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How do you get good gear (weapons/armor)

adgedubadgedub Member Posts: 28 Arc User
I'm rank 40 at the moment and a Trickster Rogue character, but still bog standard basic weapons and armor.

Yet I've seen players in their 20/30 level kitted up with these big spiky looking glove/weapon things, and big heavy duty looking armor.. How or where do you get all this from?

And please, if your going to say I need Glory (riches) or some sort of currency like that can you give me some hits how to build a nice amount up quick as possible please, cause every time i see any merchant stores everything has a random currency and hundreds and thousands of it needed.

Thank you in advance
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    traumapaladintraumapaladin Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015
    At level 40 I wouldn't concern myself with gear. Once you hit level 60 any gear you found up until then is immediately obsolete. From there you can start doing T1 dungeons to get epic gear and then eventually T2 dungeons for better epic gear. Most efficient way to get to the good end game weapons is just to get to the max level as fast as possible.
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    littlevale#6076 littlevale Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2015
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    draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    In regards to the "big spiky gloves" I believe those are dragon bone. Best way to get those is from the AH. They level up with you so alot of the lower level players have higher level main characters that bought the item and transferred it to their low level alt. I just now did that myself for my CW and GWF as these are my last 2 characters to level to 60. Since they level up with you, you can vender all the junk you collect through your adventures as probably nothing you will find will compare.
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    wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    adgedub wrote: »
    I'm rank 40 at the moment and a Trickster Rogue character, but still bog standard basic weapons and armor.

    Yet I've seen players in their 20/30 level kitted up with these big spiky looking glove/weapon things, and big heavy duty looking armor.. How or where do you get all this from?

    And please, if your going to say I need Glory (riches) or some sort of currency like that can you give me some hits how to build a nice amount up quick as possible please, cause every time i see any merchant stores everything has a random currency and hundreds and thousands of it needed.

    Thank you in advance
    The game is LOL easy until you get to level 60. Gear does not matter, and you shouldn't worry about it. Just follow that lovely sparkly yellow trail until you reach level 60 just upgrading with what you find along the way, and then you should start concerning yourself with gear. The leveling in this game is not heavily staggered and the time from level 59 and 60 is about the same time it takes to get from 9 to 10 (in other words, it's all very fast and easy). If you worry about gear now the next day you'll be 10 levels past that gear and wonder why you bothered.

    As someone else mentioned the items you're seeing are Dragon Bone items, which advance with you as you level. They are rather expensive to get because of how useful they are, and I wouldn't worry about getting one if this is your first character. A nice way to get gear at your level is to turn in Seals you get from dungeons at the Seven Suns market it Protector's Enclave, but as I mention above, you're going to be replacing anything you get very quickly until 60.
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