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Patch Notes: NW.45.20150416c.6



  • lowenduslowendus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    silverkelt wrote: »
    I sickened that several of my toons STILL are not playable.

    HOW is this not the top issue in the game is beyond me, we need some answers here guys.

    This is another really bad thing about what's happening.

    No actual communication on the multitude of problems people are talking about.

    I mean yes. you're fixing some trivial stuff in this patch but give the players absolutely no information regarding more important issues like bugs and game balance.

    It really feels like you just guys don't care.
  • kegliskolbakegliskolba Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    no feats/boons bug fix? lol. i'm done with this game. gl for those waiting for that bug fix. maybe they'll fix it till mod7.
  • ryoshinetteryoshinette Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Then will be new pack of bugs, and fixing till mod 8.
    Ryoshin GF (4.2k)
    .Suicide Squad.

  • eshkull#7182 eshkull Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Well, I'm glad the HR can't dominate PvE and PvP now..I'm tired of a certain person I know thinking he's the best just because of a bug.
  • gresknedlgresknedl Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Calm down guys ... they need money from Xboners so they can made PC version playable again
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Classes and Balance
    1. Hunter Ranger: Gushing Wounds: This power will no longer have unintended interactions with other damage triggered abilities.

    1. Lair of Lostmauth: Updated the quest logic for the Twin Fire Scorpions to better track when they are defeated.

    Items and Economy
    1. Dragon Hoard Coffers: Increased the drop rate for Dragon Hoard Coffers for enemies in the Well of Dragons.
    2. Dragon Hoard Coffers: Increased the number of Dragon Hoard Coffers awarded for defeating Dragon Heroic Encounters in the Well of Dragons.
    3. Duergar Guard and the Black Ice Prospector: Removed the force Taunt from active power granted to player. Instead they will now give extra Damage Resistance versus AoE attacks to the player.
    4. Wheel of Elements: Resolved an issue wherein temporary HP granted by the Wheel of Elements earth buff was not correctly absorbing damage.

    Performance and Stability
    1. Resolved a client disconnect that could occur when changing maps.

    User Interface
    1. Catalog: Search is now automatically done when switching to this tab instead of needing to be clicked the first time.
    2. Campaigns: Tyranny of Dragons: Donating to the Hoard is now possible from the campaign window again.


    Can you talk to support team to at least they force reset our skills ?
    IF we send them a picture from our bugged char?

    Do at least this for us we cant play our char 7 day now we need to wait for another mainentrance and hope?
    This is really a gambreaking bug !

    I hope y reply to give us some info .
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • chadblodgettchadblodgett Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Wow...just WOW....after that producers letter we got last week i am pretty sure I am not alone in being seriously disappointed in these pathetic patch notes.

    increased drop rate on coffers??? great,..... except you cant donate them anyway because the donation meter is pegged at 100% as soon as it resets for the week, leaving the lucky few who happen to be online at the time the only ones able to donate, and everyone else is just SoL.

    where are the rest of the dungeons??? Roughly 80% of the games dungeons are currently disabled. Where are the dungeon balance fixes in the few dungeons we do have available? Where are the rank 4 power fixes???

    Fixing a drop rate on a single item, and a single exploit fix, while admittedly important, being the only changes at this point is a serious disappointment. And I am sure I am not alone in feeling this way.
  • tonis1000tonis1000 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Fix the dragon hoard enchants please? it has like 10minute cooldown , we need 30sec or 1minute atlaest...
  • takedown33takedown33 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Please correct bugs in classes its very annoying, we can not play it more!! no more fun..
  • sharky445sharky445 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Wow...just WOW....after that producers letter we got last week i am pretty sure I am not alone in being seriously disappointed in these pathetic patch notes.

    increased drop rate on coffers??? great,..... except you cant donate them anyway because the donation meter is pegged at 100% as soon as it resets for the week, leaving the lucky few who happen to be online at the time the only ones able to donate, and everyone else is just SoL.

    where are the rest of the dungeons??? Roughly 80% of the games dungeons are currently disabled. Where are the dungeon balance fixes in the few dungeons we do have available? Where are the rank 4 power fixes???

    Fixing a drop rate on a single item, and a single exploit fix, while admittedly important, being the only changes at this point is a serious disappointment. And I am sure I am not alone in feeling this way.

    Not including the NEW BUG FOR GUILD BANKS when u set one repository limit it extends to the others for some ranks... but yeah lets just increase the coffer drop rate which is meaningless and lets not fix that dungeons during dd that dont give u a chest without a key and if u try to run the same dungeon again of the very few u can during dd, it wont have chest available for you even if u did have a key. Epic fail is a understatement and dissapointed is a understatement. Disgusted is close to appropriate but still a understatement.
  • sorce#8115 sorce Member Posts: 1,009 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    neirgara wrote: »
    Perhaps, that change is not intended for Tiamat-Goers.

    There are also players, who prefer to collect chests and treasures to exchange them for Linus Favor.

    I would have liked to see an increase in buyable passive companion slots. I still have 10 companions in my bank, that I would like to bind...

    Umm, in order to do that you would need to be able to donate the coffers. Until they change the Hoard reclamation, there is still no point.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Spell twithing lower cooldowns of dc sigil allowing for endless storms
    Dc offhand still broken
    Pals capstone still not working in justice
    Mobs still hitting for 300k+
    Lag destroying game play
    Disconnect happening all the time
    Hr still with 100 unadressed buggs
    No Gwf buffs
    To many buggs reported in bugg forum even to list being hard to get an overlook even as they are so many and getting more and more.

    And this is what you have done ???????????+
    tems and Economy

    Dragon Hoard Coffers: Increased the drop rate for Dragon Hoard Coffers for enemies in the Well of Dragons.
    Dragon Hoard Coffers: Increased the number of Dragon Hoard Coffers awarded for defeating Dragon Heroic Encounters in the Well of Dragons.
    Duergar Guard and the Black Ice Prospector: Removed the force Taunt from active power granted to player. Instead they will now give extra Damage Resistance versus AoE attacks to the player.
    Wheel of Elements: Resolved an issue wherein temporary HP granted by the Wheel of Elements earth buff was not correctly absorbing damage.

    Performance and Stability

    Resolved a client disconnect that could occur when changing maps.

    User Interface

    Catalog: Search is now automatically done when switching to this tab instead of needing to be clicked the first time.
    Campaigns: Tyranny of Dragons: Donating to the Hoard is now possible from the campaign window again.

    May I ask who priorities the workload and fixes my suggestion is probably to turn that list around and start in the other end mkay.

    I really really must hold back to what I would like to write about all this hard as it is and just hope that somehow in someway you get this mess sorted out in a near future.............
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I liked Scott's list, starting with overall difficulty, but I don't see much of it in the latest patch notes:

    Overall difficulty
    XP rewards in the new zones and campaign zones
    Hourly quests
    Zone re-use
    Removed dungeons
    Campaign zone levels
    Items missing slots/stats
    And more...
  • tvcitytvcity Member Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    sooooo, no fixes this week huh....?
  • heruwath1heruwath1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I want to make a honest request

    Can you please rollback the game in mod 2?
    I dont care if my R'11's or 12's go into R'10s
    please, can you?
  • larethanialarethania Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    the one thing i really wanted and thaught was going to be in this patch is nowhere to be seen =( dissapointed that something so important as powers and boons cant be in a quick hot fix.
  • alkemist80alkemist80 Member Posts: 957 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm so hoping that the lag inducing multiple OP prism's will be ninja fixed. It's not fun at all when you can only play half your build.
    Banshee (Devotion Justice Oathbound Paladin) - Crueladevil (Soulbinder Damnation Scourge Warlock) - Sindania Balefire (Master Infiltrator Trickster Rogue)

  • billnyesciencegybillnyesciencegy Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    i dont like the new dungens my pally even level 70 8k plus def and over 85k hitpoints gets one hit even in gaurd stance wtfb is this all about its ridiculus to even try to do dungens with the WoD gear and best blue stuff i can get still cant even do anything in dungens pallys need something done about there block its ridiculus i blocked and still get 1 hit by things in dungens how are you supposed to help group when you cant tank like your supposed to be able to

    It's even worse for healadins for both PvE and PvP. We take even more damage with Sanctuary up and in PvP even though Sanctuary is supposed to make is immune to control powers we are always being stunned/knocked prone/dazed/frozen when it is up. We only have 1 true damage ability and it is our daily that everyone else complains is too overpowered, which at lower levels in PvP I understand but it really does not compare to other classes at higher levels.
    I suggest that the Dev's make a forum for known issues so that we know what they are working on instead of getting a patch with just a few things and then seeing the forums erupt like this with everything else that is broken and not getting fixed.
  • lordseth1985lordseth1985 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    dwarfer2 wrote: »
    They don't even need to do that just rollback LS change, that would give all players more of a fighting chance no matter how 'leet' or non 'leet' they would describe themselves, and take mod 6 apart on test centre and completely rebuild it only this time ACTUALLY LISTEN TO THE FEEDBACK. It would have saved them a lot of time aggravation money and players

    Thing is the longer they wait to smooth stuff out/over and make a change the more players would have moved on to other games that don't decide to destroy themselves by not having any quality control and just ignoring every **** issue raised by the players actually testing the game.

    If they don't do something very soon those waiting for some kind of change will move on too.

    Returning the LS back to how it was in mod5 would help a lot! There's no need to roll back to mod2.

    Also, it looks like the bigger your defense, the harder the mobs hit.
    Avestruz.Q.T.Seduz - Rogue, natural born assassin.
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