This issue should be one of your top priorities, over 3 weeks into mod 6 and no one has even awknowledged it was and issue or informed us it was being worked on, this is game breaking for pvp, every single disconnect in pvp leads to getting kicked from pvp map, leaving your team mates 1 player short and awarding you with a leaver penalty and a loss affecting leaderboard .
This can happen to anyone at any moment, I have seen it happen over 20 times, it ruins premade vs premades, it skews the leaderboard (I personally have about 15 losses due to this reason alone), it is extremely frustrating in a fun match to have it happen to you, your team or even the other team, and on top of that you get a penalty, this needs to be adressed ASAP .
I am not talking about leavers, I am talking about random disconnects kicking you off pvp map and not letting you back in, leaver penalty is not the issue ... Just let us be able to get back in map if we lose connection, as it was before .
This issue should be one of your top priorities, over 3 weeks into mod 6 and no one has even awknowledged it was and issue or informed us it was being worked on, this is game breaking for pvp, every single disconnect in pvp leads to getting kicked from pvp map, leaving your team mates 1 player short and awarding you with a leaver penalty and a loss affecting leaderboard .
This can happen to anyone at any moment, I have seen it happen over 20 times, it ruins premade vs premades, it skews the leaderboard (I personally have about 15 losses due to this reason alone), it is extremely frustrating in a fun match to have it happen to you, your team or even the other team, and on top of that you get a penalty, this needs to be adressed ASAP .
It mite the party leader that kicked you out, there should be a way to verify this but im not sure how, sorry. It has happened to me, i feel your pain
It mite the party leader that kicked you out, there should be a way to verify this but im not sure how, sorry. It has happened to me, i feel your pain
Guild Leader
no they didnt kick me and it happened to me. it just happens when you load into the game it loads you into a empty map and says your party isnt there and makes you leave after so many seconds.
had one match so far (out of... i dunno? 50? 100? no clue) where i did NOT zone in with the group.. couldn't change istances or do anything.. i left it hoping they MIGHT get a replacement (i had oddly once in a blue moon seen 6 people listed on a team.. before with one having 0/0/0 score)
had no idea it would block me for like 40 minutes from another match...
Agreed, this is a problem that can and should be fixed quite easily because it's something NEW that they tried to implement. They didn't come up with the situation where people would randomly disconnect, and that person would get kicked from the party and the match upon reconnecting.
The amount of people leaving a GG match is mostly due to people being disconnected and having this issue. And no, it's not the party leader kicking, it used to be, but now it's automatic kick if someone reconnects.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
I agree this should be fixed, check the thread that says, "Leaver penalty on disconnect needs to go blah blah". I posted that I think the second or third day after cryptic excreted mod6 onto the players.
As far as how it affects leaderboard ranks....I am kind of waiting to see it actually working. Page 1 of the level 70 leaderboard which is supposed to represent the absolute top .05% of pvp players still has people who lost more matches than they won. PvP IS fun but it is outrageously broken as any kind of system measuring relative player skill.
Today out of 20 matches I saw it happen 5 times, on my team, and on other team, and myself, and no it isn't anyone kicking me as I was in a premade, this happening in a normal pug match isn't that serious, but pre vs pre it is insanely frustrating to be winning after an hour long match and losing because your party member dc'ed and cant come back to the match, effectively cheating you from your win, and wasting your time in the process, and yeah on top of that you now have to wait 30 minutes because of leaver penalty .
As it stands it is the single most game breaking bug in pvp, and should have been adressed in the first week .
It happened to me again tonight during a premade involving several pvp guilds. Was turning out to be an epic match and I was playing with people I haven't really rolled with since mod 3. We were winning but it was super close and my damned power went out for about 2 minutes. Of course I get back on immediately and am booted from the map and hit with the leavers penalty, ruining what was a great match for all 10 people involved.
Some of you check the forums. I said I am sorry in game and am saying it again here. No way should a very short disconnect equal an inability to return to the match.
Guild Leader
had no idea it would block me for like 40 minutes from another match...
The amount of people leaving a GG match is mostly due to people being disconnected and having this issue. And no, it's not the party leader kicking, it used to be, but now it's automatic kick if someone reconnects.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
As far as how it affects leaderboard ranks....I am kind of waiting to see it actually working. Page 1 of the level 70 leaderboard which is supposed to represent the absolute top .05% of pvp players still has people who lost more matches than they won. PvP IS fun but it is outrageously broken as any kind of system measuring relative player skill.
As it stands it is the single most game breaking bug in pvp, and should have been adressed in the first week .
Some of you check the forums. I said I am sorry in game and am saying it again here. No way should a very short disconnect equal an inability to return to the match.