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Hunter ranger cool down?

foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Player Feedback (PC)
Hi, this is not to flame a class. But in a recent pvp match, a ranger didnt let me do anything at all. he spammed his skills many times until i died. i could notice they were the same skills rooting me and dazing me. I read there were bugs making their cool down going too fast or something. was that fixed?
Post edited by foxxy#4211 on


  • dbpunchdbpunch Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    No its not a bug. there's a trapper path power ; Your Melee encounter powers shorten the cooldown of your Ranged encounter powers by 3/6/9/12/15%. Your Ranged encounter powers shorten the cooldown of your Melee encounter powers by 3/6/9/12/15%.
  • foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    dbpunch wrote: »
    No its not a bug. there's a trapper path power ; Your Melee encounter powers shorten the cooldown of your Ranged encounter powers by 3/6/9/12/15%. Your Ranged encounter powers shorten the cooldown of your Melee encounter powers by 3/6/9/12/15%.

    Then in my opinion thats very overpowered. Rangers spamming melee skills that either daze or root, then switching to ranged skills that either root or daze, making the enemy has not chance to move or cast a skill. That feat should be reworked, cause it is unbalanced. That is worst than a scoundrel rogue and a wizard's freezes.
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Waaaaaaaaaaah. Most classes have some kind of chain control ability (and they were talking about adding an extra second to GWF stuns/prones, which is completely absurd). This is no more a bug than the onboxious perma-stun done by Scoundrel TRs, or the obnoxious chain control done by CWs, or the obnoxious unavoidable, unbreakable one-rotation kill done by GFs, or the obnoxious chain stun/prone done by GWFs. HR dazes and stuns are already only a fraction as powerful against players as they are against mobs and, especially against the absurdly powerful mobs of mod, 6 they are necessary for an HR To survive more than a few seconds - especially since their damage in PVE is now, at best, half of what it should be to contribute meaningfully to a party. Meanwhile HRs have no control immunity except during fox shift and no control break, so it's hardly as if they're unbeatable.
  • eliteviriato24eliteviriato24 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    i think feanor70118 said it all, with low const. HR needs to root! about the cooldown that hr made a choice between CD and damage and of course low tenacity or low control resist helps grasping roots but nothing of this is compared to TR...
  • foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    low control, low tenacity? the new gear gets ur hp to more than 90k. tenacity is now better. and the constant daze and root not letting to even move or cast anything is worst than the rogue. that feat should be reworked, cause it doesnt let the player to do anything AT ALL.
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    low control, low tenacity? the new gear gets ur hp to more than 90k. tenacity is now better. and the constant daze and root not letting to even move or cast anything is worst than the rogue. that feat should be reworked, cause it doesnt let the player to do anything AT ALL.
    actually hrs get just over 80k with full rank 7 radiants in all defensive slots.
  • walk2kwalk2k Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Agreed. It's bs. If you miss a dodge at the right time 1 hr will lock you down permanently. And no it's not the same as cw stun or gwf chain prones or even old stunlock rog. it's10x worse.
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    walk2k wrote: »
    Agreed. It's bs. If you miss a dodge at the right time 1 hr will lock you down permanently. And no it's not the same as cw stun or gwf chain prones or even old stunlock rog. it's10x worse.

    So being killed by one class' set of control abilities is worse than being killed by another? I'm not convinced.
    And again, there's been a huge stealth nerf (or at least lack of comparable buff vis-a-vis other classes) to HRs so that a skilled, highly geared trapper does 1/2 to 1/3 the amount of damage done by a similarly geared CW or GWF in epic dungeons. I have nothing against any particular class, but it does seem to me that a lot of whining and sense of entitlement come from those privileged quarters.

    Every class has its strengths and weaknesses in pvp. I played TR for months (mods 2-4) when it was a horribly gimped class and required a lot of skill and experience (and often unwitting cooperation from frustrated opponents) to play effectively. Admittedly it was a faceroll class in mod 5, but some of us had put in our time and earned it. We were told in mod 4 that CWs would now have to choose between control and huge damage. That never happened - the 'nerf' was actually a disguised buff. GWFs complained endlessly about no longer being able to exploit Roar, as if that were the end of their class. Now HRs are stuck doing neither as much control nor nearly as much damage as CWs. So I really can't find a drop of sympathy for this complaining about the one thing HRs can still do effectively.
  • walk2kwalk2k Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    this is about pvp.

    no class should be able to permanently CC another player, period. not even the CONTROL wizard can do that.

    this is simply abuse of a broken/OP skill combo, period.
  • felixkamfelixkam Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    To answer the OP,

    HRs have a paragon feat path called Trapper, which revolves around cycling through encounters quickly. This is shown most clearly by the two feats, Forestbond and Swiftness of the Fox. Forestbond causes the HRs cooldowns to be reduced by 5% whenever a grasping roots is applied, and stacks based on the number of enemies it is applied to. Swiftness of the Fox says that whenever a ranged power is used, melee cooldowns are reduced by 15% and vice-versa. Likewise this applies whenever an enemy is hit by on of the encounters.

    Through this the HR is able to cycle multiple encounters in a row assuming 100% accuracy and hitting multiple enemies, or multiple times with an encounter. The exception to this is when the feat Trapper's Cunning gets mixed in. Trapper's Cunning gives the HRs critical hits a 25% chance to apply weak grasping roots. This means that if a HR crits on a strong root application each and every tick will have a chance to apply the weak roots thus dazing the target while the roots go through. At best in PvP, a HRs strong grasping roots will tick ~4 times, once per second over a 4 second duration. This means that on average each application of strong roots will apply Trapper's Cunning once without other procs coming into question.

    The thing that ties all this together is the class feature Crushing Roots which causes the roots to daze to a maximum of 1 second on strong roots, and 0.5 of a second on weak roots. Thus the standard trapper rotation of Constricting, Hindering, Fox, results in with absolutely perfect timing, a 3.5 second daze per rotation. Then add in a 1.5 second daze from dazing shot, and you have a maximum of 5 seconds worth of daze per rotation, which combined with the previous cooldown reducing feats allows the HR to chain it over and over again.

    And while this sounds OP as heck, it is not as powerful as it sounds due to the following reasons:
    1) Roots last for up to 4 seconds on players, assuming strong roots and 0 tenacity or control resist. This means that the total daze duration per strong root is on average 1.5 seconds.
    2) Trappers Cunning relies on a critical hit to trigger. Thus unless the HR in question gets very lucky with their crits or is built purely towards this, it is unlikely to trigger so often that a strong root permadazes you.
    3) Hindering Shot works off of a charge system which means that at most the HR can get 4 rotations in without pausing before they have to stop. Once they stop there lies your chance to hit them back.
    4) None of the HRs skills with the exception of Dazing Shot actually daze without Crushing Roots being involved. Slotting it however means that the HR loses out on one of the following Aspect of the Lone Wolf, Pathfinder's Action. Stormwarden's Action, or Aspect of the Serpent. In the first two cases, the HR loses out on a significant amount of survivability, in the third case the HR loses out on reliability in pulling off this chain of encounters, and in the last case the HR loses out on a very large amount of damage and crit chance.
    5) The HR is squishy. Very very squishy. This is a problem accentuated by the many bugs which plague it, and a shockingly low base movement speed.
    6) All this is made under the best conditions that a HR could have. That is to say, that the enemy has no tenacity, which they unfortunately do have a very high tendency to have. Reducing the roots or dazes duration directly impacts the ability of a HR to permadaze you as expected. Thus having them makes it much harder for the HR to control you until you die.
    7) Another possible reason why you see so many people complain about how long this lasts is precisely because of just that. How long it lasts. To be more specific, this means that people found it to be less of a problem when you were simply taken down in one rotation by other classes such as the Control Wizard, or Trickster Rogue thanks to their high damage. HR however, does very little damage with each rotation, and the roots deal next to no damage due to yet another bug affecting it. As a result the HR has to slowly wear you down, forcing them to often use 20+ encounters in order to take down the target. This is likely the main reason why people are so frustrated. Because unlike the other classes who finish the fight quickly once you're caught, the HR has to do it slowly and over a long period of time.
    7) The skill and luck required to get to this level of power is extremely high. I can personally attest to the fact that if my computer so much as lags in the manner that it is prone to do with the onset of mod 6, the combo will be screwed up completely to the point that it is barely recoverable. In addition, you need to time your powers perfectly, even past the point of muscle memory since the dazes are so short that you have to screw up the enemies animation period for it to work instead of just mindlessly cycling. Third of all the dazes are only strong when and if Trapper's Cunning procs haveily in your favour.

    Thank you,
    A dedicated HR Main.
    Personal Projects - Check out my take on these D&D classes for Neverwinter:
    - The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class

    Under Work:
    - The Primal Totemist
    - The Wild Sorcerer
    - The Summoning Binder
  • walk2kwalk2k Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I don't doubt what you're saying, maybe there is some other trick you aren't using though, because I can tell you on my CW with shield on tab (20% cc resist), cc resist bonus on offhand artifact, and about 1700 tenacity (t1 pvp set) every HR I run across can pull off this combo on me seemingly quite easily - as in every time, unless I perfectly time a dodge, or have MOC daily up (CC breaker). every. dingle. dang. time. and sure maybe it doesn't do much damage, but if you literally can't do anything for 5 seconds (which is FOR-EVER in pvp, seriously CONTROL wizard gets .5 stuns and 1 sec freezes) then it's broken OP. period.
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    walk2k wrote: »
    I don't doubt what you're saying, maybe there is some other trick you aren't using though, because I can tell you on my CW with shield on tab (5% cc resist) and about 1700 tenacity (t1 pvp set) every HR I run across can pull off this combo on me seemingly quite easily - as in every time, unless I perfectly time a dodge, or have MOC daily up (CC breaker). every. dingle. dang. time. and sure maybe it doesn't do much damage, but if you literally can't do anything for 5 seconds (which is FOR-EVER in pvp, seriously CONTROL wizard gets .5 stuns and 1 sec freezes) then it's broken OP. period.

    your most likely just getting really lucky hrs. cws can kill us so much faster its not even funny. as you know in pvp its usually whoever gets the first shot off wins. if you keep your distance hrs cant keep their encounters going and will be stuck if you dodge an encounter they are stuck. we cant recover like you can our cds are long without the reductions. we dont have many 10 second cool downs like cw has. keep your distance and use moves when were away. also most hrs use our disrupting shot daily which takes 25% action points and a 10 second cooldown. so its basically an extra encounter.
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    felixkam wrote: »
    To answer the OP,

    HRs have a paragon feat path called Trapper, which revolves around cycling through encounters quickly. This is shown most clearly by the two feats, Forestbond and Swiftness of the Fox. Forestbond causes the HRs cooldowns to be reduced by 5% whenever a grasping roots is applied, and stacks based on the number of enemies it is applied to. Swiftness of the Fox says that whenever a ranged power is used, melee cooldowns are reduced by 15% and vice-versa. Likewise this applies whenever an enemy is hit by on of the encounters.

    Through this the HR is able to cycle multiple encounters in a row assuming 100% accuracy and hitting multiple enemies, or multiple times with an encounter. The exception to this is when the feat Trapper's Cunning gets mixed in. Trapper's Cunning gives the HRs critical hits a 25% chance to apply weak grasping roots. This means that if a HR crits on a strong root application each and every tick will have a chance to apply the weak roots thus dazing the target while the roots go through. At best in PvP, a HRs strong grasping roots will tick ~4 times, once per second over a 4 second duration. This means that on average each application of strong roots will apply Trapper's Cunning once without other procs coming into question.

    The thing that ties all this together is the class feature Crushing Roots which causes the roots to daze to a maximum of 1 second on strong roots, and 0.5 of a second on weak roots. Thus the standard trapper rotation of Constricting, Hindering, Fox, results in with absolutely perfect timing, a 3.5 second daze per rotation. Then add in a 1.5 second daze from dazing shot, and you have a maximum of 5 seconds worth of daze per rotation, which combined with the previous cooldown reducing feats allows the HR to chain it over and over again.

    And while this sounds OP as heck, it is not as powerful as it sounds due to the following reasons:
    1) Roots last for up to 4 seconds on players, assuming strong roots and 0 tenacity or control resist. This means that the total daze duration per strong root is on average 1.5 seconds.
    2) Trappers Cunning relies on a critical hit to trigger. Thus unless the HR in question gets very lucky with their crits or is built purely towards this, it is unlikely to trigger so often that a strong root permadazes you.
    3) Hindering Shot works off of a charge system which means that at most the HR can get 4 rotations in without pausing before they have to stop. Once they stop there lies your chance to hit them back.
    4) None of the HRs skills with the exception of Dazing Shot actually daze without Crushing Roots being involved. Slotting it however means that the HR loses out on one of the following Aspect of the Lone Wolf, Pathfinder's Action. Stormwarden's Action, or Aspect of the Serpent. In the first two cases, the HR loses out on a significant amount of survivability, in the third case the HR loses out on reliability in pulling off this chain of encounters, and in the last case the HR loses out on a very large amount of damage and crit chance.
    5) The HR is squishy. Very very squishy. This is a problem accentuated by the many bugs which plague it, and a shockingly low base movement speed.
    6) All this is made under the best conditions that a HR could have. That is to say, that the enemy has no tenacity, which they unfortunately do have a very high tendency to have. Reducing the roots or dazes duration directly impacts the ability of a HR to permadaze you as expected. Thus having them makes it much harder for the HR to control you until you die.
    7) Another possible reason why you see so many people complain about how long this lasts is precisely because of just that. How long it lasts. To be more specific, this means that people found it to be less of a problem when you were simply taken down in one rotation by other classes such as the Control Wizard, or Trickster Rogue thanks to their high damage. HR however, does very little damage with each rotation, and the roots deal next to no damage due to yet another bug affecting it. As a result the HR has to slowly wear you down, forcing them to often use 20+ encounters in order to take down the target. This is likely the main reason why people are so frustrated. Because unlike the other classes who finish the fight quickly once you're caught, the HR has to do it slowly and over a long period of time.
    7) The skill and luck required to get to this level of power is extremely high. I can personally attest to the fact that if my computer so much as lags in the manner that it is prone to do with the onset of mod 6, the combo will be screwed up completely to the point that it is barely recoverable. In addition, you need to time your powers perfectly, even past the point of muscle memory since the dazes are so short that you have to screw up the enemies animation period for it to work instead of just mindlessly cycling. Third of all the dazes are only strong when and if Trapper's Cunning procs haveily in your favour.

    Thank you,
    A dedicated HR Main.

    this this and more this thank you for telling the truth!!!!
  • foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    felixkam wrote: »
    To answer the OP,

    HRs have a paragon feat path called Trapper, which revolves around cycling through encounters quickly. This is shown most clearly by the two feats, Forestbond and Swiftness of the Fox. Forestbond causes the HRs cooldowns to be reduced by 5% whenever a grasping roots is applied, and stacks based on the number of enemies it is applied to. Swiftness of the Fox says that whenever a ranged power is used, melee cooldowns are reduced by 15% and vice-versa. Likewise this applies whenever an enemy is hit by on of the encounters.

    Through this the HR is able to cycle multiple encounters in a row assuming 100% accuracy and hitting multiple enemies, or multiple times with an encounter. The exception to this is when the feat Trapper's Cunning gets mixed in. Trapper's Cunning gives the HRs critical hits a 25% chance to apply weak grasping roots. This means that if a HR crits on a strong root application each and every tick will have a chance to apply the weak roots thus dazing the target while the roots go through. At best in PvP, a HRs strong grasping roots will tick ~4 times, once per second over a 4 second duration. This means that on average each application of strong roots will apply Trapper's Cunning once without other procs coming into question.

    The thing that ties all this together is the class feature Crushing Roots which causes the roots to daze to a maximum of 1 second on strong roots, and 0.5 of a second on weak roots. Thus the standard trapper rotation of Constricting, Hindering, Fox, results in with absolutely perfect timing, a 3.5 second daze per rotation. Then add in a 1.5 second daze from dazing shot, and you have a maximum of 5 seconds worth of daze per rotation, which combined with the previous cooldown reducing feats allows the HR to chain it over and over again.

    And while this sounds OP as heck, it is not as powerful as it sounds due to the following reasons:
    1) Roots last for up to 4 seconds on players, assuming strong roots and 0 tenacity or control resist. This means that the total daze duration per strong root is on average 1.5 seconds.
    2) Trappers Cunning relies on a critical hit to trigger. Thus unless the HR in question gets very lucky with their crits or is built purely towards this, it is unlikely to trigger so often that a strong root permadazes you.
    3) Hindering Shot works off of a charge system which means that at most the HR can get 4 rotations in without pausing before they have to stop. Once they stop there lies your chance to hit them back.
    4) None of the HRs skills with the exception of Dazing Shot actually daze without Crushing Roots being involved. Slotting it however means that the HR loses out on one of the following Aspect of the Lone Wolf, Pathfinder's Action. Stormwarden's Action, or Aspect of the Serpent. In the first two cases, the HR loses out on a significant amount of survivability, in the third case the HR loses out on reliability in pulling off this chain of encounters, and in the last case the HR loses out on a very large amount of damage and crit chance.
    5) The HR is squishy. Very very squishy. This is a problem accentuated by the many bugs which plague it, and a shockingly low base movement speed.
    6) All this is made under the best conditions that a HR could have. That is to say, that the enemy has no tenacity, which they unfortunately do have a very high tendency to have. Reducing the roots or dazes duration directly impacts the ability of a HR to permadaze you as expected. Thus having them makes it much harder for the HR to control you until you die.
    7) Another possible reason why you see so many people complain about how long this lasts is precisely because of just that. How long it lasts. To be more specific, this means that people found it to be less of a problem when you were simply taken down in one rotation by other classes such as the Control Wizard, or Trickster Rogue thanks to their high damage. HR however, does very little damage with each rotation, and the roots deal next to no damage due to yet another bug affecting it. As a result the HR has to slowly wear you down, forcing them to often use 20+ encounters in order to take down the target. This is likely the main reason why people are so frustrated. Because unlike the other classes who finish the fight quickly once you're caught, the HR has to do it slowly and over a long period of time.
    7) The skill and luck required to get to this level of power is extremely high. I can personally attest to the fact that if my computer so much as lags in the manner that it is prone to do with the onset of mod 6, the combo will be screwed up completely to the point that it is barely recoverable. In addition, you need to time your powers perfectly, even past the point of muscle memory since the dazes are so short that you have to screw up the enemies animation period for it to work instead of just mindlessly cycling. Third of all the dazes are only strong when and if Trapper's Cunning procs haveily in your favour.

    Thank you,
    A dedicated HR Main.

    Hi. i read everything u wrote down in such long post (never did that on a long post) and i appreciate ur information, but this happens:

    I am cleric focused on defensive stats.
    DR 29.4%
    Deflec chance 26%
    90K HP (t2 pvp set)
    I have met these specced rangers, and compared to a Control wizard, it is more a pain of a battle than a wizard i have concluded this.
    I don't mention rogues, cause rogues's dazes were fixed. At least with control wizard i am able to dodge and actually hit the wizard so i can build more divine power. With this ranger i dont. Even if u say trapper rangers have low damage, the PERMANENT (cause it is indeed permanent) roots followed by dazes won't let u do anything (not moves, not attacks). so it doesnt matter if trapper has low damage, they will kill the enemy slowly without taking damage. This is a similar situation with the rogue mod 5. perma root with daze is worst than perma daze from rogue mod 5.
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