I leveled to 70 while casting a Daily Power. Now every time I cast a Daily Power I get the leveling sound effect and some of my Dailies are horribly bugged. Anointed Army will not cast at all (although my character does the casting animation).
I have used my free respect token and that has not fixed it.
I have unbound and rebound my keys and that has not fixed it. I have tried the Dailies on many other keys and the bug is with them and not the keybinds.
I just spent millions in AD to refine my Mainhand and Offhand without knowing that this bug existed.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Remedy Initiand@odd111out
I have these bugs too u can try mute the FX sound and play music for the time being
As for the annoited army + feature that gives you invincibility for 4 hits (this being annoited army at rank4)
I have replaced it with Unhallowed ground for the moment until they fix this
And I know they wont respond for the time being because there too busy fixing these bugs
And spending millions of AD on ur mainhand and offhand has nothing to do with this
Just keep playing until they fix this yes it sucks but yeah what can you do ?
Maybe they will give a retraining token because all the power bugs
@Oguz303 Ingame mostly online now grinding the dragons in WOD if u got some questions