-forum. Nobody calling for a class rework. Because the people there know how to play the class.

    You might want to read, and re-read this thread, because no one is calling for a class re-work here. I know skimming is the name of the game and making assumptions is the ultimate goal because no one fully reads the information presented.

    And as of last patch I've been posting multiple bugs that have been cropping up. Namely the fact that blocking now doesn't stop all effects taht hit the paladin like it use to, temp HP is still getting erased by certain effects for no reason, and of course my fav annoying bug if a friendly NPC or player is between me and my target I get an invalid target call forcing me to move so I can use my targeted powers, for starters.
  • urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    all I know they are hard to kill in pvp

    really hard
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Member Posts: 601 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    urlord283 wrote: »
    all I know they are hard to kill in pvp

    really hard

    Whoda thunk that tanks are very hard to kill :p
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    juleadream wrote: »
    I would add that paladins also need better AP gain; I can build AP and use my daily a lot faster on every other class than paladin.

    You play a paladin? AP gain is not even an issue.
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