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ranger soloing is pretty much impossible in dread and shar

northernlights60northernlights60 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
edited May 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
ok what gives everything is 73 and trying to do the epic dungeons to get new equipment is almost impossible for those of us that only get an hour or two to play the game a day. If you are trying to HAMSTER people off and force us away you are doing a great job. Keep it up and I will be gone in the next few days. You should have automatically upgraded our weapons and armour or made the game achievable. Many of us don't have hours a day to waist getting our characters the weapons and armour we need to now do the dread ring or shar etc. |Solo means solo not having to find people to team up with it is nuts. \make it tough I have no problem with that but in dread even the illusionists with their two fighters kill me in four hits. Someone screwed up on the development team but maybe not if they want to force those of us that can only play an hr a day away.
Post edited by northernlights60 on


  • leafusleafus Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Agree completely. They are going to lose alot of players over this mod.
  • darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    They kind of did automatically upgrade your weapons and armor.

    As you level through the new Elemental Evil zones, every vigilance quest rewards you with greens or blues that give you the hit points you need for Mod 6.

    When you reach 70 you get a new artifact OH for free.

    When you finish Spinward Rise you get a new artifact MH for free.

    Green rings and necks that drop in Spinward Rise are much better than anything you were wearing from Mod 5, unless you had legendary artifact necks.
  • urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    They are going to fix this

    I think they just lost their minds for a sec

  • alienwulfalienwulf Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    leafus wrote: »
    Agree completely. They are going to lose alot of players over this mod.

    Have to say this is no joke..I am an older player not just time with the game from day one. But also retired. I have put a hundred dollars or so each month into the game because I enjoyed the game so much. I have to say not any more, no joy here unless being killed over and over in the old areas is fun. Whats that about lvl 70 in the new and lvl 73 or 71 in the old? I have a lvl 70 loc 68 HR and the rest will be 60 for ever as the fun is gone. I too will wait for an update or word that they see there is a problem and have some type of plans to correct this mess. I feel bad for the peeps that are new what they will miss as the game had more going for it before mod 6. I won't bother to list whats broken or flame we all know what they are. I just had to speak up for once it bothers me that much. Lets hope they realize this mistake.
  • ravenwings22ravenwings22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    alienwulf wrote: »
    I have put a hundred dollars or so each month into the game because I enjoyed the game so much. I have to say not any more, no joy here unless being killed over and over in the old areas is fun.

    Uhhh... what exactly are you spending the hundred bucks a month on? I hope not just elite fashion wear.

    I get free-to-play players complaining, but if I put hundred dollars or so each month I would have legendary artifact weapons and transcendent artifacts. I've never put a dollar into the game but by playing and earning AD and gearing up and doing dungeons, I can easily solo dread ring and sharandar open areas. Still need to team with one more mate for lairs and ice wind dale, but otherwise, no "being killed over and over" when at level 70, which I'm sure you are at.

    There are many things in the game that are broken, but I think after a month of mod 6 and at level 70 and with some effort actually, you know, playing the game, you should not be dying like this. There are guides in this forum for each class. Read them. Learn to play. There's no reason to whine about being poorly geared and unable to solo, especially not those who pay to play.
  • empalasempalas Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 804 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I saw a ranger last night in Sharandar who was blowing through the content pretty easily. Of course my pally was turtleling the content so I wasn't dying unless pulled too many. And yes I think you need the newer gear even though you probably have gear that has a higher item level...that item level is lying to us because the item lvl 115 level 60 epic gear is not as good as lvl 115 70 rare gear. They messed up with that.
  • k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Devs made a reckless decision and shoved mod6 live with tons of bugs and unrefined contents, this mod is not a beginner nor average joe friendly, my girlfriend quit playing her low level play for fun toon coz of this issue and for sure many more will leave this game if not fix IMMEDIATELY.
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    As user figures _do_ go down, I suppose they'll do something. But i wouldn't bet on that to happen within the month.

    If you're a longtimer, enjoy that "sweet nostalgia touch" - my HR getting shredded by IwD inhabitants and fauna pretty much sums my experience at the launch of Module 3... ...fortunately this time they diddn't need to nerf them, too.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I tried sharandar with lvl 60 gear, trapper build and lvl 65 passive. The CC makes the fights much easier.

    If you still have your respec token, try the build suggested here in the forum. If you are sceptical, try it on preview. It is doable, as is DR. IWD and WoD are another matter.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    asterotg wrote: »
    I tried sharandar with lvl 60 gear, trapper build and lvl 65 passive. The CC makes the fights much easier.

    If you still have your respec token, try the build suggested here in the forum. If you are sceptical, try it on preview. It is doable, as is DR. IWD and WoD are another matter.

    That's just it.

    Some of us don't want to respec!

    Mod 6 is pigeonholing all HR's into the trapper build. There are two other builds. Some of us enjoy the combat build. I enjoy the archer build.

    We should not have to respec because whoever designed mod 6 didn't adequately evaluate the impact on the other two builds. Too many people cop-out and take Trapper because the CC makes life easier. I hope the devs aren't doing the same thing in their testing.

    There. are. two. other. builds. besides. Trapper.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • bammurbammur Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2015
    hustin1 wrote: »
    Too many people cop-out and take Trapper because the CC makes life easier.

    I did and it does. Had to respec anyway to fix the point allocation bug so I figured why not. I prefer my old build, but I just couldn't stay alive in the new and and sort of new content.
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    empalas wrote: »
    I saw a ranger last night in Sharandar who was blowing through the content pretty easily. Of course my pally was turtleling the content so I wasn't dying unless pulled too many. And yes I think you need the newer gear even though you probably have gear that has a higher item level...that item level is lying to us because the item lvl 115 level 60 epic gear is not as good as lvl 115 70 rare gear. They messed up with that.
    thats was me actually:) but i was farming and sharender is super easy i also have full pvp epic gear which is better than most pve gear and rank 7s and a rank 8 with 2 epic artifacts. more than the average player.
  • szejhuludpuchaczszejhuludpuchacz Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My friend, 70lvl HR (dont know spec), doing shar in old t2 gear (grand warden) and only ~30k hp witout big problems. He has not bad offensive stats, old legends etc, and he is skilled. I ran into shar (2nd) gate while leveling my gwf, was in aow set and under 63lv, wasnt hard. But from other hand i heard my another friend has problems there on his CW. Agree mod 6 is hard for people who havent time for crazy grind and gearing themselves above 2k ILv. :/ plus no one want take people under 2.0-2.5k from lfg; random que is kicking and failing many times.
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    empalas wrote: »
    I saw a ranger last night in Sharandar who was blowing through the content pretty easily. Of course my pally was turtleling the content so I wasn't dying unless pulled too many. And yes I think you need the newer gear even though you probably have gear that has a higher item level...that item level is lying to us because the item lvl 115 level 60 epic gear is not as good as lvl 115 70 rare gear. They messed up with that.

    I can 'blowing through the content pretty easily' on my ranger. Yet I have 3k+ lvl 70 char with burning gear. Yeah cause I 'prepared' him for new content.
    But i can not run throw leveling content on my old 'casual' HR that easy. So to get gear you need gear loop or have a good skill and know you char and bugs class has now.

    Mind you HR are broken now a lot. Check HRs corner for list of bugs. Until they fix it(hopefully soon) 80% of HRs are quite dead in pve.
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thedemien wrote: »
    I can 'blowing through the content pretty easily' on my ranger. Yet I have 3k+ lvl 70 char with burning gear. Yeah cause I 'prepared' him for new content.
    But i can not run throw leveling content on my old 'casual' HR that easy. So to get gear you need gear loop or have a good skill and know you char and bugs class has now.

    Mind you HR are broken now a lot. Check HRs corner for list of bugs. Until they fix it(hopefully soon) 80% of HRs are quite dead in pve.

    thank you so much.
  • icefalcon9icefalcon9 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    They kind of did automatically upgrade your weapons and armor.

    As you level through the new Elemental Evil zones, every vigilance quest rewards you with greens or blues that give you the hit points you need for Mod 6.

    When you reach 70 you get a new artifact OH for free.

    When you finish Spinward Rise you get a new artifact MH for free.

    Green rings and necks that drop in Spinward Rise are much better than anything you were wearing from Mod 5, unless you had legendary artifact necks.

    You have to survive long enough and kill the proper mobs to complete the quests. If you can't do that nothing you said would occur. Progression is broken....

    ...If you know what the "Pendrill Prophecy" is send me a private message.
  • edited May 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • blorkvonlubbblorkvonlubb Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    hustin1 wrote: »
    Too many people cop-out and take Trapper because the CC makes life easier.

    Trapper isn't a cop out, it's using the full potential of your character. If you prefer the archer build, that's fine, but you are ignoring half of your character's abilities.

    As for the original comment, I'm able to solo a lot of Sharandar and DR with my HR trapper and I don't really have a great build. I only have about 39K hit points because I still have most of my purified black ice gear. The final dungeons are tough so I usually group with one or two others for them, but I was able to solo AR the last two weeks.

    My problem is that I've already finished most of Sharandar except for my final boon, and that will take weeks to get. I'm completely done with DR, so there's nothing for me to do there.
  • sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    In module 6, pure dps build is often not viable for solo.
    It's often not even good in parties.
    Better to do more than only one role.
    For example:
    dps + control
    tank + heal
    tank + dps

    If you want to be a HR tank, switch to trapper.
    spam fox cunning and fox shift
    My encounters powers are:
    fox cunning + marauder's rush/escape + constricting arrow
    and feat: Crushing roots and aspect of the serpent.

    This makes me quite tanky. In parties, spamming fox cunning can block that one-shot which could have killed someone.
    I have had some very smooth runs by spamming fox cunning.
    With this rotation and with several control bonuses, I can sometimes perma root mobs.
    Cordon of arrows is also very good. When playing my CW, I love it when HR uses cordon of arrows.
  • gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I am a hunter ranger and i admit at times i feel like i am simply a water balloon waiting to get popped by the first 73 that gets a crit..

    however i can give SOME advice.. 1st WEAPON WEAPON WEAPON.. get the BEST ONE YOU CAN AFFORD.. i had some left overt AD from years ago (i JUST came back to the game in mod 6 after playing the first 3 months of release years ago) the ensourcelled weapons are GREAT atm purple level 130 at level 70.. IF you ahve done at least a LITTLE PVP and after last patch talk to the guy JUST inside the pvp building and do his daily quest you can buy at least one or two decent pieces of gear there.. (purple level 130 for the cheaper stuff)

    2nd go to the AH and IGNORE level 70 blue too expensive.. instead search for 69 and 68.. you can get it for 100's of AD's not 1000's of ad's (the difference is shocking for 1 piece of level 70 blue you can get 4 or 5 of level 69)

    once you break 1600+ gear score or what ever.. it is POSSIBLE to do dread ring solo.. even the daily quest (takes 3-15 deaths on last boss depending on dodging luck) and BARELY icewinddale, if you search around for the easier to kill mobs for the daily quests it is possible.. I have also FINALLY been able to do the level 70 daily Dragon quest (ghost stories at level 61 almost made me quit the game, don't even BOTHER till you are level 70 with 70 gear.. scaling you from 60's to level 70 is a F-ING JOKE!)

    The game is insanely harder than i remember, but it seems like everyone has that problem.. the part that is BEYOND stupid is the epic dungeons.. 1600 gear score?? HAHAHAHA year to get to the boss sure.. to do the boss.. oh.. try 2500-3k otherwise the boss farts and you implode..

    I can see what they ATTEMPTED to do, which was make gold VERY valuable again, because you go through 10,000 wound kits now and unidentified items are WORTHLESS now (2copper? really?), and the best one.. blue drop NO LONGER HAPPEN between 61-70 unless your in a dungeon apparently.. *sigh*
  • blorkvonlubbblorkvonlubb Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    gom8 wrote: »
    I am a hunter ranger and i admit at times i feel like i am simply a water balloon waiting to get popped by the first 73 that gets a crit..

    however i can give SOME advice.. 1st WEAPON WEAPON WEAPON.. get the BEST ONE YOU CAN AFFORD.. i had some left overt AD from years ago (i JUST came back to the game in mod 6 after playing the first 3 months of release years ago) the ensourcelled weapons are GREAT atm purple level 130 at level 70.. IF you ahve done at least a LITTLE PVP and after last patch talk to the guy JUST inside the pvp building and do his daily quest you can buy at least one or two decent pieces of gear there.. (purple level 130 for the cheaper stuff)

    2nd go to the AH and IGNORE level 70 blue too expensive.. instead search for 69 and 68.. you can get it for 100's of AD's not 1000's of ad's (the difference is shocking for 1 piece of level 70 blue you can get 4 or 5 of level 69)

    once you break 1600+ gear score or what ever.. it is POSSIBLE to do dread ring solo.. even the daily quest (takes 3-15 deaths on last boss depending on dodging luck) and BARELY icewinddale, if you search around for the easier to kill mobs for the daily quests it is possible.. I have also FINALLY been able to do the level 70 daily Dragon quest (ghost stories at level 61 almost made me quit the game, don't even BOTHER till you are level 70 with 70 gear.. scaling you from 60's to level 70 is a F-ING JOKE!)

    The game is insanely harder than i remember, but it seems like everyone has that problem.. the part that is BEYOND stupid is the epic dungeons.. 1600 gear score?? HAHAHAHA year to get to the boss sure.. to do the boss.. oh.. try 2500-3k otherwise the boss farts and you implode..

    I can see what they ATTEMPTED to do, which was make gold VERY valuable again, because you go through 10,000 wound kits now and unidentified items are WORTHLESS now (2copper? really?), and the best one.. blue drop NO LONGER HAPPEN between 61-70 unless your in a dungeon apparently.. *sigh*

    I'm probably the only trapper that doesn't regularly use fox. I like the dodge, but hate the melee because I don't like teleporting around the screen -- it's disorienting and at times I wind up in a red zone that I wouldn't have stepped in otherwise. I usually use hindering, cordon and constricting as my encounter powers
  • gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    yup i don't use fox's either.. i use constriction arrow/hindering shot and thorn ward..

    i heard fox's cunning (i think that is the name) is the BEST skill for rangers/trappers, never used it honestly...
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    gom8 wrote: »
    yup i don't use fox's either.. i use constriction arrow/hindering shot and thorn ward..

    i heard fox's cunning (i think that is the name) is the BEST skill for rangers/trappers, never used it honestly...

    IT. WILL. CHANGE. YOUR. WORLD. not even joking a whole dodge for your entire party you dont have to do anything to use? your joking thats amazing. plus a good damage bonus on melee with a second of invincibility. no way!!! it will change your whole world man. i never go without it now. and i used to be like you not using it. i was weak because of it.hrs still need buffs. but you gotta use that encounter
  • gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    IT. WILL. CHANGE. YOUR. WORLD. not even joking a whole dodge for your entire party you dont have to do anything to use? your joking thats amazing. plus a good damage bonus on melee with a second of invincibility. no way!!! it will change your whole world man. i never go without it now. and i used to be like you not using it. i was weak because of it.hrs still need buffs. but you gotta use that encounter

    Tried it on my 2 level 70 dungeon/instance quests (for campaigns) i gotta admit it made the boss fights WAY WAY WAY easier.. (bosses tend to hit slow and giant hits) didn't even have to use the healing stone.. i can see in 1 on 1 fights it would be GREAT.. will have to try it in some skirmishes to see how it does with large group battles..

    i just hate losing the 'damage' attack encounter power when on range... also the melee just says "hits all enemies once" but it seems like it is limited to 3 hits? (so hard to tell looking at the log because rangers have so many little hits ticking past, and i even have the fire rune in my weapon which adds even more tiny hits to the log..)

    What daily/at-will powers do you suggest?? i feel like our 2 daily(s) and at will's are pretty much the first 2 of each we get, and the rest SUCK (the hunters teamwork is great for bosses as well, but for groups, i LOVE split shot, it racks up SO many hits/damage)
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