As things stand when you get kicked from a party the instance just drops and you are back in PE (or wherever). It would be nice to have:
1. A notification of what has occured.
2. The option to block everyone who voted to kick you.
No naming or shaming or anything like that. I just never want to accidentally help someone because I happen to be playing the class they want that time. I think it is fair that if they kick you you should have the option to never run an instance with them. There area lot of legitimate reasons to kick someone. I've had to do so myself. Actually the last time I voted for a kick it was for the guy who's vote on someone else killed both our tank and healer who were busy soloing a dragon. (inception! Vote kick for vote-kicking!).
When you play the dungeon with your team and suddenly get teleported to the city with red message "Mission failed" and your team "disappeared", this means You are being kicked from the party.
What do you expect? The big leg kicking animation that ends with a shoe breaking your screen?
Yeah, I agree with the proposal. If you want to kick, you need to own your action and be open about your reasons. Not only should you receive a report after the vote kick goes through so you can block the people involved, but you should see that it is going on when it does.
While removing the power to kick from party leaders has been beneficial, the closed ballet vote-kick has created problems of its own. I think it's enough that you can be given the ability to block after a kick, without having to have ACT running for name capture purposes.
juleadreamMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 372Arc User
edited May 2015
Add an option to report for abuse griefing if the reason was not valid (lower than desired TIL, not the FOTM class, less than X level enchants, etc...)
Notification could display the reason given for kicking, i.e. what they wrote on the 'reason' line - sometimes that can be informative (like was I playing the wrong class, wrong item level etc) I know sometimes it's just gibberish, but nontheless
It would be relevant only if the lobby didn't make you team up again with people in your ignore list. And gods know i'd love that for pvp! I'd block like crazy all the morons with lvl 50ish gear at max lvl.
Add an option to report for abuse griefing if the reason was not valid (lower than desired TIL, not the FOTM class, less than X level enchants, etc...)
Youknow I would not call GS elitism or class jerkishness abuse or greifing. I'd just rather be assures that I never have to group with those people again.
I agree with the OP. But it takes a little more than that.
First, the people kicking folks for no valid reason should be dealt with. Severely. I'm not talking about a ban for a day, I'm talking about a week. At the very least.
A week is not enough. Ideal solution is perma-ban, including all zen and AD that player had vaporizing.
I uhh, no. It's a game. People should be allowed to play the way they want to. Look around a lot of people wantto play a very specific predictable boring composition. Which if they somehow enjoy they should be allowed to do. I just want a mechanic where I can avoid having to play with them. I mean I have neighbors I don't get along with. I simply do not go to their cook outs. Problemsolved. I don't wantthem tossed out of the neighborhood.
Just remove kicking from public queue and add afk detector instead. If you dont want to deal with PUGs make your own premade and kick each other all you want.
A strict Afk detector won't work, not unless it remains the 10-15 minutes it is in game anyways. Imagine a situation where you end up with 4 player before the second or last boss and need to wait for a fifth to come - hell I usually go off to do something else around the house then, keep one eye on the screen and tap the space bar every 10 min or so when the little warning box comes up ... or when you're playing with people you know and you agree to go take a collective cig-pause, or go to the toilet or have to take a phone call or what ever really. If I say "sorry, afk 3 min" and the party is OK with that, I should not be automatically kicked by the game itself
And since you can never be sure why someone kicked you (I do believe there are sometimes valid reasons for kicking) and I would never trust the game itself to decide on whether it was an allowed or not allowed kick, I don't believe people should be banned for a week or stripped of AD if they happen to be on the kicking party (even if they did not klick 'yes' themselves)
Smoke blowing into the kitchen is a good analogy. All I want is the option to close my window.....
Edit. Best one yet! Someone just DCed in Kessel Sowaiting I typed 'brb' in party and went to get coffee. CAme back and kicked for AFK. they ran in with 3 and were suprised it did not work- blamed me. Lord ya cannot fix stupid. And in NeverWinter you cannot decide to avoid stupid (which again is all I am asking here.
beatannierMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 692Arc User
edited May 2015
You went make coffee in the middle of skirmish?
And you are suprised they blamed you?
You went make coffee in the middle of skirmish?
And you are suprised they blamed you?
No I went to get a cup of coffee I had already made when we ere already down 1 man. And I told them first in chat. Do you charge in with a partial party? Do you fail to use party chat? You really can't fix stupid.....
You went make coffee in the middle of skirmish?
And you are suprised they blamed you?
You do realise real life takes priority in any case, grabbing refreshments isn't the best example but regardless - if I inform other party members that I need to go answer the door or take stuff out of the washing machine and will be afk for 4 min AND the party says 'OK' then what justification is there for the game to kick me? And I mean the proposed afk system here, not a party vote kick
beatannierMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 692Arc User
edited May 2015
It`s the difference beetween simple saying "afk" and being afk for 4 mins and beetween saying "phone" and being afk 4 mins.
If somebody didn`t told why he went afk and we lost cause of his afk, he will be always blamed.
Same like the boss will blame you for getting late to the work until you have a good explanation.
take all their seals as well and give the seals coming from the vote initiator to the kicked player as compensation.
You realize that this will never happen right?
Like never, ever ever ever ever. Not even if neverwinter around for 20+ years? This is never going to happen. Period. It is a HORRIBLE idea.
Personally, I like the kick feature. People just afk in dungeon without bothering to tell the team why. Leaving us down to 2 (or 4) instead of the desired number.
Others are bossy. Others are obscene. Vote kick is a nice, simple solution to all of those problems, and one I appreciate immensely.
I still think the vote kick needs some scrutiny. I hate fighting to the end of a dungeon doing most of the work only to get kicked at the final boss so some worthless lots can have guild members queue in.
Priority is putting AFK detection in place (but need a more intelligent feature than just idle detection because that's too easy to trick).
Fix the item level requirement if it needs to, I think everyone agrees that 1600 is too low, then put 2000 for T1 and 2500 for T2 for random grouping, 1600 is probably too low at the current difficulty level, I would maybe let it only available for pre-made full groups (not sure it is technically possible the way it works now).
Make so groups are made balanced class wise, as much as possible, maybe make so a player can force that requirement from the beginning (useless to let groups created without at least one healer and one tank class for higher difficulty tiers).
For sure, the system misses a trade-off, and you see people sitting near the camp and chain kicking people until they get the DC or the right group with the GS fitting their vision of the win scenario, that's an abuse of the random group generator.
And to most of that people, factor is "my time is precious", then make them just pay that price :
-> kicking should cost something, maybe a timer so that nobody else can joini the group again for 5 minutes.
-> for every new kick made in the same instance and during same 45 minutes period, extend that time to 10, 20, 40 minutes.
So that in-human selection process will take ages for the l33t kiddies, and they'll start building groups in PE instead of using the random system.
Priority is putting AFK detection in place (but need a more intelligent feature than just idle detection because that's too easy to trick).
Fix the item level requirement if it needs to, I think everyone agrees that 1600 is too low, then put 2000 for T1 and 2500 for T2 for random grouping, 1600 is probably too low at the current difficulty level, I would maybe let it only available for pre-made full groups (not sure it is technically possible the way it works now).
Make so groups are made balanced class wise, as much as possible, maybe make so a player can force that requirement from the beginning (useless to let groups created without at least one healer and one tank class for higher difficulty tiers).
For sure, the system misses a trade-off, and you see people sitting near the camp and chain kicking people until they get the DC or the right group with the GS fitting their vision of the win scenario, that's an abuse of the random group generator.
And to most of that people, factor is "my time is precious", then make them just pay that price :
-> kicking should cost something, maybe a timer so that nobody else can joini the group again for 5 minutes.
-> for every new kick made in the same instance and during same 45 minutes period, extend that time to 10, 20, 40 minutes.
So that in-human selection process will take ages for the l33t kiddies, and they'll start building groups in PE instead of using the random system.
Have fun.
One addition : When you get kicked from a group, and re-join the same queue, you should never re-enter the same instance/group you just got kicked from.
+ on being able to ignore anyone that started a vote kick for you
+ on filtering people on your ignore list from your group
+ real consequences on abusing the kick vote
Just a little story, i started new characters a few days ago, and while i wasn't kicked from any group... i saw several vote kicks in Blacklake Skirmish at one day, and most of the time, it was just some gibberish or nonsense as reason for the vote kick.
And anything like that, should result in a bann for the vote kick starter within hours...
A person that has not scored a single point in any area should not be able to vote kick someone who is totaling over 20 million or more. A person who has not been in a dungeon for more than 20 seconds should not be able to vote kick someone who has been in for over 10 minutes. There have been a few good suggestions here (like an increasing delay on how often a vote kick can be initiated after one is attempted) but I also feel that some measure of contribution should also be factored in as well as a consideration of how long someone has been in the group (i.e. you should be required to be in the group at least 5 minutes or more).
beatannierMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 692Arc User
... and your friend can not just leave the group on it's own?
He says that he has to go, and then he just goes?
Why even kick him?
You leave the group, you get teleported to the city, and that would be it. Besides, you should try to understand, that it's about an option to being able to ignore the person, that did start an unjustified vote kick.
The keyword being "option".
... and your friend can not just leave the group on it's own?
He says that he has to go, and then he just goes?
Why even kick him?
You leave the group, you get teleported to the city, and that would be it. Besides, you should try to understand, that it's about an option to being able to ignore the person, that did start an unjustified vote kick.
The keyword being "option".
Not an option 100% of the time. RL sometimes works in mysterious ways
I don´t mind beeing kicked and tbh: when ppl go f.e. valindra dressed in green, <50k HP, lev67 gear, or arp about 500 and more BS i see every day in the queue, i can´t even understand what they are looking for
in case you queue a dungeon without any boon, without blue equip and without any clue what to do, you deserve a kick from a party that wants to succeed
so if you go there to "try a little bit", search for ppl with sam interest
another option is getting a strong party and : write you are new and ask them to get you through this s.h.i.t., but don´t feel angry about beeing kicked in case you even don´t informed yourself nor invested a minimum on your equip
just write in channel: lfg, inexperienced and undergeard player welcome to get experience in VT/Kessel or anything else
A person that has not scored a single point in any area should not be able to vote kick someone who is totaling over 20 million or more. A person who has not been in a dungeon for more than 20 seconds should not be able to vote kick someone who has been in for over 10 minutes. There have been a few good suggestions here (like an increasing delay on how often a vote kick can be initiated after one is attempted) but I also feel that some measure of contribution should also be factored in as well as a consideration of how long someone has been in the group (i.e. you should be required to be in the group at least 5 minutes or more).
When you play the dungeon with your team and suddenly get teleported to the city with red message "Mission failed" and your team "disappeared", this means You are being kicked from the party.
What do you expect? The big leg kicking animation that ends with a shoe breaking your screen?
While removing the power to kick from party leaders has been beneficial, the closed ballet vote-kick has created problems of its own. I think it's enough that you can be given the ability to block after a kick, without having to have ACT running for name capture purposes.
Youknow I would not call GS elitism or class jerkishness abuse or greifing. I'd just rather be assures that I never have to group with those people again.
/10 chars
Would love to get such a report. And yes - reporting to GM + naming and shaming including screensots. This kicking scum needs to get rid of.
I have been kicked and don't care
It is what it is
And since you can never be sure why someone kicked you (I do believe there are sometimes valid reasons for kicking) and I would never trust the game itself to decide on whether it was an allowed or not allowed kick, I don't believe people should be banned for a week or stripped of AD if they happen to be on the kicking party (even if they did not klick 'yes' themselves)
Edit. Best one yet! Someone just DCed in Kessel Sowaiting I typed 'brb' in party and went to get coffee. CAme back and kicked for AFK. they ran in with 3 and were suprised it did not work- blamed me. Lord ya cannot fix stupid. And in NeverWinter you cannot decide to avoid stupid (which again is all I am asking here.
And you are suprised they blamed you?
No I went to get a cup of coffee I had already made when we ere already down 1 man. And I told them first in chat. Do you charge in with a partial party? Do you fail to use party chat? You really can't fix stupid.....
You do realise real life takes priority in any case, grabbing refreshments isn't the best example but regardless - if I inform other party members that I need to go answer the door or take stuff out of the washing machine and will be afk for 4 min AND the party says 'OK' then what justification is there for the game to kick me? And I mean the proposed afk system here, not a party vote kick
If somebody didn`t told why he went afk and we lost cause of his afk, he will be always blamed.
Same like the boss will blame you for getting late to the work until you have a good explanation.
You realize that this will never happen right?
Like never, ever ever ever ever. Not even if neverwinter around for 20+ years? This is never going to happen. Period. It is a HORRIBLE idea.
Personally, I like the kick feature. People just afk in dungeon without bothering to tell the team why. Leaving us down to 2 (or 4) instead of the desired number.
Others are bossy. Others are obscene. Vote kick is a nice, simple solution to all of those problems, and one I appreciate immensely.
Priority is putting AFK detection in place (but need a more intelligent feature than just idle detection because that's too easy to trick).
Fix the item level requirement if it needs to, I think everyone agrees that 1600 is too low, then put 2000 for T1 and 2500 for T2 for random grouping, 1600 is probably too low at the current difficulty level, I would maybe let it only available for pre-made full groups (not sure it is technically possible the way it works now).
Make so groups are made balanced class wise, as much as possible, maybe make so a player can force that requirement from the beginning (useless to let groups created without at least one healer and one tank class for higher difficulty tiers).
For sure, the system misses a trade-off, and you see people sitting near the camp and chain kicking people until they get the DC or the right group with the GS fitting their vision of the win scenario, that's an abuse of the random group generator.
And to most of that people, factor is "my time is precious", then make them just pay that price :
-> kicking should cost something, maybe a timer so that nobody else can joini the group again for 5 minutes.
-> for every new kick made in the same instance and during same 45 minutes period, extend that time to 10, 20, 40 minutes.
So that in-human selection process will take ages for the l33t kiddies, and they'll start building groups in PE instead of using the random system.
Have fun.
One addition : When you get kicked from a group, and re-join the same queue, you should never re-enter the same instance/group you just got kicked from.
+ on filtering people on your ignore list from your group
+ real consequences on abusing the kick vote
Just a little story, i started new characters a few days ago, and while i wasn't kicked from any group... i saw several vote kicks in Blacklake Skirmish at one day, and most of the time, it was just some gibberish or nonsense as reason for the vote kick.
And anything like that, should result in a bann for the vote kick starter within hours...
So friend say "sorry htg (any real-life issue) go without me", we obviously understand and kick him.
And then we everybody land on his ignore list?
I sometimes run out of the words.
He says that he has to go, and then he just goes?
Why even kick him?
You leave the group, you get teleported to the city, and that would be it. Besides, you should try to understand, that it's about an option to being able to ignore the person, that did start an unjustified vote kick.
The keyword being "option".
Not an option 100% of the time. RL sometimes works in mysterious ways
in case you queue a dungeon without any boon, without blue equip and without any clue what to do, you deserve a kick from a party that wants to succeed
so if you go there to "try a little bit", search for ppl with sam interest
another option is getting a strong party and : write you are new and ask them to get you through this s.h.i.t., but don´t feel angry about beeing kicked in case you even don´t informed yourself nor invested a minimum on your equip
just write in channel: lfg, inexperienced and undergeard player welcome to get experience in VT/Kessel or anything else
agree absolut