Thought this could create an interesting discussion.. Please keep it civil.
Let's start, here are the most underused powers of each class
Great Weapon Fighter:
The GWF has SO many terrible powers and passives compared to other classes... let's go over them
Reaping Strike: Slow cast time, pitiful damage as a reward for the huge cast time.
Buff solution: CC immune while charging it up, and when the charge is finished, the power unleashes a violent wave of wind in an area in front of the Great Weapon Fighter, driving enemies back in a knockback.
Not So Fast: Bad damage, barely noticeable slow.
Buff solution: Damage increase by at least 40%. And slows the enemy by 80% (Exactly like Deft Strike's slow).
Mighty Leap: Pathetic damage, and no real use except for dodging Shocking Exeucution sometimes.
Buff solution: Damage increased by a noticeable amount. Enemies hit by the impact are proned for at least two seconds.
Slam: Underused daily, this daily used to be awesome before, but nerfed without a good reason.
Buff solution: Make this skill pulsate at a faster rate and increase its damage
Steadfast Determination: No one uses this, the determination gain isn't even noticeable.
Buff solution: Buff the determination gain so it's noticeable. And make it drain the determination bar much slower while in Unstoppable. Making the GWF stay in unstopapble a little longer.
Roar: Pitiful damage (Hits less than a single Sure Strike at-will). All they needed to do with this power is to stop it from piercing CC immunity. Now it's utter useless.
Buff solution #1 : Make the interrupted power go on a 10 to 15 second cooldown (up from 2), then this power would be used in a strategic way to counter the powers the GWF fears the most from his oponent (While the opponent's power is put on cooldown by roar, roar itself is locked from use on the GWF's bar)
Buff Solution #2: Increase the damage by at least 40%. And make Roar daze for a second or two. Since it's a war cry that pierces your opponent's ears.
Punishing Charge: Like often said by a few GWF's. The only person being punished is the GWF slotting it.
Buff solution: Make the Dashes count as actual dodges, increase the damage slightly, and add a tiny knock back. Then this would be an interesting encounter to slot.
Steel Grace: Well.. make this power actually work first of all.
Buff solution: Make it passively increase the GWF's run speed by a decent amount.
Grand Fissure: This power was (unfairly and ninja) nerfed before hitting live.
Buff solution: Revert it back to its preview state.
Enduring Warrior: Barely any noticeable heal.
Buff solution: Heal 10% of your HP and your action points when killing a target (up from 1%)
Devoted Cleric:
This class is in a good place in PVP, most of the powers are viable. Only minor tweaks should be done such as:
Daunting Light: The AOE radius is too small on non-divinity
Buff Solution: Make the non-divinity radius the same as the divinity one
Anointed Army: This thing fades away way too fast.
Buff Solution: NOT affected by at-wills and DoT's. Only encounter powers should drain a charge.
Searing Light: Decent encounter but underused. Have it have an additional effect.
Buff Solution: Make the target weakened, reducing its overall stats by 10% for 5 seconds.
Guardian Fighter:
Another class that has a wide variety of viable powers. But these are lacking:
Crushing Surge: Doesn't heal enough
Buff Solution: Increase the heal by a nice amount
Knight's Challenge: Awkward and clunky to use.
Buff Solution: Insta-activation just like the IWD NPC's in Icewind dale.
Supremacy Of Steel: Sort of underperforming... People used to avoid the GF whenever he had it up. Now people attack the GF without a care in the world.
Buff Solution: Revert SoS so the blades thrown back at the opponent cannot be resisted again.
Hunter Ranger:
Apart from the Armorpen issues, the HR was always a solid class that held its groud, but these powers need a buff:
Rain of Arrows: Anyone can walk out of this.
Buff Solution: Increase the radius for something just a liiiiitle smaller than Thorn Ward.
Forest Meditation: Underused since the deflect/set-bonus fix
Buff Solution: Make the Hunter Ranger break free of CC upon Forest Meditation activation.
Blade Storm: Underused and barely procs.
Buff Solution: Increase the chance to 50% or 75%.
Eletric Shot: Even the pseudo-buff from back then made it not viable.
Buff Solution: Increase damage by 15% and the cast time sped up by twice the amount.
Cold Steel Hurricane: Easily the worst daily of all the 8 classes combined.
Buff Solution: Make it consume 50% less AP and make the Hunter Ranger being able to control where it goes by the Cursor (The energy ball goes whereever the HR is looking, instead of straight ahead)
Buff Solution #2: Consumes 50% less AP. The energy ball spins around the ranger like an orb, and it snares and damages anyone nearby. The spin lasts 20-30 seconds.
Trickster Rogue:
Infiltrator's Action: Useless... the TR always has combat advantage, well, at least most of the time
Buff Solution: Rework it so when the TR activates a daily, he is immune to damage for a couple seconds.
Buff Solution #2: If this is codable, create a perfect clone of the TR once a daily is activated, to further confuse the TR's opponents. The clone would have a good AI and actually attack the opponent (Dealing 0 damage).
Razor Action: Make this power have some sort of presence. And the damage is also pathetic.
Buff Solution: Have an animation where the TR skillfully flings the blades, and have the damage increased to be noticeable.
Vengeace's Pursuit: Very awkward power... doesn't work most of the time.
Buff Solution: Make it actually work, and also work against Rooting powers (IE: Icy Rays) because it doesn't work against these. Make the teleport function of this power refill 75% of the stealth meter.
Advantageous Position: The WK needs a CC immune to be on par with the MI.
Buff Solution: Make it so the TR is immune to damage and control for two seconds after leaving stealth. This effect cannot occur more than once every 60 seconds.
Scourge Warlock:
Infernal Spheres: More underused than before because of the (ninja) nerf. I've noticed these spheres do not crit anymore.
Buff Solution: Make each Orb that hits the enemy increased the SW's run speed by 3%.
Vampiric Embrace: Supposed to be the Temptation's signature move.. but nobody uses it.
Buff Solution: The heal and temp heal are not affected by healing depression. And Vampric Embrace increased the Warlock's life steal chance by 20% for 10 seconds. This is a class that's supposed to work around life steal.. so why not?
Pillar of Power: Literally never seen anyone use this in PVP. It is simply terrible.
Buff Solution: Make the Warlock take 50% less damage while inside the Pillar of Power. And make the tentacles actually grab any opponent that steps inside. The tentacles constrict around the opponent for a base duration of 3 seconds.
Buff Solution #2: The SW is immune to CC while inside the Pillar of Power. This wouldn't be broken since the warlock can still take damage since he's staying still.
Cursed Bite: Pathetic damage and slow cast time.
Buff Solution: Increase the casting time. Increase the damage by at least 30%, and add a bleeding affect after the opponent is hit. The bleeding lasts 10 seconds and is a % of the Warlock's weapon damage.
Flames of Empowerment: No one leaves his action points full for long... so
Buff Solution: Make the Warlock's damage increase as his AP increases. Then double the damage buff at full AP. So the warlock has a choice of leaving his AP or not and isn't always forced to have it full to get this passive's buff.
Soulbinder: Soul Sparks: They disappear WAY too fast.
Buff Solution: Make the Soul Sparks stay for at least 15 to 20 seconds after leaving combat, and not disappear instantly.
Control Wizard:
Arcane Presence: No one uses this despite the buff from back then
Buff Solution: Spells on Arcane Mastery deal 25% more damage and have increased control strength.
Shard of the Endless Avalanche: Most PVP CW's probably miss this encounter. The promised increased prone time has never made it and never worked. And the damage is uber pathetic.
Buff Solution: Bring the old damage back (ONLY if slotted in TAB/Spell mastery slot) and fix the prone time.
Maelstorm of Chaos: Underperfoming, AOE too small, and damage isn't that great.
Buff Solution #1: Remove the damage aspect of this daily. And make it a CC breaker that costs 50% of the CW's AP. With a 10 second cooldown after each cast.
Buff Solution #2: Increased AOE radius, and if the CW targets himself with the AOE radius. He will unleash the same attack as King Malabog on himself. An endless steam of thunder that knocks back nearby enemies and makes him CC immune while casting. Good for countering melee classes and have some breathing time. Still costs 100% AP.
Fanning The Flame: Barely anyone one is MoF in PVP to begin with... But this buff might make this paragon power attractive
Buff Solution: Make this a finisher/executionner move (Like Killing Flames, Anvil of Doom, Shocking Execution) that deals double damage when the enemy is below 25% HP. A killed enemy turns into Ash and cannot be revived.
Combustive Action: Barely usable
Buff Solution: AP Gain buffed up to 5% when killing a target.
That's all I've thought of so far. Might add more. I did not add Paladin because it has just came out.
Tell me what you think, and propose buffs for certain underused powers. Remember to keep it civil. Thanks
By the quick look at the OP i have only two things to say:
1/ there is not much, if anything, i would like to discuss in this thread and
2/ dont ever fkn touch MoC, it never leaves my daily slot and its one of the best skills in game!
A bit nosy NW-DKG7E99X6
"Hardcore" exploration journey and dungeon crawl. Read its description prior to trying it.
1/ there is not much, if anything, i would like to discuss in this thread and
2/ dont ever fkn touch MoC, it never leaves my daily slot and its one of the best skills in game!