This is reality aside from TRs they rely on perma-stealth why? If they dont they will be just like a GWF a punching bag in leathers instead of plate. This game doesnt make sense all the imbalance is obvious very obvous indeed but I wont sit idly Im not afraid to voice out not afraid of anyone here.
True dat, it actually goes for most ******ed people that they dont fear anything...
Anyway to the OP, you might be doing it wrong, GWF's are in no form or shape easy kills atm, they might not be gods like they were a few mods ago, but in general they function pretty good with some nice buffs etc.
DC: Stand on point, never die. Balanced.
OP: Stand on point with DC, never die. Stand on point without DC, still takes half the team. Balanced.
GWF: Unless overgeared, free kills.
GF: Can't lock anyone down. Walking shift-key with graphics. Balanced.
CW: 1-rotation-1-kill. Balanced.
SW: High risk, low reward.
TR: Permastealth forever and doesn't afraid of anything. Balanced.
HR: One Class Feature is the only reason this class even remains a threat. Balanced.
Yea, 5/7 are doing just fine.
You must be a Cryptic dev.
Quite accurate, imo, if the SW would not have certain ways to 'lower' enemies dmg.
I tested it with a friend in IWD, so yes, it works and no, I wont tell how, bc I promised him, not to.
Grats you just won the Award for the most ******ed post in this thread, and believe me it was a tough field!
Let me guess, you are a SW player and you would NOT like ppl to know, that this feat exists, let alone, how to create it? Keep up your nice posts and I can elaborate.
Most SWs I met are careful, not to overabuse this feat. I contibuted the dmg floaters to OP shield, for some time. It is just a matter of time, before it gets overabused, draws more attention and gets fixed, as DC/ AP and OP/CC, anyways.
True dat, it actually goes for most ******ed people that they dont fear anything...
Anyway to the OP, you might be doing it wrong, GWF's are in no form or shape easy kills atm, they might not be gods like they were a few mods ago, but in general they function pretty good with some nice buffs etc.
You kiss your mom with that mouth? You got hurt when your class is branded OP?
TR is given lots of dodges and long ones why? common sense no need for me to explain here if you not dumb you already know the answer.
Kills total first 5 Trs 10392 deaths total 965 KD ratio 10,76 !!!!!!!!
Kills total first 5 Hrs 6195 dearhs total 2776 KD ratio 2.23.
Just some pure fact collected ingame easy enough for all to see but hey Hr need a nerf according to these 2 genius Trs who is not bias at all but purly objective in game status caring about the overall game play more then their own class....... dont you take their word for it ???
Kills total first 5 Trs 10392 deaths total 965 KD ratio 10,76 !!!!!!!!
Kills total first 5 Hrs 6195 dearhs total 2776 KD ratio 2.23.
Just some pure fact collected ingame easy enough for all to see but hey Hr need a nerf according to these 2 genius Trs who is not bias at all but purly objective in game status caring about the overall game play more then their own class....... dont you take their word for it ???
he showed all of us numbers that we dont need wth is this case study? thesis? Eyes and experience can tell this nerd wanna show straps and laces here lol!
Dam you broke your own record of stupid things in one post talk about wanting to get pawned over and over lets look...
What allows for such an obviously amped up k/d ratio?
It's not stealth
it's not piercing damage
it isn't Shocking Execution.
It's not the TR's fault that you are bad at finding them in stealth.
Man you make a fine example of a true clown what was it again gwf and sw that dies to exe instead of dodging is pure bad players that nees to l2p - keep spamming more brilliant things Clown...
thats a video about a very scilled BIS-GWF owning a less scilled TR from another top guild, pointing out that he and his TR mate at the other node, who is at least same scill-level, rocked the house.
only thing I ask myself how does he heal up that fast, is it lifedrinker+bloodtheft, one heal was 109k from zero to full?
Ok im sorry i posted a premade gwf.
What about this then?
Pls dont say GWFs are not OP...
thats a video about a BIS GWF bashing scrubs, you are wasting our time my boy, and no I don´t main a GWF who is PVP specced
You've shown your *** so many time already you might as well start pole dancing. Your lack of any logical response, is just another showing. Keep up the entertainment.
Ok so I take it YOU did not even understand that basic post about stupidity and post some gibberish about pole dancing and then talk about lock of logical responce, you on crack or ?
I post facts and numbers you post smokescreen and bad exuces and l2p issues among those absolute rubbish gibbering posts of yours.
Been making clowns of yourself for the last expansions and I expect you will continue to be the laughing stock the comming ones also....
Your not serious? That is SOBEK from choclate shoppe and unless you have endless hours to spend on this game and money, i really dont think telling ssomeone to go look at his youtube and say, oh he is good, and i can imgaine finishing the rest of the quote with "oh go l2p" but you didnt say that. But my point is looking at SOBEK for other his gameplay and he is very good seems like a waist of time. Better to wait until Cryptic fixes gwf or maybe some of you vets can help us with some tips.
Yeah that guy is OP... again no decent pvp till i achive that... ? Do i really need to invest thousants of dolars in a game to have a feeling of reward ?
Apparently so, or know all the ways to get those without spending money, but then if you get caught you get banned.
Kills total first 5 Trs 10392 deaths total 965 KD ratio 10,76 !!!!!!!!
Kills total first 5 Hrs 6195 dearhs total 2776 KD ratio 2.23.
Just some pure fact collected ingame easy enough for all to see but hey Hr need a nerf according to these 2 genius Trs who is not bias at all but purly objective in game status caring about the overall game play more then their own class....... dont you take their word for it ???
WTH does any of this have to do with the op about gwf's, you guys hijack the thread lmfao!!!1 I want to like this game and this class but man this seems pretty rude to stray so far from what the op was about. *ugh* -1000 for all you knuckleheads! I swear i came back and thought i was reading a tr thread. Could someone plz give some constructive advise on how to make are gwf's work better in pvp ? and plz dont say roll another class. I am having a very bad at work ther internet here is useless and i just realized the op happened to be a gwf, my apoligies, but im sticking with trying to help anyone and evryone who wants to play class that is not easy win button mode, kind of sick of that. Level 20-29 my gwf is on page 26 so there is something to them but i can see its hard when the other team knows your kind of twinked and the rest of my team are all noobs, so i am gonna go on record and say that this class is still viable to play and support it as much as i can like all the others. I know endgame pvp is a lot differtent i played until now and no longer can afford to go any further nor have time away from work.
Your not serious? That is SOBEK from choclate shoppe and unless you have endless hours to spend on this game and money, i really dont think telling ssomeone to go look at his youtube and say, oh he is good, and i can imgaine finishing the rest of the quote with "oh go l2p" but you didnt say that. But my point is looking at SOBEK for other his gameplay and he is very good seems like a waist of time. Better to wait until Cryptic fixes gwf or maybe some of you vets can help us with some tips.
Ya wait till you run into a full top pvp guild premade, all bis, with 3 gwfs and 2 paladins. The paladins make the gwfs seem god like but tbh, the class (gwf) needs the help. Even a bis gwf is going to struggle 1v1 against a non-bis TR. Not saying he is going to lose, but it is definitely not a sure win and that is something the non bis tr finds a little shocking. Ok they target lock you while you are in stealth. So stealth and itc at the same time, otherwise when unstoppable runs out keep them dazed and pissed off. Those HP eventually come down and thats not even talking about using SE. There is really nothing they can do about that or no amount of gear that can make up for it. Their best shot is to catch you making a mistake and cc you.
True dat, it actually goes for most ******ed people that they dont fear anything...
Anyway to the OP, you might be doing it wrong, GWF's are in no form or shape easy kills atm, they might not be gods like they were a few mods ago, but in general they function pretty good with some nice buffs etc.
Quite accurate, imo, if the SW would not have certain ways to 'lower' enemies dmg.
I tested it with a friend in IWD, so yes, it works and no, I wont tell how, bc I promised him, not to.
Grats you just won the Award for the most ******ed post in this thread, and believe me it was a tough field!
Let me guess, you are a SW player and you would NOT like ppl to know, that this feat exists, let alone, how to create it? Keep up your nice posts and I can elaborate.
Most SWs I met are careful, not to overabuse this feat. I contibuted the dmg floaters to OP shield, for some time. It is just a matter of time, before it gets overabused, draws more attention and gets fixed, as DC/ AP and OP/CC, anyways.
You kiss your mom with that mouth? You got hurt when your class is branded OP?
TR is given lots of dodges and long ones why? common sense no need for me to explain here if you not dumb you already know the answer.
Yea well lets add this here also just to make you eat your own words and kiss your mom after mr clown TR k9madrush.
Lets crunsh some numbers from reality then up with the only tool we have to get an overlook of the pvp landskape the leaderboard.
lvl 60-69 bracket sorted under kills as the normal pages are totally haywire.
First 5 pages 31-Trs 5- Hrs
Kills and deaths for first 5 of each class
1 Tr 1840 - 497 .................................1 Hr 885 - 320
2 Tr 1485 - 152......................................2 Hr 737 - 233
3 Tr 1344 - 132......................................3 Hr 632 - 411
4 Tr 1312 - 126......................................4 Hr 547 - 332
5 Tr 1229 - 549......................................5 Hr 497 - 210
Kills total Tr 7210 death total 1456 KD ratio 5.02 Kills total Hr 3295 death total 1506 KD ratio 2.18
Now lets take a look at lvl 70 bracket and see if things even out as these to gentlemen(clowns) claimes Hr is OP and need a nerft.
Lvl 70 first 5 pages sorted under kills as for same reason as above numbers of Trs 25 and Hrs 10.
Kills and death for first 5 Tr and Hrs lvl 70.
1 Tr 2863 - 99..................................1 Hr 1413 - 655
2 Tr 2189 - 435....................................2 Hr 1314 - 567
3 Tr 2128 - 223....................................3 Hr 1160 - 501
4 Tr 1629 - 648....................................4 Hr 1159 - 428
5 Tr 1583 - 317....................................5 Hr 1149 - 625
Kills total first 5 Trs 10392 deaths total 965 KD ratio 10,76 !!!!!!!!
Kills total first 5 Hrs 6195 dearhs total 2776 KD ratio 2.23.
Just some pure fact collected ingame easy enough for all to see but hey Hr need a nerf according to these 2 genius Trs who is not bias at all but purly objective in game status caring about the overall game play more then their own class....... dont you take their word for it ???
1 Tr 63 - 99..................................1 Hr 5413 - 655
2 Tr 89 - 435....................................2 Hr 7314 - 567
3 Tr 28 - 223....................................3 Hr 8160 - 501
4 Tr 29 - 648....................................4 Hr 3159 - 428
5 Tr 83 - 317....................................5 Hr 149 - 625
I have mine too and its green coz yours hurt our eyes
haha! them with laces hates you stop annoying them lol!
Yea living in blindness I guess plain daylight truth hurst your both your eyes and your blunt lies and denials....
k9 just got owned!!!!
Man you make a fine example of a true clown what was it again gwf and sw that dies to exe instead of dodging is pure bad players that nees to l2p - keep spamming more brilliant things Clown...
thats a video about a very scilled BIS-GWF owning a less scilled TR from another top guild, pointing out that he and his TR mate at the other node, who is at least same scill-level, rocked the house.
only thing I ask myself how does he heal up that fast, is it lifedrinker+bloodtheft, one heal was 109k from zero to full?
thats a video about a BIS GWF bashing scrubs, you are wasting our time my boy, and no I don´t main a GWF who is PVP specced
Ok so I take it YOU did not even understand that basic post about stupidity and post some gibberish about pole dancing and then talk about lock of logical responce, you on crack or ?
I post facts and numbers you post smokescreen and bad exuces and l2p issues among those absolute rubbish gibbering posts of yours.
Been making clowns of yourself for the last expansions and I expect you will continue to be the laughing stock the comming ones also....
GL XJ-13
Best Regards
GL XJ-13
Ya wait till you run into a full top pvp guild premade, all bis, with 3 gwfs and 2 paladins. The paladins make the gwfs seem god like but tbh, the class (gwf) needs the help. Even a bis gwf is going to struggle 1v1 against a non-bis TR. Not saying he is going to lose, but it is definitely not a sure win and that is something the non bis tr finds a little shocking. Ok they target lock you while you are in stealth. So stealth and itc at the same time, otherwise when unstoppable runs out keep them dazed and pissed off. Those HP eventually come down and thats not even talking about using SE. There is really nothing they can do about that or no amount of gear that can make up for it. Their best shot is to catch you making a mistake and cc you.