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PvP Guilds - Any Recruiting?

strandthemanstrandtheman Member Posts: 24 Arc User
edited May 2015 in PvP Discussion
Forgive me for posting a question about guilds here, but I would expect fellow PvPers to be spending more time in this thread than elsewhere. :)

Anyways, as title states, I am curious if any Xbox PvP guilds were looking for new members? I am a skilled PvPer and have played Neverwinter on PC back when it was in beta. My Warlock on Xbox has just hit lvl 60 and has the full T1 PvP set. Now, I know what you're thinking and probably laughing at a Warlock doing serious PvP, but I know my class and do quite well despite it's weaknesses (2,000 player kills, Head Hunter title...not bragging as any Warlock should have that lol, but rather just stating as proof of experience in PvP). I also have a GF that should be 60 this weekend and will have the full T1 set as well.

Just hoping to find a good group of players to do some organized PvP with as working on the getting the Profound set with randoms is getting a little stressful! :p


Scourge@Strand the Man (SW)
Indominus Rex@Strand the Man (GF)
Post edited by strandtheman on


  • iboxyyiboxyy Member Posts: 70
    edited April 2015
    Hey there LuckyStrike runs daily clears on CN and other dungeons as well as a lot of PvP. We are always looking for active members.

    Msg iboxyy on Xbox live and you can check out the organization on twitter @ClanLuckyStrike almost to 40k followers we are also partnered with Twitch among other companies
    You can check out our website at clanluckystrike.com
  • shoukonsshoukons Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hey man hit me up. I'm part of the guild S.O.U.L. and we pvp all day. I'm on a lot and I'm a 12.3k GS and we usually run GS/Cleric/Hunter/Rogue/random person. We have many members on so always have a few for a premade, all with mics.
    Time: EST
    in game name: Shoukon
    GT: I Eat Civics
    Node Troll
  • kurls15kurls15 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Send me Glitterfart@Kurls 50th or anyone with the tag a message. we will test your ways and see if you make a good fit.
  • zookieeeeeezookieeeeee Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    <K A R M A> would also like to give you a run or two to see how you fit. Newer guild making its name quickly message add gamertag Tha Zook and shoot me a message or inv
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