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Tank CW

pycon929pycon929 Member Posts: 50
edited May 2015 in PvP Discussion
Ok this needs to end now. This is absolutely ridiculous how un-balanced and insanely unfair this has become. This is not a QQ this is a serious call to whoever is in charge to take a step back and look at this nonsense.

In no RPG setting ever have mages/wizards been damage resistant bulldozers like they are here. It's so frustrating to me b/c I just can't wrap my head around this concept of CW being able to absorb all damage and dish it out in insane numbers. Please for the love of all that is holy fix this negation enchant or tone down CW all together. Both would ideal if you ask me.
Post edited by pycon929 on


  • maegmaagmaegmaag Member Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1st, if u would ever play any BG or NWN u would find out that under some circumstances wizards can be invulnerable unless u properly dispel their defense spells (or use the right offensive ones).
    2nd, yes negation enchantment is way too strong and has to be adjusted.

    EDIT: I find myself pretty resilient in pvp even without that enchantment, yet am as well above average equiped and partially focused on defense. Its easy to make calls yet hard to admit that an enemy PC is simply better (or more appropriate for PvP) equiped and/or skilled.
    A bit nosy NW-DKG7E99X6
    "Hardcore" exploration journey and dungeon crawl. Read its description prior to trying it.
  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    if it was because of negation then everyone would be complaining about SW, gwfs, HRs and well everyone. The issue is mostly down to shield.

    It should just absorb a set amount of damage (20% of max hp?)and constantly slowly regenerating it's hp, and on mastery it absorbs more (30%).
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    maegmaag wrote: »
    1st, if u would ever play any BG or NWN u would find out that under some circumstances wizards can be invulnerable unless u properly dispel their defense spells (or use the right offensive ones).
    2nd, yes negation enchantment is way too strong and has to be adjusted.

    EDIT: I find myself pretty resilient in pvp even without that enchantment, yet am as well above average equiped and partially focused on defense. Its easy to make calls yet hard to admit that an enemy PC is simply better (or more appropriate for PvP) equiped and/or skilled.

    negation isnt the problem its fine on hr and sw and gwf. shield is the problem.esp considering the cw can get more health than my hr and be more tanky than my hr and do WAY more damage and cc better cause they can freeze the opponents i just stop them in their tracks and slightly daze them. seems a little unfair doesnt it?
  • zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It's shield that should be nerfed. Even if negation gets nerfed CW would still be tankier than most due to that broken shield. And that's why shield should be the one reworked in light of mod 6.
  • maegmaagmaegmaag Member Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Uve probably never fought any other class as equiped. Negation is 30% DR. Vast majority of ppl i ever inspected during a domination had less than ~20-25% ArP. This alone makes the enchantment pretty strong.
    A bit nosy NW-DKG7E99X6
    "Hardcore" exploration journey and dungeon crawl. Read its description prior to trying it.
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    maegmaag wrote: »
    Uve probably never fought any other class as equiped. Negation is 30% DR. Vast majority of ppl i ever inspected during a domination had less than ~20-25% ArP. This alone makes the enchantment pretty strong.

    ive fought every class with it equipped. cw is the worst. i couldnt even damage a good one.repel is amazing.and i have 36.5%arm pen.im also pvp specced and geared with rank 8s.
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    maegmaag wrote: »
    1st, if u would ever play any BG or NWN u would find out that under some circumstances wizards can be invulnerable unless u properly dispel their defense spells (or use the right offensive ones).
    2nd, yes negation enchantment is way too strong and has to be adjusted.

    EDIT: I find myself pretty resilient in pvp even without that enchantment, yet am as well above average equiped and partially focused on defense. Its easy to make calls yet hard to admit that an enemy PC is simply better (or more appropriate for PvP) equiped and/or skilled.

    Just think if they had Premonition, Ethereal Visage and so on with solid dr gear and dr shield spells to boot. Neverwinter wizards are fairly flimsy in comparison.
  • pycon929pycon929 Member Posts: 50
    edited May 2015
    maegmaag wrote: »
    Uve probably never fought any other class as equiped. Negation is 30% DR. Vast majority of ppl i ever inspected during a domination had less than ~20-25% ArP. This alone makes the enchantment pretty strong.

    -61% damage resist ignore
    10k power

    I don't come close to hurting these guys
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    pycon929 wrote: »
    -61% damage resist ignore
    10k power

    I don't come close to hurting these guys

    thats a lot of arm pen i would stack more but with hr roots it doesnt use arm pen anyways cause of the bug.
  • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    maegmaag wrote: »
    Uve probably never fought any other class as equiped. Negation is 30% DR. Vast majority of ppl i ever inspected during a domination had less than ~20-25% ArP. This alone makes the enchantment pretty strong.

    62-70% resist ignore, 12700 power. 42% crit chance once weaponmaster stacks, T feytouched (and Pure terror but I only swap to that for 1v1 vs high def people in IWD usually), all enchants are rank 8 - 10, I'm currently waiting till I can buy a race reroll so I can remove some of my CON and boost my STR / DEX more.)

    So obviously not BiS yet. but I have 1 Mythic + 1 Legendary + 2 rank 90+ epics. as well as epic arti weap/offhand. ~3100 ilvl. I'm well aware some people are maxed out at 3800-4100. But they are the few and far between currently.

    I can rip through GF, GWF and SW using negation if they facetank me, which is perfectly fine, if you sit there facetanking a DPS class, you should expect to get dropped. (GF are annoying until I go unstoppable, and similar gear / higher gear ones can knock 50% of my hp in their first rotation, these ones I usually cant kill. Other GWF is epic fun, the fights are brutal and fast , some SW builds seem nigh invunerable but the bad ones who facetank even with neg die quick enough)

    Tr's I find usually still use soulforged, and the only negation one I've fought was practically BIS, but he just sat in stealth with lurkers and dps'd me down without ever being seen (since the reveal on attack was removed. lol)

    Every CW I have met with negation feels unkillable, in a GG match one was legitimately just standing on point not moving with 3 people on him and all he said was "lol" as we tried too kill him, its not like we weren't reasonably well geared either. all 3 of us were above 3k Ilvl. Its not the 30% dr from negation thats the problem though, its the combination of Shield's high DR + negation. the fact that Shield provides such a LARGE amount of DR even when diminished, Is the true problem people have.

    If broken shield was 5% DR, there'd be no hate, if it was 10%, there'd be no hate. its the fact that even broken shield gives more DR than a lot of other classes have as their TOTAL Dr, is where the hate and imbalance comes from. To have that high DR other classes need to sacrifice large amounts of other stats too boost their defensive stats to those levels. its the equivalent of over 8000 free Defense ALL the time on a RANGED mage!

    With the new stat curves (and the reduced effectiveness of ARPEN in PVP. These things need to be adjusted accordingly. I could have 100% resist ignore for all that matters, but with the full burning set on my enemy, that reduces my arpen to about 20% or so.

    I get that with gear gaps people seem unkillable. but regardless of the gap the free dr from shield is huge, even broken shield is almost as much as a T Negation gives EXTRA.
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    teribad15 wrote: »
    it ill be even worse if they nerf negation cause the enchant is not issue the shield on TAB is, if they nerf negation CW ill just melt ppls faster than now also the rene capstone provide way too much healing the whole idea of CW having healing abilites looks silly to me tbh.

    Enchant is not an issue you say. I disagree.
    First, compare negation with other defensive armor enchants.

    TNegation is 30% DR granted 99% of the time in PvP. DoT classes like HRs and SWs. GWFs that need to hit to stack damage. TRs using CoS to deal damage. Even CWs. Building 10 stacks in PvP is super fast. Which means 30% less damage taken. Assuming you have 100k HP and heal some during combat through boons and life steal, it's more than 30-40k worth of HPs. Plus healing and recovery bonus.

    Now see, for example, TSoulforged.

    Get back to life with 7k HP+3-4k from healing over time, and 3s CC immunity, EVERY 75 SECONDS.

    See TBarkshield.

    4 charges protecting you for a total of around 10k HP then 2k every 6 seconds, with fights that in PvP last less than 30 seconds usually and EACH CHARGE CAN BE NULLIFIED BY WEAK AT WILL ATTACKS, which is a clear counter to the enchant main source of defense.

    Now, if you don't see the abyssal difference between Negation and the other enchants, it's because you purposefully ignore it. Cause it's crystal clear.

    Trying to "burst fast from the start" to counter negation does not work:

    - For GWFs who need to stack a lot of stacks before dealing real damage
    - For DoT classes who deal damage over time
    - For DoT enchants life PF or Bilethorn or terror/lifedrinker/fire exc... that deal additional X% weapon damage and add stacks to negation
    - Against CWs with shield/ shield on tab cause you need to deplete their shield before burst rotate them or your damage is pretty much nullified/ reduced for the most part.

    In PvP, Negation is clearly much better or, to say it another way, other enchants are weaker and not balanced by a long shot.

    Same goes for artifact set bonus.

    Lostamauth vs Lathander.
    Lostamauth gives a huge damage boost while lathander is under healing depression, works only with soulforged every 75 seconds and often bugs out and the healing is cancelled by the enemy's finisher.

    The difference/ unbalance is quite clear.
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    pando83 wrote: »
    Enchant is not an issue you say. I disagree.
    First, compare negation with other defensive armor enchants.

    TNegation is 30% DR granted 99% of the time in PvP. DoT classes like HRs and SWs. GWFs that need to hit to stack damage. TRs using CoS to deal damage. Even CWs. Building 10 stacks in PvP is super fast. Which means 30% less damage taken. Assuming you have 100k HP and heal some during combat through boons and life steal, it's more than 30-40k worth of HPs. Plus healing and recovery bonus.

    Now see, for example, TSoulforged.

    Get back to life with 7k HP+3-4k from healing over time, and 3s CC immunity, EVERY 75 SECONDS.

    See TBarkshield.

    4 charges protecting you for a total of around 10k HP then 2k every 6 seconds, with fights that in PvP last less than 30 seconds usually and EACH CHARGE CAN BE NULLIFIED BY WEAK AT WILL ATTACKS, which is a clear counter to the enchant main source of defense.

    Now, if you don't see the abyssal difference between Negation and the other enchants, it's because you purposefully ignore it. Cause it's crystal clear.

    Trying to "burst fast from the start" to counter negation does not work:

    - For GWFs who need to stack a lot of stacks before dealing real damage
    - For DoT classes who deal damage over time
    - For DoT enchants life PF or Bilethorn or terror/lifedrinker/fire exc... that deal additional X% weapon damage and add stacks to negation
    - Against CWs with shield/ shield on tab cause you need to deplete their shield before burst rotate them or your damage is pretty much nullified/ reduced for the most part.

    In PvP, Negation is clearly much better or, to say it another way, other enchants are weaker and not balanced by a long shot.

    Same goes for artifact set bonus.

    Lostamauth vs Lathander.
    Lostamauth gives a huge damage boost while lathander is under healing depression, works only with soulforged every 75 seconds and often bugs out and the healing is cancelled by the enemy's finisher.

    The difference/ unbalance is quite clear.

    Unless its piercing damage which goes through everything because TR's are op. Look at the pvp forum threads right now. It is a mess. Broken op vs broken op. At what point do we say something isn't broken but instead has a counter?

    I'm not making an argument, it is an honest question.
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