Looking for people to run Epic Castle Never, Epic Dread Vault, and Epic Temple of the Spider tonight. I am almost a 14k HR and have a friend who is a 10k GS GWF. We have a guild we are in but both of us are the only ones ever on at night So it gets really boring and hard to find dungeons since everyone either votes to kick or isn't a cleric or tank so we can run these dungeons. So if anyone wants to join a guild to run with more people at night, we're looking for more people. If no more people join, we're both thinking about leaving the guild so we can find more people to play with at night since we want more people to play with and that is when we're both usually on.
I'd love to join you guys! I'm a TR 9k gs although I have a lot of different currencies. If i were to spend them I could get up to 11 or 12 gs - just saving up! Add me (MobileSpawnLOL)
Hey hit me up on Xbox iBoXyy. 16.5k GS HR we are in a guild but clear CN runs daily and fast. We have people on at all times of the day, I'm usually on before work and later after I get off around 1030pm est