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PVP Penalty & Report Player Option

immortalxjqimmortalxjq Member Posts: 5 Arc User
I know that there's a penalty for quitting during a match, but there should be a penalty for inactivity as well. I'm tired of playing PVP and just cause it feels pointless to try and win, my teammates just stop playing. It's absolutely annoying. But they won't quit cause they don't want to deal with the 30 minute penalty. There should be a clear way to get rid of these players and penalize them for not playing. If you're going to PVP, then you should know that there's a chance you're going to get it handed to you. So don't be a sore looser and just go afk cause you don't wanna be penalized for quitting. This also leads into my next idea, Reporting Players. I'm not sure if there is a way to do this that I haven't found(if so just leave it in the comments), but my biggest issue with people is the chat spam. I hate being in Protector's Enclave and trying to chat with my guild members or trying to trade with people when all i see are symbols(@,#,%,^,&, etc.) or trolling trade offers. So I feel like being able to report people, and the devs actually taking action, will result in a better environment. Any ideas or comments?
Post edited by immortalxjq on


  • ussula76ussula76 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i agree to an extent. i have played pvp plenty of times and seen 1 and sometimes even 2 of our team members just standing at the camp fire for the entire fight, causing us to lose horribly. we cant kick them from pvp so thats not an option and honestly thank god its not an option or we would all be having the same nightmare experience in pvp as we are in level 60 dungeons right now...but what else can be done about it? what kind of penalty?

    also i like to give people the benefit of the doubt in those situations because i know what its like to be interrupted by real life things during game play and maybe thats what is happeneing here too...but the number of incidents does seem excessive.
  • gaanjaa81gaanjaa81 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    agree with everything you said.

    afk in pvp is soooooooo annoying, if you cant take loosing in pvp then DONT pvp. there should be a report button or inactivity punishment (surely there must be a way for the system to tell if a player is not engaging in combat after a certain period of time)

    chat is HORRIBLE, we need filters and block buttons FAST!!!

    the game is becoming almost unplayable for me on my hunter at the moment, a lot of pvp is ruined by afkers and dungeon running is pretty much impossible because of the constant kicking, people say find groups in chat, yeaah... to much spam in chat to organize anything. playing on my cleric however is a completely different story, all of a sudden everyone loves me on my cleric, but i dont want to play cleric >.>
    Devoted cleric rule number one = We cant cure stupidity so no heals for fools ^.^
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yeah, AFK is lame. Even if your spirit is crushed and you don't want to fight anymore, you can still keep running down to the control points to be a target so the people still playing can keep fighting. You might even capture a point or two just by standing on it. Even that is lame, but it's a whole lot better than sitting at the campfire.
    ussula76 wrote: »
    we cant kick them from pvp so thats not an option and honestly thank god its not an option or we would all be having the same nightmare experience in pvp as we are in level 60 dungeons right now...but what else can be done about it? what kind of penalty?
    It could be handled programmatically. If someone stays at the campfire location for more than 1 minute, even if they are moving around, the system should auto-kick and replace them. That's the only way to do it without introducing the kicking problem to PvP we have in dungeons.
  • brandonv516brandonv516 Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2015

    You must not farm PvP often. More wins = more glory. If you are already going to lose, why would you not want to speed the loss up?

    If you resist the loss (take control points) then you are only delaying your opportunity to gain glory from a potential upcoming match where you may win. I agree with kicking people who don't participate from the get-go, but once you realize that your team is doomed, it's best to let it go.

    On a final note, it's always frustrating when you get killed - you're not human if you don't get the slightest bit of it. However, dying when you have a chance is different than dying when you have 5 over-geared players attacking you.

    Edit: I also wanted to add that by resisting a loss, you are only helping the enemy team gain more glory - why in seven hells would I want to contribute to gearing up my enemies?
  • bossmchoggbossmchogg Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    There are 3000 reasons to go AFK 3 times a day in PVP.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ^^^ I saw what you did there...

    Some days there are 6000+ reasons.
  • lemonknuckleslemonknuckles Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2015

    You must not farm PvP often. More wins = more glory. If you are already going to lose, why would you not want to speed the loss up?

    If you resist the loss (take control points) then you are only delaying your opportunity to gain glory from a potential upcoming match where you may win. I agree with kicking people who don't participate from the get-go, but once you realize that your team is doomed, it's best to let it go.

    On a final note, it's always frustrating when you get killed - you're not human if you don't get the slightest bit of it. However, dying when you have a chance is different than dying when you have 5 over-geared players attacking you.

    Edit: I also wanted to add that by resisting a loss, you are only helping the enemy team gain more glory - why in seven hells would I want to contribute to gearing up my enemies?

    yeah, but so much of PvP success is mental toughness. And mental toughness is a habit formed through constant discipline. It is not a switch you can turn on and off at will. If you roll-over whenever the odds are against you in the hopes of getting a few more glory per hour, you’ll simply end-up a well-geared creampuff.

    Nothing builds your SPINE better than a gritty, gut-busting, unbreakable effort to find a way to win when you are getting seriously massacred. And nothing is more satisfying as those rare occasions when you pull it off.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Nothing builds your SPINE better than a gritty, gut-busting, unbreakable effort to find a way to win when you are getting seriously massacred. And nothing is more satisfying as those rare occasions when you pull it off.
    That path isn't easy, so it's not going to appeal to many.
  • brandonv516brandonv516 Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2015
    yeah, but so much of PvP success is mental toughness. And mental toughness is a habit formed through constant discipline. It is not a switch you can turn on and off at will. If you roll-over whenever the odds are against you in the hopes of getting a few more glory per hour, you’ll simply end-up a well-geared creampuff.

    Nothing builds your SPINE better than a gritty, gut-busting, unbreakable effort to find a way to win when you are getting seriously massacred. And nothing is more satisfying as those rare occasions when you pull it off.

    If I was going on a 2 mile run, I would say that mental toughness is just as important as physical toughness.

    In this video game where physical toughness = gear, I'm not buying it. Common sense is more important when you are down several hundred points.

    When you are out-geared and you jump off that ledge with 5 enemies waiting for you, you're saying that mental toughness is going to get you through the fight? C'mon. It's going to make you a better person? No, it's not.

    We are talking about changing a game mechanic, not shaping ourselves into the adults we want to be (or already are).
  • lemonknuckleslemonknuckles Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2015
    When you are out-geared and you jump off that ledge with 5 enemies waiting for you, you're saying that mental toughness is going to get you through the fight? C'mon. It's going to make you a better person? No, it's not.

    Not saying its going to get you through the fight. All I'm saying is that there are in-game resources (like gear and glory) and there are outside-the-game resources like experience, practice, skill, and mental toughness. Going all-in on one and neglecting the other is, IMO, not a recipe for success. The situation you describe might seem harmless, but to many people it becomes a slippery slope:
    • We're losing bad - AFK
    • That team has higher GS - AFK
    • That team has 2 TRs and those dudes are OP - AFK
    • I can't win with these other nubs on my team not holding nodes - AFK

    "Farming" glory as you describe it sounds efficient from a points-per-hour perspective, but then doesn't all your game time come from easy-mode?
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