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Im done with this ****

inlove2marrowinlove2marrow Member Posts: 30
I am sorry, I cannot do this any more. I LOVED this game in every way, I even spent $60 as a "donation" to the Developers, BUT, I just spent 4 and a half hours of my life and 28 gold in resources grinding through "Castle never for the very first time. (I am going to do my best to not rant on all of you) I did not get a single drop, no enchantments, no green armor, no blue armor, nothing. All three purple drops went to some one else, okay, I can live with that. But then we get to the final boss, I am THE only original person from when the dungeon was started and get kicked. I literally got up walked out side and cried. Almost 5 hours and nearly 30 gold later to be kicked. I join queue, get kicked, join queue, time out, join queue, get kicked, for 2 hours I tried to get in to the last boss. I even tried desperate messages about my story in "group chat". Arc games, I WILL NOT play your game until this kicking nonsense is removed PERMANENTLY, and please please please if there is any way the last five hours of my life wasn't wasted, let me know11248165_1565093253753442_571184964208013529_n.jpg?oh=15a6400a2e2bfef18639c0708fcf667f&oe=55CD7A9A (the seconds before i got kicked)
Post edited by inlove2marrow on


  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i apologize on pc we do not have such a problem. i really sincerely hope this gets fixed for you. i really do breathe im sorry.
  • thecameljokeythecameljokey Member Posts: 39
    edited May 2015
    I know the feeling, pretty much the same thing happened to me a while ago so I don't play anymore until I see posts that it has changed etc.
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Not true, the PC version had the exact same problem.

    but never to this extent. we didnt get kicked like constantly. we had spurts sure. but not everyone.
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Also wrong, it was that bad... people had to create an extra channel in order to not get paired up with selfish kiddies. You just joined at a later time, when the gear from dungeons wasn't really desirable for the kickers, anymore. Not to mention certain classes being kicked for having low dps. Be glad you didn't witness it, it was hell back then.
    oh sounds like my hell now on pc cause i play a hr XD. not joking.
  • inlove2marrowinlove2marrow Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2015
    I know the feeling, pretty much the same thing happened to me a while ago so I don't play anymore until I see posts that it has changed etc.

    Sad to see that i am not the only one...
  • inlove2marrowinlove2marrow Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2015
    oh sounds like my hell now on pc cause i play a hr XD. not joking.

    I am a HR too bro, only i got kicked out of my own dungeon, they came in and kicked me out of the final boss....
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I am a HR too bro, only i got kicked out of my own dungeon, they came in and kicked me out of the final boss....
    **** :( i hope they fix us on both pc and xbox soon. cause this sucks.if you play on pc add me @blackxxwolf3. i cant afford a xbox so i cant come there lol.
  • inlove2marrowinlove2marrow Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2015
    Why did your team leave you? Only do longer dungeons if you are sure that the entire party stays until the end. It only takes two people to votekick you out and if two randoms with the intention to ninja loot or troll, etc. join you've wasted a lot of time and energy, for nothing.

    I wish you better luck next time, i'd play with you but i am on the PC version.

    One got disconnected and the other got kicked, They both were fed up and got offline, I kept going... for the next 4 hours...
  • msbegotngirlmsbegotngirl Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    How did it take that long for people join you? I've never seen a space in a dungeon be empty for more than 5 minutes. Unless me and 2 buddies were running it, but we were usually over and out quick, and they weren't epic dungeons.
  • arlequin13arlequin13 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    One got disconnected and the other got kicked, They both were fed up and got offline, I kept going... for the next 4 hours...

    You should run CN with guild mates only, that way your sure to not waste your time. All you get out of it is 3 above average jewelry pieces, <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> in a chest and a 1 out 5 chance at a weapon on the final boss. At least with guild mates you can do your run in 1-2 hours if not less. Also if loot drops that someone needs we just share.
  • kaspa6kaspa6 Member Posts: 34
    edited May 2015
    speek in wc get a proper team and u shoud be able to run in in 1h untill u get better at the bosses and wat not
  • r3ppartr3ppart Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Drops are "rare" I mean a few days ago I got the Xbox achievement to kill 50 dragons and I've never got a gear drop from a single one, not even a crappy fashion set piece.

    As for the dungeon kicking? I've been kicked before, even right before a final boss fight, and I decided since I really don't take my make believe video game items seriously enough to go though this hassle again, I've stopped doing 'em. Not worth it.
  • chidy1776chidy1776 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I don't ever suggest using the que or pug castle never. That content is designed for a well geared and coordinate d group
    Paul 60 guardian fighter on mindflayer.

    Rising Star, fun friendly, community focused guild on mindflayer. We strive to help each other and enjoy the game together. Talk to me for info, or feel free to check and join our community at risingstarneverwinter.enjin.com
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The dungeon may say that you can do the dungeon with 9.3k GS, but you really need at least 12k for the end boss.

    And to know what's going on.
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • trappy1026trappy1026 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Yeah, guys in my guild don't even like to run the whole higher tier tier 2 dungeons fully anymore... they just want to jump in, kick, and steal the dungeon. I'm probably going to leave the guild because it's just plain ****ing cheating and rude and the developers should really really address this issue, it's honestly ******ed.
  • obliviouslusterobliviousluster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So let's start off with discussing Castle Never. The dungeon itself is harsh and should mostly not be played with random players. Strategies are key for the skeletal-dragon-boss-thingy, and most strategies require Guardian Fighters or Control Wizards to run perfectly. That being said, allow me to tackle a few discussions happening in this thread at the moment.

    1) I played on PC for a long time and there was never an issue with excessive kicking of players. Apparently, that has changed... Sad.

    2) Castle Never is primarily ran for a chance at gear (main-hand/off-hand) simply because the two are a set piece and give a bonus.

    3) Castle Never boss is second most difficult boss in game. #1 Lair of Lostmauth: Lava fills the platform you're fighting on. Very dangerous and is often difficult to avoid when in combat. #2 Castle Never: An excessive amount of adds spawn. The skeletal dragon is a pushover stand alone. #3 Dread Vault: Requires a general strategy of hit-n-run tactics while dealing with adds. #4 Valindra (not yet implemented): She has lots of moves that strike a very large portion of the arena. At low health, she conjures skulls that birth really awful adds that take forever to kill- destroy the skulls and spare yourself the adds!

    4) The cheat sheet to Caste Never is GF/DC/DC/CW/CW. Fights take a bit longer but victory is pretty much ensured. Other working strategies have been, but are not limited to: Cw/Gf/Dc/Hr/Tr. CW freezes adds while HR takes out archers. GF keeps hate on the shaman-guys while only TR is on boss.

    Cw/Cw/Dc/Gf/Hr. GF straight tanks boss while HR lays down fire on it. The CWs alternate between spells to keep adds in check and DC focusing on healing primarily! *Astral Shield/Bastion of Health are a must!

    Tr/Tr/Dc/Gf/Gwf. GF keeps adds in check- normally pulling them off to the side. DC max heals GF. TRs focus on adds while GWF is on boss. TRs join in on boss when adds are down. *TRs should have their smoke bombs and knife abilities set. Invisibility works nicely.

    Sw/Hr/Tr/Dc/Gf. GF takes adds while DC heals. TR should focus on killing the bigger guys (the magic users/archers) first. SW and HR down boss. *This is a rapid way to take down the boss. The HR and SW should stand close together so SW can heal HR a bit.***

    ***A strategy commonly used on PC version.

    So yeah... There's different ways to do this. I also recommend you get everyone into a party and discuss what to do and if your team will work.
    Walk on wandering souls
    For your respite we pray
    Let our humble song clear your hearts of dismay,
    Rekindle the flame in your souls and set you free
    So walk on and become the light that guides the way~
  • echocrackechocrack Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Honestly though..... if you had to spend 30 gold, which is over 60 pots, just to make it to the boss, you weren't going to beat him. Most of the time I only need a total of one or two pots on my way to the boss, we melt the trash adds and first 3 bosses. Then getting to the dracolich is like hitting a brick wall.
    So really, you should be thankful you got kicked... they saved you the 3 hours and 30 more gold it would have taken you to realize you're not strong enough...
  • marloongmarloong Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2015
    echocrack wrote: »
    Honestly though..... if you had to spend 30 gold, which is over 60 pots, just to make it to the boss, you weren't going to beat him. Most of the time I only need a total of one or two pots on my way to the boss, we melt the trash adds and first 3 bosses. Then getting to the dracolich is like hitting a brick wall.
    So really, you should be thankful you got kicked... they saved you the 3 hours and 30 more gold it would have taken you to realize you're not strong enough...

  • generaldiomedesgeneraldiomedes Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    This story is kind of heart breaking actually.

    I suppose the problem on xbox side is chat is harder to form ad-hoc groups with. Perhaps join a guild?

    For a system solution, maybe you could implement a 'kick token' similar to the dungeon key, with a price of say 3000 AD. That would make people think twice about kicking everyone at the drop of a hat.
  • metheantiherometheantihero Member Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    sorry to hear you got the boot. But Im curious...you spent "28 gold" on resources..How many times did you die? im not trying to justify you getting kicked, but that is a ton of gold. Maybe you should have left LONG before getting to the boss. Its obvious your groups were not ready for the instance, let alone the boss. i give you kudos for sticking with it, but on this console players get kicked LONG before they spend "28 Gold", and others quit when death happens at every corner. Anyway, CN is known for the player "Sniping" at the end boss. If you have any players leave before the end boss. Be prepared to get "sniped". I think its a sorry way of getting to the boss, but players do it constantly.
    If I should die on some far, far away battlefield
    Know I answered the call
    For a grand principle of freedom to yield.
    My fervent prayer is that death
    May not have been in vain
    Fighting for peace and right for the world to attain
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    "I quit" threads, or threads which threaten to quit or allude to quitting, are prohibited, per rule 3.08 of the RoC. Please confine your goodbyes to PMs or ingame means.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
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