The golden halls of Torm, God of Justice, glittering with the shining sun among deep green fields and shimmering mountains. There upon the platinum throne is the mighty Torm looking down upon the Forgotten Realms, observing his faithful servants fighting against the evil within the mortal realm below.
Suddenly a particular encounter grabs his attention. One of his faithful is about to engage some trolls. The servant is Shadeflayer, a young and promising Guardian Fighter of some renown. Reflecting on his servants past it appears he is progressing favorably in his pursuit to destroy evil, thereby carrying out Torms will. The trolls would appear to be an appropriate next step in Shadeflayers flowering career, located in an unexplored section of the Forgotten Realms. Sensing that his servant is executing HIS will sufficiently Torm moves his sight elsewhere within the mortal realm.
As Torm begins to focus on numerous excessively powerful dragons located in a desert clime his head Angel Chauncer interrupts him.
“Oh Great Glorious Lord, one of your servants has arrived at your doors, seeking his place at your table.”
“What is his name Chauncer?”
“His name is Shadeflayer, Oh Glorious One.”
“Shadeflayer? I was just observing him a moment ago. He was alive and serving faithfully. Let us see what he has to say about his untimely death. Invite him in Chauncer.”
A moment later the golden doors open and there at the threshold is Shadeflayer, kneeling humbly before his God.
“Rise Shadeflayer and approach so we may judge thee.” says Torm.
As Shadeflayer rises small bits and pieces of what appears to be some form of vegetable material begin falling off his armor, and there in the center of his +6 Heavy Plate chest piece is a very large, obviously fatal dent. Thinking that very odd, Torm motions him closer so he can get a better look at what may have slain his servant.
“Shadeflayer, your passing appears to have been preceded by something smashing into your chest, destroying your lungs, chest cavity and shattering your spine into a gelatinous goop. What could have done such horrendous damage to one of my servants who had such mighty gear to defend him?”
“Oh Divine Torm, I humbly beg your forgiveness for my failure.” whispers Shadeflayer.
“Speak up my faithful servant. What ended your mortal life and brought you to my golden halls?”
Despite his embarrassment at such a shameful death, Shadeflayer speaks up “A large turnip Oh Divine Torm.”
“A what?” Torm says incredulously.
“A vegetable known as a turnip Oh Glorious Torm, thrown by a standard troll, though by the damage it caused something otherworldly gave the trolls power unlike any encountered before.” Shadeflayer replies.
“Wait, let me get this straight. One of my most well geared, loyal, rising champions was brought down by a simple turnip” Torm declares.
“Oh Devine Torm, shamefully it was.”
At this declaration Torm returns his gaze to the recent past and replays what happened to his servant. Low and behold, it is true. Somehow, the troll’s combat strength had risen to such heights that it could rival even the power of the Gods. How could this have happened…
Returning his attention to his servant Shadeflayer, Torm passes his judgement.
“Rise Shadeflayer. Your duty is not yet complete, your life story not yet fulfilled. Return to the mortal realm with my blessing so that you may continue to carry out my will. Know that I am with you always.”
Torm raises his hand and slowly Shadeflayer fades from view…
As Torm watches his servant reappear in full health at the feet of Seargeant Knox he is again interrupted by Chauncer.
“Oh Great and Glorious Lord, there is a troll without the doors seeking admittance to your hall. What shall I tell it?”
Thinking quickly Torm takes off his crown and his gauntlet and hands it Chauncer.
“Sorry Chauncer, I need to have a chat with Chauntea about those turnips. If the troll gets angry I suggest you take a vacation, quickly.”
Waving his hand in the air the Great and Powerful Torm vanishes leaving Chauncer standing there with his mouth hanging open.
Suddenly the pounding coming from the golden doors becomes more urgent and is now physically rattling the halls foundation. Realizing that the troll must be quite angry already he decides to be elsewhere, and quickly.
As Chauncer fades from view he can be heard saying… ”I hate turnips!”
...If you know what the "Pendrill Prophecy" is send me a private message. 0