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A Few Suggestions to Improve Neverwinter

wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
I love this game! Really. It's tons of fun and I am really enjoying it, but there seem to be a few areas that could use improvement so I wanted to submit some suggestions here even though I realize these forums get very little attention from staff. I feel like these small things would be relatively easy to implement and are pretty much common sense:

1) Chat filters - I should be able to chose which channels I am in. For example, when I'm not looking to buy or sell anything, I should be able to opt out of Trade. When I'm not looking for a group, or group members, I should be able to opt out of Looking for Group. Etc.

2) VTK system tweaks - Unlike most of the whiners, I realize the Vote to Kick system is necessary to make the game playable with a matchmaking system (especially now that they have modified the queues to be less particular about class roles). The real issue is with people who abuse the system. I think a few small modifications, while not fixing all the problems, would solve most of them and be a significant improvement:

- Prevent people from initiating a VTK during combat, and after the final encounter in any dungeon. One of the worst abuses of this system has people being kicked near the end of a boss fight, or at a loot drop, for cruel or greedy reasons.
- Limit the rate of VTK per player. After initiating a VTK, I should have to wait 2 minutes before initiating another. In the scenario where my group is specifically seeking a healer or tank, group members can work together to keep initiating kicks as the cool-down wouldn't affect the whole group just the person initiating a vote. This would, however, prevent certain VTK trolls from spamming VTKs. It would also act as a deterrent for lobby stealing.
- Show the reason. People usually just VTK with the reason "yyy" but I suspect they'd be more encouraged to type out a reason if the person being kicked could see it. I realize this creates an opportunity for trolls to troll, but it also might prevent some frustration. E.g. "You have been removed from the group for the reason: 'need healz'", "You have been removed from the group for the reason: 'getting in a friend'". It also might educate some of the newer players who think that having the minimum gear-score for a queue means you're ready for it. E.g. "You have been removed from the group for the reason: 'not geared enough for Dracolich'".

3) Graphics tuning - I should be able to disable particle effects or tune down some of the graphics to reduce lag, screen bleed, and frame-rate issues during peak play hours or certain graphically intense events. I get that your game is pretty and you want me to marvel at the pretty colors, but sometimes the game performance is abysmal and I'm certain the ability to tune down the graphics would help some players, especially during visually demanding fights like the Heroic Encounters where 30 people gather to cast all sorts of glowy magic and frame-rates usually drop to half a FPS.

4) Loot rolls during combat - Simple. Any items picked up during combat should not pop-up as a loot roll until combat has ended.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • stonelotusstonelotus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Bump for support. Everything here should have been in at launch honestly (except maybe the VTK tweak). It's laughable that if I am trying to use 'trade' I have no way to turn off all the ******s spaming "Deeeez nuuuttzz" or "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" every other line for an hour. The graphics tuning for large scale encounters is a must. In a dragon fight with 25 people I don't need to see every single flash, or healing pop, or debuff applied to mob. I don't need to know how much the 7 people beside me are getting healed for when I'm smashing dragon face with my sword.

    I understand in dungeons it's much more beneficial to know what is happening in great detail, but still not 100% necessary.

    Loot during combat is just plain annoying and my group will warn twice about it then you get the boot. There is nothing so exciting in a green drop at level 60 you have to have an immediate roll on it before the boss goes down. For that reason alone I am fine with the kick system the way it is. But I run with no less that 2 other friends at all times.
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    stonelotus wrote: »
    Bump for support.
    Thanks for the reply! Seems like not a lot of people on the Neverwinter forums and even less in the Feedback section. Oh well... I too value the other three suggestions over any revamp of the VTK system. They're common sense improvements. I hope their ears are burning at Perfect World. :-P
  • hrothdainhrothdain Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015
    I agree with pretty much everything except the length of time between vote kicks, Ive mentioned this before in a similar thread, but I think the time needs to be closer to 15 -20 mins as 2 is not a great deterrent to trolls, and there's always the option to leave yourself. But all in all a good thread.
    Bring me skulls....

    For I wish to build a throne.
  • pufpuffpasspufpuffpass Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2015
    VTK is needed. You guys who want it to be a timed thing need to understand that will never work. Sometimes you NEED a specific class. Sometimes the vote to kick is justified. Yes trolls abuse the system, yes it sucks. But it is a necessary evil. I say and have said in many threads that get no feedback, make it so you can only VTK at a campfire. Shouldn't be hard to tune it so the VTK system operates like praying. Only people at a campfire can vote. Would solve people being lazy and voting yes, would solve voting at final boss, or any boss, or any vote that's during combat. And lets face it, if a team absolutley is on a kicking frenzy to get that one class they need, they will be at the campfire waiting anyway.

    The chat channels are usually out of control. So many people think that saying the same trash over n over again is fun. Put a timer on messages, not VTK. Make it so you can't press up to copy previous message then instantly post it. Just take the copy previous post feature out. Sure it will be a burden for the real people trying to trade, but it will help with spammers so much. Trolls n spammers are lazy. If they have to type out each message, especially with only using the controller and not the smartglass app, then they will most likely be deterred more often then not.

    Instead of changing it so you can't pick up items during combat, why not just change the UI n put the message somewhere that isn't directly in your way to see what your doing. I for one have no idea what the devs were thinking. " ok guys, the UI for the Need/greed window, where should we put it" after several minutes of pondering " lets block their field of view so they can die, wipe, then have to respawn. Maybe some will get kicked, but that's just replayability" " while were at it guys, lets take away the mini map, and add the player just won out of a lockbox message to spam in the middle of the screen as well."

    What needs a change, is the UI. The way the clutter these messages in the middle of the screen instead of a small little tab like the heroic encounter rewards is just mental. I don't know about anyone else, but that need/greed window has ruined too many a pug run.
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I welcome the discourse!

    One small correction, my suggestion was not to prevent people from being able to pick up items during combat, it was to delay the roll for items picked up during combat until after combat has ended.

    I think the VTK at campfires only idea is another excellent solution to the existing problems with the system, which I agree with you is a necessary evil for matchmaking to work.
  • shadowsbane123shadowsbane123 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I disagree that VTK is needed. If someone is AFK for a certain amount of time than the game can remove and replace them.
    If someone disconnects and doesnt return in a timely manner the game can replace them.
    If you dont like the current make-up of the team than you should leave.
    You shouldnt be in matchmaking if you require a certain make-up for the team.
    If thats what you want than make your own 5 player team.
  • pufpuffpasspufpuffpass Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2015
    I disagree that VTK is needed. If someone is AFK for a certain amount of time than the game can remove and replace them.
    If someone disconnects and doesnt return in a timely manner the game can replace them.
    If you dont like the current make-up of the team than you should leave.
    You shouldnt be in matchmaking if you require a certain make-up for the team.
    If thats what you want than make your own 5 player team.

    Oh sage. Teach me your ways. What happens when your in a t2 with an incompetent healer or tank? The whole group leaves to try n get a better one? Nope. Kick them m replace them.

    What about when a tr tries to tank? A player starts pulling mobs that you LITETALLY can not deal with all at once whether they are tough, or too much lag? So we again should remove ourselves so we can try to make up the progress we lost? No sir.

    Vote to kick is needed. Just because people think that any 5 classes can do any dungeon doesn't mean they can. And the PC people who say we 5 man all dps t2 dungeons, I imagine their Gs is pretty high.
  • shadowsbane123shadowsbane123 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Oh sage. Teach me your ways. What happens when your in a t2 with an incompetent healer or tank? The whole group leaves to try n get a better one? Nope. Kick them m replace them.

    What about when a tr tries to tank? A player starts pulling mobs that you LITETALLY can not deal with all at once whether they are tough, or too much lag? So we again should remove ourselves so we can try to make up the progress we lost? No sir.

    Vote to kick is needed. Just because people think that any 5 classes can do any dungeon doesn't mean they can. And the PC people who say we 5 man all dps t2 dungeons, I imagine their Gs is pretty high.

    The problem is the vast majority of vote kicking isnt for any of the reasons you mentioned.
    So we should just let this abuse continue because of the rare times there are players like you described?

    At the very least the vote kicking system needs to be modified.
    It should say on the screen who is initiating the vote kick and the player getting voted on should be able to see this and what everyone votes.
    This way you could block the players who voted yes and maybe friend the players who voted no.
    Removing anonymous voting might go a long ways toward mellowing things out.
  • pufpuffpasspufpuffpass Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2015
    I completely agree that the VTK system needs an overhaul. The problems I mentioned, are real problems. The longer the game goes on, the more people will hit t2 decked in purp and think that they are superman.

    The problem is, most people don't know why they are kicked. Yes, trolls run rampant, and if you look at some of my previous posts I always am pro trying to fix the system. I said make it so you can only VTK at campfires. If people truly are stuck, they will be at a campfire waiting for the right helper. It would eliminate people voting to kick in and after boss battles for sheer loot greed or trolling. And if you hadto be at a campfire to participate in the vote, it would solve the issue of lazy people just voting yes. If they truly wanted to kick, they would have to go out of their way.

    If you put who kicked you, that could start all kinds of nonsense. I know in forza off the top of my head, if you were in a lobby and a vote to kick you started, not only could you see, but you could participate in the vote(some players realize when they just should leave). If they made it so the person was aware, and I'm assuming he has a mic(if not I'd kick them) then he could ask why. Or apologize for whatever wrong he did. So maybe they could just let the player know. Like the queue box and say " A vote to kick you has been initiated" and then shoe a reason If text would be applicable, and the number of votes as checks and x's.

    Just my ideas I've gathered from reading multiple threads and seeing different ideas thrown out. Both seems like an easy solution the dev could implent (switch VTK so it works like prayer with no cooldown(yes no cooldown or set times you can do it)), but I'm no developer so it could be a huge pain. Cheers.
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I disagree that VTK is needed. If someone is AFK for a certain amount of time than the game can remove and replace them.
    If someone disconnects and doesnt return in a timely manner the game can replace them.
    If you dont like the current make-up of the team than you should leave.
    You shouldnt be in matchmaking if you require a certain make-up for the team.
    If thats what you want than make your own 5 player team.

    The only people who think it would even be possible for the game to have matchmaking without VTK either haven't yet reached or just barely reached level 60 or are so bad at playing the game that they get kicked from every group and have never completed a dungeon. It's necessary... maybe not in tier 1 dungeons but in Castle Never and above it would certainly be impossible to use matchmaking without it.

    The problem with people like you, I imagine, is you don't realize why you're being kicked so you assume it's arbitrary instead of for good reason. You probably simply don't know any better.

    That being said, it definitely is abused and could use some minor adjustments.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, I've run dozens and dozens of dungeons, and I still say the VTK isn't needed. There are only two good reasons to kick, which are disconnection/AFK (taking up a slot and not playing) and someone refusing to play as a group (pulling unnecessary aggro, generally being a troll). Of those cases, the former can be handled programmatically with auto-kick timers for DC or AFK and the latter is pretty rare. All other reasons (class, GS, joined late, spawned far away, etc.) are unjustifiable and represent abuse, IMO.

    The current VTK option makes 20% of the population happy while upsetting 80%. A better option, and one that will make 80% of players happy while only upsetting 20%, is the plain old leave group option. If you aren't happy with a group -- YOU leave. After all, if you're voting someone out, chances are YOU are the problem anyway.
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    All other reasons (class, GS, joined late, spawned far away, etc.) are unjustifiable and represent abuse, IMO.
    While this maybe true for those tier 1 dungeons you're running, it is not possible, or at least nearly impossible, to complete any of the endgame content without a healer and tank. I'm taking Dracolich, Epic Shores, and Epic Lostmauth. Once you start playing those you'll realize how ridiculous your statement here is. (referring mostly to "class, GS")
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, I've run dozens and dozens of dungeons, and I still say the VTK isn't needed. There are only two good reasons to kick, which are disconnection/AFK (taking up a slot and not playing) and someone refusing to play as a group (pulling unnecessary aggro, generally being a troll). Of those cases, the former can be handled programmatically with auto-kick timers for DC or AFK and the latter is pretty rare. All other reasons (class, GS, joined late, spawned far away, etc.) are unjustifiable and represent abuse, IMO.

    The current VTK option makes 20% of the population happy while upsetting 80%. A better option, and one that will make 80% of players happy while only upsetting 20%, is the plain old leave group option. If you aren't happy with a group -- YOU leave. After all, if you're voting someone out, chances are YOU are the problem anyway.

    If we're to believe those numbers you pulled out of your butt, I'd still argue the 20% that are happy are the ones who understand the game and know how to play - because only those who don't understand the game and don't know how to play could possibly think removing VTK is a viable option. The 20%, therefore, are the only players PW should cater to, because they're the lifeblood of the game.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    While this maybe true for those tier 1 dungeons you're running, it is not possible, or at least nearly impossible, to complete any of the endgame content without a healer and tank. I'm taking Dracolich, Epic Shores, and Epic Lostmauth. Once you start playing those you'll realize how ridiculous your statement here is. (referring mostly to "class, GS")
    You're simply incorrect. And you really shouldn't assume how or what I play. I run T2 stuff all the time. Epic Shores is how I get my daily skirmish. I rarely get in groups with tanks or healers, and almost never end up in groups with both... yet, we always succeed. I beat Epic Lair with a GF, two TRs, one SW, and one HR before it broke. Heck, we beat CN and the Dracolich last night with two CWs, two TRs, and one HR, and we made it to the boss without any wipes and only wiped once on the boss. I still stand by my statement.
    If we're to believe those numbers you pulled out of your butt, I'd still argue the 20% that are happy are the ones who understand the game and know how to play - because only those who don't understand the game and don't know how to play could possibly think removing VTK is a viable option. The 20%, therefore, are the only players PW should cater to, because they're the lifeblood of the game.
    You're funny. No, the 20% are the elitist nimrods who think you need a healer and a tank (i.e. the people who don't know how to play). Regardless, the highest profitability is in serving the majority, so PW siding with the 80% is the only option that makes sense. Oh, and for the record, I used 80% and 20% as values because it's typical in probability and cost/benefit analysis. Look up the 80/20 rule for more information.
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You're simply incorrect. And you really shouldn't assume how or what I play. I run T2 stuff all the time. Epic Shores is how I get my daily skirmish. I rarely get in groups with tanks or healers, and almost never end up in groups with both... yet, we always succeed. I beat Epic Lair with a GF, two TRs, one SW, and one HR before it broke. Heck, we beat CN and the Dracolich last night with two CWs, two TRs, and one HR, and we made it to the boss without any wipes and only wiped once on the boss. I still stand by my statement.

    I find it extremely unlikely you're not simply making up anecdotal evidence to support your point. These examples you give of miraculously clearing this content by popping potions and saying a prayer seem fictional. I can't really argue with lies I mean... you're right. I tested it myself and was able to kill Dracolich with just my 9500 TR and nobody else in the group. Dunno what I was thinking... *sigh*
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Look, if you can't hack it, that's your problem. Just don't go around proclaiming falsehoods as if they're truths. You absolutely do not need a tank or a healer to beat T2 content, and you certainly don't need both. If I get one or the other, I hope it's a DC who knows how to kite/tank... but you can keep your GF. I'd rather have another DPS class.

    As for the validity of what I'm saying, don't take my word for it. Go watch the videos on YouTube of people doing all the dungeons with only DPS classes. Go look at the numerous posts on the PC forum saying exactly what I'm saying. Go read the posts in the DC and GF class forums (PC) asking if their classes even matter. DCs and GFs can help, sure, but they aren't necessary for success. It's all about add control for boss fights, and CWs do that amazingly well. Single target damage (boss)? TRs, HRs, and GWFs (even SWs) got that covered. AoE? CWs and SWs (not to mention GWFs, who can provide relief with a well-timed knockback of groups of adds) have that covered. The fact remains, most of the time full DPS parties can run all content just fine. The strategies change in full DPS parties, but all content is still very doable. If there are any PC veterans reading this, please chime in.
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Look, if you can't hack it, that's your problem. Just don't go around proclaiming falsehoods as if they're truths. You absolutely do not need a tank or a healer to beat T2 content, and you certainly don't need both. If I get one or the other, I hope it's a DC who knows how to kite/tank... but you can keep your GF. I'd rather have another DPS class.

    As for the validity of what I'm saying, don't take my word for it. Go watch the videos on YouTube of people doing all the dungeons with only DPS classes. Go look at the numerous posts on the PC forum saying exactly what I'm saying. Go read the posts in the DC and GF class forums (PC) asking if their classes even matter. DCs and GFs can help, sure, but they aren't necessary for success. It's all about add control for boss fights, and CWs do that amazingly well. Single target damage (boss)? TRs, HRs, and GWFs (even SWs) got that covered. AoE? CWs and SWs (not to mention GWFs, who can provide relief with a well-timed knockback of groups of adds) have that covered. The fact remains, most of the time full DPS parties can run all content just fine. The strategies change in full DPS parties, but all content is still very doable. If there are any PC veterans reading this, please chime in.

    OOOOOH do you play on PC? You see there are no examples that can be drawn from PC because it's an entirely different game. They have/had more boons, stronger boons (twice as strong), more and better gear/companions/etc. available when they did this content so there is no basis for comparison. They did a lot of re-balancing for the Xbox release. I absolutely believe you that you did this on PC... now please exit the Xbox forums because you're giving out bad information.
  • melychathmelychath Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2015
    VTK 2 minute cooldown is a good idea.
    Initiating a VTK should cost 10k AD. If the vote succeeds unanimously the AD would be refunded. I'm tired of entering dungeons with my one buddy and one or the other of us getting voted out. I was recently in a dungeon where I was playing far better than another SW, who decided to vote me (all other players were moving while the SW had stopped for a few moments, indicating is was that player). My buddy then backed out of the dungeon (after we'd killed the first boss ourselves due to the rest of the team wiping), because we want to play together. It's BS.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    OOOOOH do you play on PC? You see there are no examples that can be drawn from PC because it's an entirely different game. They have/had more boons, stronger boons (twice as strong), more and better gear/companions/etc. available when they did this content so there is no basis for comparison. I absolutely believe you that you did this on PC... now please exit the Xbox forums because you're giving out bad information.
    Nope, I've only ever played on Xbox. I was just asking for some PC players to chime in and confirm that NW is in no way a Trinity MMO.

    Listen, it's okay to admit you're wrong, man. Everyone already knows anyway...

    You're right about the loot rolls happening after combat and being able to filter chat windows though. We can agree on that much.
  • brandonv516brandonv516 Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2015
    I love this game! Really. It's tons of fun and I am really enjoying it, but there seem to be a few areas that could use improvement so I wanted to submit some suggestions here even though I realize these forums get very little attention from staff. I feel like these small things would be relatively easy to implement and are pretty much common sense:

    1) Chat filters - I should be able to chose which channels I am in. For example, when I'm not looking to buy or sell anything, I should be able to opt out of Trade. When I'm not looking for a group, or group members, I should be able to opt out of Looking for Group. Etc.

    2) VTK system tweaks - Unlike most of the whiners, I realize the Vote to Kick system is necessary to make the game playable with a matchmaking system (especially now that they have modified the queues to be less particular about class roles). The real issue is with people who abuse the system. I think a few small modifications, while not fixing all the problems, would solve most of them and be a significant improvement:

    - Prevent people from initiating a VTK during combat, and after the final encounter in any dungeon. One of the worst abuses of this system has people being kicked near the end of a boss fight, or at a loot drop, for cruel or greedy reasons.
    - Limit the rate of VTK per player. After initiating a VTK, I should have to wait 2 minutes before initiating another. In the scenario where my group is specifically seeking a healer or tank, group members can work together to keep initiating kicks as the cool-down wouldn't affect the whole group just the person initiating a vote. This would, however, prevent certain VTK trolls from spamming VTKs. It would also act as a deterrent for lobby stealing.
    - Show the reason. People usually just VTK with the reason "yyy" but I suspect they'd be more encouraged to type out a reason if the person being kicked could see it. I realize this creates an opportunity for trolls to troll, but it also might prevent some frustration. E.g. "You have been removed from the group for the reason: 'need healz'", "You have been removed from the group for the reason: 'getting in a friend'". It also might educate some of the newer players who think that having the minimum gear-score for a queue means you're ready for it. E.g. "You have been removed from the group for the reason: 'not geared enough for Dracolich'".

    3) Graphics tuning - I should be able to disable particle effects or tune down some of the graphics to reduce lag, screen bleed, and frame-rate issues during peak play hours or certain graphically intense events. I get that your game is pretty and you want me to marvel at the pretty colors, but sometimes the game performance is abysmal and I'm certain the ability to tune down the graphics would help some players, especially during visually demanding fights like the Heroic Encounters where 30 people gather to cast all sorts of glowy magic and frame-rates usually drop to half a FPS.

    4) Loot rolls during combat - Simple. Any items picked up during combat should not pop-up as a loot roll until combat has ended.

    My name is Brandon and I endorse these requests.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    melychath wrote: »
    Initiating a VTK should cost 10k AD. If the vote succeeds unanimously the AD would be refunded.
    That's actually a really good idea. Adding a cost to VTK would be a great compromise between the people who want to keep it and the ones who don't. I'd make a few changes though, such as:
    • The cost of initiating a VTK should be a percentage of your total AD (perhaps 2 percent) or 10k AD, whichever is more
    • Zen could be used for payment as an alternate option (perhaps 100 Zen)
    • Succeed or fail, there would be no refund for initiating a VTK
    • Initiating two failed VTKs in a single dungeon/skirmish results in your immediate removal from the dungeon

    This is an excellent method of mitigating the risk of abuse. As a bonus, it's an effective AD sink and would help keep inflation under control.
  • fancytuna8fancytuna8 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm still new to this game, and only level 40 right now. I have a question about the kicking for class issue. When you have these groups and you decide to kick someone for a tank/healer, how are you deciding who gets kicked? Is it by gear score? It sounds like popularity. If it were gear score, i.e. removing the weakest character, why not make someone list a reason to kick (as in when you initiate, you must choose from a drop menu of choices.) So kicking for a specific class need would result in the lowest gear score being kicked, and remove the popularity aspect.
    I have two other thoughts on kicking.
    What if it was just possible to fail a dungeon, but still walk away with the consolation prize of what you already earned and maybe a consolation prize pack that your group "finds" on the way out while exiting the back door to escape the too-scary monster? I think the idea that you can't fail these is the problem, and frankly it is too much babying of the players. Maybe the prize pack would have some semi-useful item like a profession or enchantment of decent level for the dungeon, or even unique cosmetics?

    Second: what if the devs viewed the party mechanics as more of a challenge, such as a group can sometimes only have either a tank or healer, but not both? Or if there were achievements or specific rewards earned for finishing a dungeon without a character of a certain class? I realize these aren't perfect solutions, but frankly from what I'm reading I may just create 2 characters, level them to 60, and then not really play after that. I like the game, but I'm not going to spend money on it or play it long term if it is so cookie-cutter and cutthroat at the end game. On the other hand, fix this popularity/trolling aspect of kicking and give us zen pricing equal to the pc players and I would like to purchase either the extra race or character slots.
  • fancytuna8fancytuna8 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    That's actually a really good idea. Adding a cost to VTK would be a great compromise between the people who want to keep it and the ones who don't. I'd make a few changes though, such as:
    • The cost of initiating a VTK should be a percentage of your total AD (perhaps 2 percent) or 10k AD, whichever is more
    • Zen could be used for payment as an alternate option (perhaps 100 Zen)
    • Succeed or fail, there would be no refund for initiating a VTK
    • Initiating two failed VTKs in a single dungeon/skirmish results in your immediate removal from the dungeon

    This is an excellent method of mitigating the risk of abuse. As a bonus, it's an effective AD sink and would help keep inflation under control.

    would anyone complain if the AD/Zen cost to kick were given to the kicked player? That way, you did get something for doing the dungeon (I suspect on most dungeon runs a player would be happy with 10k AD or 100 Zen in lieu of any dungeon rewards.)
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